TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@momofkinsandbean does it show SRAR with a green check? My daughter’s SRAR showed complete on 8/5 and application submitted on 7/31. We just received class rank today. When I talked with someone in admissions, they said the process time for class rank is usually a few weeks after successfully submitting SRAR.

Yes, her SRAR is done, but I assumed that they would be taking the class rank from the official transcript that the school has to send, not just what she self reported. Is that not the case? I know the school sent it, but I don’t know that A&M received it. The red X is still there.

@momofkinsandbean they ranked my daughter based on her SRAR. Her school does not rank though. From what I understand, the SRAR would be used to rank because it speeds up the process of waiting on official transcripts from the school. It just takes them a few weeks to review the SRAR once it is submitted.

It appears that they rank based on SRAR, however, if you’re in top 10%, at least, it requires the submission of the school’s official transcript to validate. My student’s app has been complete for a while, so the actual verbiage is gone, but there was some blurb telling him to submit an official transcript (for top 10% rank) when he got his netid, and could login-- TAMU already had his transcript & test scores, they just had to associate them with his app.

They don’t specifically say on the Admissions FAQ for the SRAR, but I get the distinct impression that the SRAR review goes a lot faster if they have your official transcript already. It was a whopping four business days from app submission to “Complete & In Review”–all green checkmarks, including “additional docs requested for admission” (high school transcript & scholarship app), and linked SRAR, until “application complete & in review”.

Class rank just updated for my daughter (non-ranking school). App submitted 7/24, scores received and SRAR green checked around 7/30. 1Q and qualifying SAT scores should make her academic admit. Gig ‘em!

Hello, new parent to the forum. Appreciate all the great info. Sharing my son’s info:
When did you apply: 8/17/19
Class Rank: 9 / 617
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1380 (Reading 690, Math 690)
When did you receive your admission decision: Pending
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Auto
Major/College of Choice: Meteorology/TAMU

When did you apply: July 6th
Class rank: school does not rank, assigned 1st quartile by the university
GPA: 3.7
ACT: 27 (33 English, 28 Reading, 23 Math, 24 Science)
Admission Decision: TBD
Major/College of Choice: Sport management (College of Education and Human Development)
I know nobody can be completely sure of odds of admission, but feedback is appreciated. Also, will applying for sport management give me a better chance as a review admit as opposed to applying to Mays or another more popular major? How much of a role does community service play in admissions decisions (I currently have a little over 650 hours and feel like that might be able to boost my chances)

@zgregory512 Your major is not a factor in being admitted. Being a review applicant, the chance of admission for a review applicant is 20% or less.

Hi, new student to the forum.
When did you apply: July 23rd
Class Rank: Top 25% (ranked by A&M)
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1460 (R/W: 740; M: 720)
ACT (with Sub Scores): N/A
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: History
I’m an out-of-state student, and my rank was determined by A&M using the information in my SRAR. When my AIS checklist finally said that my class rank was complete, it said “Top Quarter” next to class rank, meaning I would be considered an Academic Admit. But now, when I go onto the AIS, it no longer reads “Top Quarter” next to the Class Rank box- it’s just blank. The class rank is still checked off, but I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same issue? I hope this doesn’t change my ability to get admitted during the first round of letters in September. They shouldn’t have changed my rank, as I have above a 4.0 unweighted, but I don’t know if this was supposed to happen.

@Julia2002, one thought-- did you request a transcript from your school? Under “Additional Documents Requested for ADMISSION”, do you have a green check mark for "High School Transcript From "?

@nomatter, I did request a transcript from my school, and it shows that A&M received it under the tab “My Documents.” However, my school is a non-ranking school, so A&M had to create a rank for me based on my SRAR. It seemed like they already ranked me in the top 25%, but then that ranking stopped appearing a few days ago next to “Class Rank,” though that box is still checked off.

@julia2002, but is the green check mark there for high school transcript? TAMU can show the document as received, without it having been processed yet. It’s possible that TAMU received your transcript after assigning your rank based on the SRAR so your rank is being withheld until your transcript is processed. If you have the green check mark, I’d recommend that you use the contact feature in AIS to ask them about it. Use of the SRAR for ranking is new, so we don’t really know how it’s playing into TAMUs ranking of students from non-ranking schools for academic admit, assured admissions.

@nomatter, The only box listed “Official High School Transcript” is under “Additional documents required if admitted,” and that box is not checked off. However, I think that box is only for the final transcript that needs to be sent at the end of the year once admitted, so I don’t think the transcript I sent would qualify for that category anyways. None of the boxes under Documents Required or Requested for Admission read “Transcript.” Additionally, my transcript was received about 3 weeks before my class rank was checked off and marked as Top Quarter.

For my son,
When did you apply: 8/23/19
Class Rank: 132/681
SAT (with Sub Scores). 1450 (770 Math, 680 English)
ACT (with Sub Scores)
When did you receive your admission decision:
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic
Major/College of Choice: 1) Engineering 2)Apply Math
NHS , 15 APs, Science competition club ,150+ volunteer hours
Chance of him getting into Engineer at A&M college station?
Any feedback is appreciated.

For my D20,
When did you apply: 7/3/19
Class Rank: 52/466, 11% (1Q)
GPA: 3.9/4.0
ACT (with Sub Scores) 26 (R26, E26, M26, S25)
When did you receive your admission decision: Pending
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Business/Mays, 2nd choice major: Economics

4-year Varsity Sport (2-year Captain), NHS, Student Council (Class Officer), PALS, Spirit organizations, Community/Church organizations, over 300 volunteer hours

We know she won’t get into Mays as a review candidate, but hoping for Econ.

Applications is listed as COMPLETE as of 9/3
Rank (school does not actually rank students outside of the top 10%)- 1st quarter
So…now we wait for the actual “Acceptance” notice and the Engineering review. Fingers crossed!

Good luck. You sound like a great applicant and should do well at Cstat! Keep us posted.

My daughter will be a review admit. Application is currently complete and in review. Does anyone know when they generally start looking at those applications? She is a Forensic Science major and only applied to 6 schools. She has already been accepted into 5/6 Ole Miss, University of Alabama, UH, SHSU, and UNT. Her first choice is A&M.

What are her stats @aggiemomwannabe?

(posting for son)
When did you apply: 7/22 (colorado resident)
Class Rank: 23% weighted; 25% non
GPA: 3.65
SAT (with Sub Scores) 610 english, 620 math
ACT (with Sub Scores) 29 composite, 30 english, 27 math, 31 science, 32 reading
retaking ACT next week
When did you receive your admission decision: waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: ?
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
*took honors Calc, honors Chem as a Junior. taking A/P Calc AB, AP Chem, Physics, and engineering as a senior.
Ex Curr: Varsity hockey 3 yrs, team captain, lots of community service including Jr. Coaching 8u hockey. Summer jobs in construction, hockey ref. National honor society. Long legacy of TAMU engineers/architect in my family (grandparents, aunts, Dad is Chem E '94, cousins.
***Two recommendation letters
Hoping to get accepted to TAMU as well as engineering program. Odds??