TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@icedmachiato Me too. I have to hope that if my sons stats are good enough for a scholarship (no matter how small), they are good enough for engineering. But you never know…

Class Rank: 263/813 (32%) 4.0/5.0 GPA
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1360, 680 verbal, 670 math.
ACT (with Sub Scores): 31, 31 English, 31 Math, 31 Reading, 30 Science
When did you receive your admission decision: Pending…
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Accounting/Mays Business School


  • Summer Marketing Internship at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Vice President / Head of Marketing of Photography Club
  • Historian of Key Club
  • Men's Section Leader for Varsity Choir
  • Team Captain of a Co-Ed Volleyball Team outside of school
  • 4 year member/competitor of Future Business Leaders of America
  • Over 100 volunteer hours

@AggieMomhelp , I see you helping a lot, could you perhaps chance me?

Question about sending ACT Scores. Here are stats:

SAT 1290 (best she could do out of 4 tries) Reading 670 Math 620
SAT 1280 Reading 650 Math 630
GPA 4.0
Class rank: Top 20%

She submitted her application in July.

The question: She took the ACT twice and just got her scores back:

26 - English 33 Math 27 Science 21
25 - English 35 Math 25 Science 17

Is it even worth sending in the ACT scores???

@AggieMomhelp @Thelma2
rank 70/843 (auto admission)

SAT score: 1340 (630 reading 710 math)

AP classes (including ones i’m currently taking): AP human geo, AP world history, AP US History, AP lit, AP lang, AP calculus AB, AP environmental science, AP comp sci principles, AP physics 1, AP physics C, AP chem, AP macro, and AP gov

85 hours of community service
ecs: yoga (i’m also a certified yoga teacher) dance, vocal lessons

Idk if this helps but i applied for environmental engineering which is less competitive and i’m also a female

I also applied on October 14th which is before the early application deadline

I am so scared that my SAT score isnt good enough because it seems like everyone has a 1400+ (also, does anyone know how many people get denied even if they have auto/academic admission?)

@lankko I think you have a great shot at admission but probably won’t make mays since it’ll be full by the time you’re accepted. Hopefully your essay addressed lower rank. That’s obviously what will hold you back since test scores show how intelligent you are. They want well rounded (classes, scores and ec). Best of luck and keep us posted.

@akak1212 you won’t get denied. Worst case is you’ll be offered alternative campus or change your major to something on main campus. But don’t do that if you really want engineering. I knew someone top 2% local school and got blinn eng academy. He loved it. Had 3.9 when ETaM came around and rolled right into full time admit. So know your alternative solutions but I think you’ll be fine with your curriculum and 710 math. Best of luck!!!

@aggies8688 yes. Send in those ace score. That 35 English is very impressive. What’s the major???

My son (in-state):
Class Rank: 7/834, 4.0 unweighted, 5.74 weighted
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1520, 740 verbal, 780 math.
ACT (with Sub Scores): 35, 35 English, 35 Math, 35 Reading, 34 Science
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/12/19 in the mail (received email 1:00a same date). Applied 10/21/19
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Auto
Major/College of Choice: Mays Business School

  • Summer library volunteer, Mathnasium tutor
  • 4 years of DECA, district, state and international. 1st Place international 2019
  • National AP Scholar
  • Mu Alpha Theta
  • Spanish Honor Society
  • Quiz Bowl
  • Band 1 year

He didn’t have leadership positions until senior year but now holds maybe 2-3 lower positions. He has a part time job at HEB - up to 20 + hours a week.

@AggieMomhelp Thank you for your kindly answer.

As you mention, it seems that my son is being reviewed as holistic review process for general engineering. In regards thinking about holistic review, in fact, he didn’t send letter of recommendation when he applied application. It was an optional and he couldn’t find the way to upload the letter of recommendation because his school was not allow to share the LOR to student.

However, as per his school counselor, LOR can be sent by electronically to the admission office if require.

Now I’m wondering if still LOR can be considered as holistic review when admission department review his application or too late ? If yes, then I will ask his counselor to send LOR to school electronically.

Sorry for too much question. Please advise me if I have to ask admission Office directly.

Thank you.

My son is an Engineering major, Class of 2023! I was on that thread constantly last year, and @Thelma2 and @AggieMomhelp were AMAZING resources!

I’m soooo happy to say that my son is thriving so far! Engineering is challenging, but he loves it and has made a lot of friends already (that was my biggest concern as a mom)!

My second son is a current junior and plans to be an Aggie as well; of course, he’s Class of 2025, so we’ve got a while.

