TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@icycowgrl That is the page I would watch . Most people say it changes before AIS does . I think it still means you are in review for Mays but you may see it change if Mays is full . It will change to WHOOP you’ve been admitted and then the major listed at that time will be the one you are admitted to .

Friend’s son had 1380 SAT (not verbal cutoff) and nearly 4.0 wtd GPA. Minimal ECs. Large north Dallas suburb school. Applied 10/22. Got acceptance package in mail yesterday but Mays is full. General admit. Probably going to UTD.

I thought I’d see what you think of my son’s chances…

28 ACT (he did well in Reading 32, Sci 27, English 27, Math 25)
2nd Quarter (very competitive HS)
Eagle Scout
Played lacrosse, football
Lifeguarded as his summer job
Cello player for 6 years
Earning his private pilots license this year, before he graduates
Various other clubs

Wants to be in the Corps (did The spend the night event), Major in international studies or political science

His AP classes were English, and history, and he did well in those

He’s been in review since Halloween, and he thinks he will probably hear back by spring break… He would love to do Blinn Team if not a full admit.

He’s heard from Tech and the Citadel, and been offered scholarships at both. He plans on entering the Air Force after graduation, hopefully with a pilot slot.

Hi all. My son was auto-admit in September, and was accepted into engineering school last week. He applied for honors engineering. Any idea if notifications have started going out for that program?

My daughter is the same way. She was top 10 percent until the fall updated transcripts came out. She has a 29 on her ACT So, basically missing just by a smidge on auto admit, but we keep just seeing App Complete and In Review. What are her chances??

I don’t understand… if your daughter was top 10% at end of junior year, then she’s auto admit. Not sure why fall rankings would apply here.

@H2OTexas your son sounds like a great candidate. Hoping they overlook 2nd quarter.

When she met with counselor in spring of junior year, she was in the top 10%. Over the summer, kids drop out or somehow the numbers adjusted; so when her school “published” official transcripts in August, she had dropped to about 10.1%. We go to a 6A school in Texas, very competitive. Believe me, we were surprised by the change. Her gpa actually went up.

Sat 1200
GPA 93.81 unweighted 95.77 weighted
Class rank N/A school doesn’t rank
Have around 100 service hours probably more With some service dealing with animals
In multiple clubs and received multiple awards for academic success
Summer baseball + a job
3 letters of rec
Applied 9/30
Review admits decision still pending
Applied for Animal science with wildlife and fisheries as backup

I’m just wondering what my chances are like and when I should hear back


OOS living in India
Full IB student (Math, Physics, Chem HL)
Anticipated Major: Computer Science

SAT: 1490 (800 in Math)
SAT Subject Tests: Math Level 2 - 800

Applied: 10/15/2019
Accepted: 10/22/2019
Accepted to Engineering: 11/14/2019

Should I be concerned?
Applied on 9/28/2019 before the Early Engineering deadline of Oct 15th. AIS is still showing that my app is complete but under review. I was expecting either a denial or AIS switching to Engineering Review by now.
Others with similar scores and rankings have either been accepted into the engineering program or AIS has put them into engineering review.

Hey @capsgt Most of the ones that have heard from engineering have been auto or academic admit. It’s not uncommon for holistic review engineering students to hear back in January or February even if you did early decision. You won’t hear about a denial (should that be the outcome) until March. They send those out last. However, most engineering students get some type of offer like an academy or PSA. Hang in there.

@AggieMomhelp Thanks! Sorry I am a bit impatient to hear back either good or bad. I am starting to fear that I my not be a Aggie fit.
I have read elsewhere on the forum that more than 40 dual/college credits makes one eligible for full admit only.
I am only one semester away from a AS in Mechanical Engineering.
If I get the degree in the spring I will be a transfer only and that would make my freshman application invalid.
U of Mich said I’d be a great transfer candidate. I hear transferring into ENGR at TAMU is tough due to space availability.
Just trying to get the scoop so I can make a informed decision.

@CAPSgt me too, honestly :confused: the more i wait to hear back, the more anxious i get that they don’t think i’m a good fit

@CAPSgt & @m0tionsickn3ss I know it’s hard not to, but try not to worry, or read meaning into not having a decision yet! The majority of the decisions seem to come in January/February time frame.

You’ve done the hard work, so take this week to breathe, relax, and enjoy time with your families and friends.

Hey! I am wondering what your opinions are about my chances of getting in. It’s been a long time since I’ve applied and i haven’t heard anything. Getting anxious… anyway here’s my stuff:
When did you apply: 7/14
Class Rank: 43/244 top 18%
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1190 570 ENG 620 Math
ACT (with Sub Scores) 25 composite 29 math 23 reading 24 science 24 english (i had better reading scores on other tests but this was my highest composite)
When did you receive your admission decision: pending
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: review
Major/College of Choice: BIMS
member of NHS, obtained a medical assistant certification, work experience in a nursing home, UIL Journalism, other school clubs, church retreat director, ccd teacher at church are some of my activities

@CAPSgt @m0tionsickn3ss my son was a review engineering applicant last year. He got his 6 tabs the week before Christmas and official notice in January.
He was top 10% SAT 1310 He is currently loving life as an Aggie engineering student. It’s easier to say be patient than it is to do, :blush: keep the faith

Does the “Accept” button in Howdy actually matter? We just noticed it, but already scheduled for Engineering session for NSC, and through Phase II of Housing.

I’m so sorry that happened to your daughter. That sucks.

I can totally see how it happened though (my DDs school is a highly performing 6a with almost every AP class offered. ) Our school only calculates official GPAs at the end of the fall semester and end of Summer. So, if it was our district, the meeting in the spring would have included fall grades. Say your kid was taking 3 AP classes - but a group of other kids was taking 6 (and maybe an extra one in the summer) - that would be enough to boost their GPAs.

My daughter went from 40.1 to 37.8 just with her performance, and number of AP classes, her senior year.

I’ve seen a few posts about chancing me for engineering/waiting for a decision. I don’t mean to put anyone or anyone’s child down but here is my opinion. I’m sure some do not do well on standardized tests but an engineering candidate with some test prep (paid or self) should be able to score well into the high 600s if not 700s. If one scores below those marks significantly, maybe s/he should re-evaluate themselves to see if engineering is a good fit for them. I’m an engineer and I know the SAT/ACT Math very well. Those tests are not even difficult. The admission committee knows this too. In my opinion, if your child is one of those that scored significantly lower than those marks, it’s not a bad idea to talk to find out why they want this career and if something else may be a better fit for them. In my opinion, ranking only holds so much values. It’s hard to accept but not all schools are equal. Being ranked high at one school has only so much value and it may give one a wrong impression. In my opinion, this may be why they switched to holistic review. Waiting is hard but waiting for something that may not come may be costly. Plus if engineering is not a good fit, it’s much better to find out now.

Thank you. I was afraid that I was the only person who was going to provide a realty check. I’m not an engineer, but I do have a Math degree. I think the upper level math is going to be a struggle for someone who doesn’t come out of high school at least being able to score high 600s.