TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

CS Mines money is just pandering $$, like JCP, jack up the MRSP and offer a discount.

Thank you. She applied July 2nd. She is roughly 13%. Act was a 27 with 30 in english and 28 in math. We are in state. She has tons of volunteer and extracurricular activities including NCL, Cotillion, and NHS. She is also a swimmer both in high school and after school for a club. We tried to follow advice as it was given to us including applying early and taking a campus and dorm tour. Very thankful to hear early. We didnā€™t really think we would hear anything until December or February. Good luck.

My son scored 680 in math on his SAT with 730 in reading .
Should we be concerned now?

Congratulations @Netsirk123

The past two cycles - there have been reports of a couple review admits getting into Mays early. Always around this time. Nobody has been able to pin point what exactly makes their applications stand out above others. Though, if I recall correctly, they seem to be very close to Auto or academic admit thresholds.

The example above has high rank and subscores higher than the composite. The subscores meet the academic threshold but the composite does not. Meaning this student did significantly poorer on the two sections that TAMU cares less about. Plus they applied very early - and have shown outside interest in TAMU. On the surface, you see 27 and think no. But if you break it down, you can see how or why it might be possible. Particularly with listing of very time consuming extra curriculars.

There are so many quality applicants. I can see why TAMU would rather have the above student - that was interested enough to apply on Day 1 or 2 of the applications opening and tour the campus than an Auto or Academic admit that waited until November to apply. Which student appears to be more passionate about TAMU? And which is probably having TAMU as a safety school to McCombs? We are talking students that are very similar academically.

In a couple weeks - we should start seeing recent applications that are auto or academic admit that have Mays or Visualization listed as their first choice - get their second major choice. We then know Mays and Visualization are filled. Both filled before the end of November last cycle.

Pretty much, based on the last two cycles, this is the only time you will see review candidates get Mays. And it is not common.

@BlueBayouAZ wow thank you for all the info! what iā€™m drawing is that as a review applicant to mays i no longer have a chance to be accepted, is that correct? guess iā€™ll start hoping i get my second choice

I would not be too concerned, particularly since he is an academic admit. The 708 is the average for 2017. Some are lower and some are higher. The 680 is in the ballpark. Unless there are other factors (not having the math and science foundation coursework) I would still think there is a solid chance.

Edited to add:
I just checked Fall 2019. The mean/median for engineering is 702/700
So it has not increased since 2017.

Sometime in November Mays will fill up. At that point nobody else, auto, academic, or review applicant will get in. Same with Visualization.

I knew before Thanksgiving that my daughter (28 ACT, 29M &27E) was not going to get into Visualization. I had confirmed with our TAMU regional office that Visualization was in fact full. I learned it was full from a review admit on this board that had engineering as her second choice. She was accepted the TAMU - but Visualization was full - so she was in engineering review.

I tried to explain to my husband and at that point that we really needed to be guiding her toward her other choices. (She had done two A&M visualization summer camps, campus tour, applied first week of August etc) He thought I was jumping the gun, but I explained to him about this message board and the clear patterns,

She was in a late round of PSA announcements the first week of March. I am glad we spent the 3 1/2 months guiding her toward a home at a different university.

Boogie818, I think that 680 is not bad score. Thatā€™s what my son scored on SAT too. But we never submitted this score. We submitted ACT. Much higher scores than in SAT. My son always scored better in ACT. I donā€™t really know the reason. But I think that 680 is nice score and decent score for engineering.
My son got admitted to engineering 3 days after he submitted his resume. I believe that resume plays a big role in holistic review. Of course itā€™s probably big coincidence but 3 days after his submitted resume he got accepted into engineering. His essay was strong and his resume was very good. My son put everything in his resume, even invitation from Stanford for summer classes ( even I believe a lot of smart kiddos get these invitation, but it looks good). His programming capabilities, strong math and languages, even all declined invitations from organizations, just to show Tamu who wanted him to join them. I strongly believe that resume is big with holistic approach.
Did he submit his resume? How was his essay?
I think your son has a chance !!!

@MomOfTeens77 he did submit a wonderful essay and strong resume that included all of his ECā€™s and work experience as well his volunteering. He participated in an engineering class at UC Berkeley between his sophomore and junior year that was also included.
He is heavily involved in theater, which he feels makes him unique. There arenā€™t too many theater kids that are also engineering focused like he is. He believes this will help him stand out as diverse as well as prove his ability to juggle a busy schedule and still maintain his high grades and keep up with course requirements.
He works a part time job in addition to his responsibilities as student body president.
My husband and I are praying for TAMU for him in spite of his recent change of heart and desire for UT engineering ?

