TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

FYI, here is what it said on the AIS page:

"You have been admitted to Engineering Review (UNEN). Your NSC Registration will be delayed until the College of Engineering review has been completed.

Files completed by October 15th will be reviewed and a decision notification posted here by mid-December.

Decisions will post in mid to late January for files completing after October 15."


Where exactly do you look for the 6 tabs?

if I have not yet seen 6 tabs does this mean I will not get admitted? I applied in July and I am a holistic review applicant. Or does this mean they maybe have not gotten to it yet?

@traugott7 if you read through this entire thread, you’ll find these questions have been answered many times. Take the time to read all 67 pages, you’ll learn a lot of the experience of those that have gone before and are in the process now

  1. Review applicants usually hear back around March
  2. Look for the “6 Tabs” in Howdy...once all 6 appear that is a signal of acceptance, and it will usually take AIS a week or so to catch up.

@traugott7 The 6 tabs are: Home/Applicant/MyRecord/Myfinances/STudentLife/Research/MyHowdy; you will start with the first 3 and then it increases to 6 when accepted.

If I recall you are a BIMS candidate? Also what are your ultimate goals (ie. Med School, Grad School, etc)? Just to give you a little insight to how it went last year
@JaceyK DS and my DD were both BIMS candidates last year and it was brutal. We waited until sometime late March before getting the final PSA result. My DD had SAT 1280/ACT 27 and Jacey’s DS was ACT 29 and I think a 1360 on SAT just missed sub scores but not 100% sure.

Now every year is different but wanted to let you know it may be a few more months before you hear. BIMS was one of the very last to send out final responses last year and does not offer a PSA option. So if you are offered PSA then you would need to consider alternatives if you still want to end up at TAMU CSTAT. JaceyK’s DS went to TAMUCC and is doing PSA for BioChem. My daughter is at Blinn CC doing Psychology BS Direct Transfer option. Point is
it isn’t impossible to get full admission but might be really tough so doesn’t hurt to understand the different options. There are ways to get into TAMU through many paths. Consider looking at the alternative paths PSA, PTA and Direct Transfer. It isn’t where you start it is where you end up! :slight_smile:


@forever2020 I am not an expert just someone who went through this last year. I would give you same information as @traugott7.

Every year is different but as a review candidate it may be a few more months before you hear-- most likely March. I know it is agonizing!!! It isn’t impossible to get full admission or Blinn Team and I would tell you that we held all our hope until March last year. Some were lucky and got in but most did not and were offered PSA. So doesn’t hurt to understand the different options. There are ways to get into TAMU through many paths if you really want to be an Aggie. Consider looking and educating yourself on the alternative paths PSA, PTA and Direct Transfer. It isn’t where you start it is where you end up! :slight_smile: But wishing you the very best of luck!


I did have BIMS as my first choice major. I did change my first choice to biology today. I am hoping to go to nursing school or do prerequisites to be a Physicians Assistant. I have found that I can major in either BIMS or bio and still take the classes I need. I have heard bio is a lot easier to get accepted into. I have also heard that A&M will probably have a first wave of acceptances this month sometime. My back up school is University of the Incarnate Word or Baylor. I got accepted to both. I really would prefer A&M over both of my other schools.

@traugott7 sent you a DM :slight_smile:

If you really want to go tamu, I would suggest you re-take your test, either act or give sat a try. Some say it’s too late to take. IMO, it’s only late when one gets the rejection letter. Show the school you want to go how much you want to be admitted. Keep them updated. They always have room. Good luck!

Yeah - unfortunately I don’t think it works like that. They have a clear deadline and it is a cut off. Every year there are people that fall in and out of the top 10% after the fall grades are in. It doesn’t matter. The deadline for the completed application in December.