My question for @Thelma2 or @AggieMomhelp or anyone who may know is this:

If he decides to attend community college his first year, would his top 10% admit from high school be accepted at TAMU, or does that go out the door? He is considering another opportunity, but I don’t want him to forfeit his automatic admission, especially since he wants Mays Business School.

Thanks so much for your help!

@cannonmom Hi! Welcome back. He does not forfeit his automatic admit. He has 4 years to claim it.

Automatic Transfer Admission through SB175
To be automatically admitted via SB175, the applicant must have graduated in the top 10% of his or her high school graduating class from a Texas high school not more than 4 years prior to the semester for which the student is applying. The top 10% ranking must be stated on the final high school transcript -or- the applicant must have been previously offered admission under the top 10% rule to Texas A&M University.

Hope that helps alleviate some stress. AND so happy your other son is doing so well. We are only as happy as our unhappiest child!!! It’s great when they find their place!

@cannonmom there was also this as a requirement. From this (below) it sounds like he would need to complete all core classes before being admitted. However, if he does well at CC, then he can apply straight transfer after a year (24 credits and major required classes complete).

The applicant must also satisfy the following requirements:

Complete the core-curriculum at a public junior college or other public or private lower-division institution in Texas with a 2.5 GPA on a four-point scale or equivalent.

Provide a transcript noting core completion.

Expressly and clearly claim in the application that they are seeking admission under the transfer top 10% rule (SB175).

Provide all of the documents required for transfer admission to Texas A&M by the posted deadline. Transfer requirements are listed under How to Apply.
Students qualifying for transfer top 10% admission under SB175 will be admitted to Texas A&M but the choice of major is not guaranteed.

It’s official! His engineering review status just changed in Howdy to: Major: ENGE Program: BAC-ENGE-PE Location: College Station Whoop!!!

Whoop! Yes! I saw your message and nervously checking howdy. AIS still shows Engineering Review. I got that shivering feel on my skin. I can’t believe how involved I’m in this whole thing. Congrats to you too. I know you’ve been waiting!

@icedmachiato Check Howdy under ‘manage your application’. That is where it is posted first. AIS can take a day or two to update.

We see it too !!! Yay !!! Try looking in Howdy instead of AIS . You go to applicant and then look under “ manage application “. That is where we see the change .

I sure hope others see good news as well ! Our AIS still says under engineering review .

My son’s status changed from UNEN to ENGE today as well in the Howdy portal

First when I looked in howdy i did not see anything. But now after @fishfamx4 and @kasper0137 mentioned to look under “manage application” , I see the following. I never looked at this tab before, so not sure what was there before to compare. Does this mean my son is admitted into engineering?

Application Status: WHOOP! You have been ADMITTED Level : Undergraduate Major: ENGE Program: BAC-ENGE-CS Location: College Station "

@PP2024 Yes ! Congrats !

@kasper0137 thank you for confirming. Congratulations to all of you too!

When did you apply: planning on applying on 11/14/2019

Class Rank: 232 / 706

GPA: 4.0/4.0 (unweighted) & 5.91/6.0 (weighted)

SAT (with Sub Scores)
1590 (800 math / 790 English)
Essay (4 Reading / 4 Analysis / 4 Writing)

SAT [Subject Tests]
Math Level 2 (790)
Biology E (800)
Physics (720)
Chemistry (740)
U.S. History (780)
English (800)
Spanish (750)

ACT (with Sub Scores)
36 Composite (36 English, 35 Math, 36 Reading, 36 Science)
12 Writing

Classes (AP & IB)
IB History SL, IB History HL, IB Economics, IB Literature SL, IB Literature HL, IB Physics SL, IB Physics HL, IB Biology SL, IB Math HL, IB Spanish SL, AP Statistics, AP Calculus BC, AP US History, AP Human Geography, AP Computer Science A.

AP & IB Scores
(AP = out of 5, IB = out of 7)

IB Economics - 7
IB Spanish - 7
AP Calculus BC - 5
AP Human Geography - 5
AP Computer Science - 5
AP US History - 5

(others are going to be taken this spring)

Student Council (Vice President)
HOSA (Secretary)
Varsity volleyball
Debate (President)
Economics Club
Science Bowl
Model UN (Secretary)
Poetry Club (President)

When did you receive your admission decision: Pending

Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review (not in top 25%)

Major/College of Choice: Mays Business School

What are my chances of getting in?
I’m kind of scared.

@“on.kwon” Your profile as a whole is extremely impressive, however Mays Business school fills up very quick and you’re applying fairly late. If you applied in October you would definitely have a spot in Mays.