What are the chances I get into mays? I only applied oct 27 because I didnt realize it was rolling admissions. I am academic admit, but now I am scared I wont get in because spots will be filled up.
People say it gets filled mid November/early Decemberā€¦how long will it take for admissions to review my application and give me acceptance, or is it just computer generated acceptance for academic admits?
My ACT is a 34 if that helps at all. I also attend a highly competitive school (top 3 best high schools in Texas)

Boogie818- I know itā€™s stressful, but I think that your son has a good chance, the waiting is a big stressor. And after the waiting is over ( or even before) our kiddos come with all other things like not knowing if they donā€™t want to change schools or major etc. Like itā€™s not enough for us already :-))
I think that theater is very nice touch, it shows he has all kind of interests. My son put in his resume study of old languages, which he loves- like sumerian, old proto Germanic etc. Heā€™s all over with his hobbies :slight_smile: And you are righ, their resume helps them to stand up a little. UC Berkeley stands up too, :slight_smile:
My son is one of the kids who doesnā€™t score that high high, either. But our kids are smart cookies and eventually, they will find their path.
Did you check the statistics of Austin? What is his chance to get there? From what I heard they are really competitive with strong testing scores. But I never saw any statistics.
It will be ok, try not to worry.
Good luck

Iā€™m going to have another Aggie!! We are so happy! My review candidate D20 was just admitted to Mays! It IS possible.

Applied: 7/3
Rank: 11%
GPA: 3.9/4.0 unweighted, 5.0 weighted
Academics: 24 hrs Dual Credit, 5 AP classes (all Aā€™s)
ACT: 26 composite (26 on all subtests except 25 on science)
Extracurricular: Varsity sport 4 years (Captain 2 years, District/Area/Regional Champion), Club sport (Junior Olympian), NHS, Student Council (Vice President), PALS (peer mentor), Spirit Organization leader, lots of school and church youth leadership and involvement, two excellent letters of rec, strong essay, over 400 hours of community service including Special Olympic coach and helping adults with special needs in our community. Participated in 9-month leadership program on civic engagement. Also has worked a part-time job for the past 2 years.

I think her well-rounded resume and being so close to auto admit, as well as getting everything in by 7/3 helped her stand out. She is not a good standardized test taker (the timed factor kills her) but I hope they could see that an A student who is involved in leadership roles in her church, school, and community, and able to balance athletics and a job is going to be someone who can succeed in college and be a asset to the Aggie student body.

Congrats to those of you who received good news and Good Luck to everyone still waiting for a decision.

We will see. My son is not applying to engineering or business. So, the hurdles may be somewhat less, but it is still tough to get in on review.

My daughter is so excited!

When did you apply: 7/1
Class Rank: 23%
SAT (with Sub Scores) NA
ACT (with Sub Scores) 28, not sure of subscores
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/3? (She just checked portal today)
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: review
Major/College of Choice: Education

I just realized that for some reason I did skipped the college of education when I put these stats together. I just added it.

Iā€™m posting this 2018 info because I plan on running the same stats when the 2019 data is released, expected later this month. The previous post looks at the number of people Applied VS Admitted by college. The below stats look at the makeup of the freshman class by college. In other words the percentage of freshmen students in each college.

Agriculture 944 9%
Architecture 292 3%
Business administration 1025 10%
Education 749 7%
Engineering 4006 37%
Geosciences 117 1%
General Studies 711 7%
Liberal Arts 994 9%
Science 928 9%
Veterinary Medicine 806 8%
Public Heath 187 2%

Total 10,759

60% is STEM (69% if you include Ag as STEM)

@BlueBayouAZ, very helpful info, thank you!

Any admits to the College of Science yet? Or does anyone know if these are not reviewed/released until after the 12/1 deadline?

does tamu really require you to send all sat scores? i found no mention of that at all on their official website, im thinking its just a rumor/wrong information?

No, you do not have to send all of them. If you did though, they would only look at what benefits you the most. Only trust TAMU admissions site. If it doesnā€™t say it and you are still unsure, then call them or chat online. And how in the world would they even know if you took the SAT x amount of times. They are a bit busy to worry themselves with things the student didnā€™t send in. Hope that helps alleviate some fear.