Advice please- my daughter really wants to go to TAMU. She has been in review since October. She is in top quarter of class of small private high school, 3.84 GPA, 13 honors classes, 2 AP, leadership roles in HS, community service / mission trips, 28 ACT, listed major as Cellular and Molecular Biology and 2nd choice major as Biomedical Sciences. Does anyone think it would help to change her 2nd choice major or even her 1st choice to Biology and 2nd choice to cellular and molecular and leave off the biomedical sciences? She has friends with similar stats who were also review admists already get in and is frustrated, but based on what I have read here, perhaps changing her major might help a little? If she does change it, will it move her app to the bottom of the pile, or is that not how it works? Our counselors are not much help at school. Thanks.

I really don’t think changing her major will make any difference.

When you say she has friends that have similar stats that were review admits that have already been admitted - what majors? So far there doesn’t appear to have been a large wave of review admits yet. The only ones reported on the board were close to 10% and/or just off of academic admit scores.

Also something to keep in mind is subscores not just the composite. And rigor - do the AP classes students have taken apply to major?

This forum is small but I think a good indicator of the pulse of admissions. There say have been a smattering of reviews get in so hearing that your daughter has several friends already in, is confusing. If you have any details on that, it would be great. The majority of reviews (I’m saying majority) that have been notified are engineering or again were right on the bubble for auto/academic.

Your daughter is close as well. And changing major shouldn’t help. No she won’t go to the bottom of the pile. They have so many different people reviewing each piece and unless it’s engineering, they continuously say that it will not matter what you put down as major. We’ve seen contradictory things on certain majors, BIMS being one and Viz but that seems about it. We’ve already seen some get in that didn’t get first choice of Mays.

Applying in October is also kind of later than most. Many students have been in review since mid July.

My son was admitted this week (whew!) after a long wait in Engineering review. Stats:
Applied: 8/15/19
Class Rank: barely missed first quarter. 2nd quarter at 26% (out of 780 kids)
SAT: 1360 (670-Math, 690 Verbal)
ACT: n/a
Are you Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of 1st Choice: Electrical Engineering
Eagle Scout and Drum Corps extra-curriculars
AP Physics and Calculus

My son also received a four year type 7 Air Force ROTC scholarship and the ROTC department seemed to have some sort of pull. They got in touch with him two weeks ago and asked him for a few pieces of documentation and said they would help expedite his application and to expect to hear something in 7-14 days. 7 days later

@CBD1968 Congratulations to you and your son !! TAMU EE is a great program 
 You have more things to celebrate this holiday 
 Gig 'em 

One of her friends was a business major and took SAT so not sure what her scores were, but not auto admit range. She was top 25% in class. Her other friend who was admitted had a 27 ACT according to my DD and her major was in sciences-prob Biology, also top 25%. They both applied in July. My DD did have the right subscores on ACT- 28 math and 28 or 29 on that particular ACT in reading. If they superscored she’d be at a 30. I know that doesn’t count though. Also, she is taking AP Calculus A/B and AP Biology right now and has high B / low A in each. These are all friends from her high school. We are at a very competitive private HS in North Dallas. It is big compared to other private schools, but small compared to local public high schools.

i just sent an email to admissions contesting my rank, i didnt know i could do that before now! wish me luck! and im praying to god there are still spots left in mays

@AggieDreamin would you mind sharing some of your daughters stats? My daughter is anxiously awaiting to see if she will get in or not and it would really help to see the stats of someone who ended up going the PSA/PTA route as she might also be going that route!

@mikeinsugarland is the statement you made about decisions being made by mid December or mid/late January for anyone who applied or just those who applied for Engineering?

@kreed23 sure
 SAT 1280, ACT 27 4.8 WGPA/ 3.87 GPA; missed 1st quarter by .2 and was placed in 2Q. She had BIMS 1st choice; Biology 2nd. But there was another example last year where someone had a 1360 but missed sub scores 29 ACT and got PSA he was also BIMS. Hopefully things will be better this year!!! But I can’t stress enough that although it feels like the end of the world it absolutely isn’t. I exchanged texts today with the other mom and we both think it worked out for the best for both our kiddos and they are both really happy. Wishing you the best!
P.S. the SAT and ACT scores do not matter for transfer in with PSA/PTA or even straight transfer from Blinn or anywhere else. ?