TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@Jodievillllllll - parents did not go to college.

@AggieMomhelp thanks for the feedback!

My daughter is planning on doing PTA if she doesn’t get full admit (which we know she most likely will not get full admit).

However, I’ve seen some posts about the PSA option at Blinn, but I thought that PSA was only offered at the 8 system schools like TAMUCC , prairie view, tarleton, etc (those are the schools that are listed on TAMU’s PSA program page anyways)? So would she be able to do PSA at Blinn or is it actually just at the other system schools? Or were you talking about doing PTA at Blinn?

Also, regarding PTA program, is she went that route, would she apply when the new applications come out on July 1st even though she would be trying to get in that same fall? Or is there a separate application/process for students who have taken these alternative routes to apply so that they can finish their requirements in spring and start at TAMU in the fall? Or if taking the PSA route and they finish requirements in the summer and fall semester, how would they apply to start at Tamu the following Spring semester? Wouldn’t applications be closed?

Sorry for all the questions!

@kreed23 Blinn is not a TAMU system school and is not part of the PSA program.


@kreed23 if I said PsA then I mistyped. I was saying send to blinn. Didn’t even mean PTA contract. Just straight up blinn.

If however someone does psa or pta and they complete stuff in spring, then yes, they apply for fall and I believe you put on app that you did psa or pta. So yes, the app is open for the fall for those students

If you go straight community college, then you can apply as soon as you have 24 graded credits. So as early as spring for summer/fall admissions. They do not allow students to apply for spring of freshman year because it’s too close of a turn around for fall grades.

Just have to be sure to follow the right curriculum for whatever outs you take.

Did that clear it up? ?

Oh ok. I had read ur a first gen college student if ur the first to attend a four year university and get a bachelors degree. It had said anything below a 4 year degree didn’t count and you’d still be considered a first gen student if they only received a 2 year degree or anything less

Or they claimed so. It’s a good thing to offer but there’s certainly room for people to take advantage. There was this kid at my kid’s school who got accepted to a big ivy school. She was one of the high top 10 and claimed first gen because her parents didn’t attend colleges (here). This along with false low/unreported income are unfortunately not uncommon.

Hey, I am in a unique circumstance. I am an OOS from Northern VA. Are out of state applicants at a disadvantage to getting admitted. I was placed in 2nd Q from nonranking hs with 3.7 weighted gpa with 5 AP classes, Calc AB(senior year), and everything else honors. However, I also have a 1380 SAT (710 math). I have not heard anything and my application says complete and in review
 Applied Oct 16. My guess is I will get blinn team but as I am OOS, I feel like PSA options would not be worth it for me as I am paying a ton in tuition. Hope someone can shed light on my position as I can literally not find anyone in my position. What are my chances for full admit? I have no problem paying for the college if they take that into consideration. I am trying to go into the oil/gas business and TAMU is ranked #2 for such.

@burnerphone415 are you trying to get into Mays business school?

Oh, I forgot to mention I am applying for Engineering. Havent heard anything about engineering review, but Mays is my second choice

@burnerphone415 Your SAT is over what would be academic admit if you had been in 1st Q and your math score looks really strong so that is excellent. You said you applied on Oct 16th which is a day after the deadline. Was that a typo? I would think that you have a good chance at full admit or Blinn Team which is still a very good option. Blinn Team is dual enrollment so you are still a full fledge Aggie and will go through ETAM with the rest of the engineering! You can do all the same things as a full TAMU admit like live on campus, get a sports pass, meal plans, etc. You just take some classes at Blinn too which is really not big deal. Would you consider going down to Galveston if offered that path since it is consider full admit (not the same as PSA)? Someone with more Engineering experience could maybe provide additional insight. @BlueBayouAZ do you have any insight on the OOS stats for Engineering?

With regard to Mays, unfortunately I am pretty sure it is already full. I usually fills up by November.

At this point, as frustrating as it is, all everyone can do is wait and hope for a decision as quickly as possible. I think a lot of the Engineering decisions come in January but can still trickle in over the next couple of months.

Best of Luck!

I got my SRAR after the Oct 15 Deadline. However, I sent it and it was locked before Oct 15, Oct 14 I think. They said this was fine and I would be considered under early action. I have considered Galveston, however, it appears that is in the middle of nowhere with not much around. I have never been there before so maybe after I visit I will enjoy it!

@burnerphone415 Hopefully you will get the offer you want and I think that is entirely possible. ? But if Galveston comes in as an offer give it some consideration. It is only one year and actually it is right on the Gulf of Mexico and not far from Houston. Happy New Year!

@AggieMomhelp thanks, that clears things up!

So what is better, Committing to PTA program to be automatically admitted once you finish the requirements, or just going straight to community college and doing the 24+ hours and then applying for transfer?

Is admissions picky with transfers? As in, do they generally accept a good amount of students who did the requirements (plus some) and did well? Or do they only let so many students in regardless of how well they did in their courses for transfers?

I know that PTA allows for automatic admission, but with the 30 hours & B grade or above in some classes requirements, it seems like it could get pretty stressful and would not be worth it if the transfer option allows for just as many acceptances (give or take some) and a little bit of a lesser course load/not as much stress.

Also, if taking the transfer route, does dual credit earned in high school count towards the 24 hours? Or at least some of the basics like English or History?

@kreed23 What is the desired end goal for your DD? Sorry if you have posted this before but I couldn’t find it. I would have some advice on your question above but it depends on what she wants to do after her Bachelors.

@kreed23 For clarification
 By end goal I mean (Med School, Nursing School, PA School, Teach, etc.)

I prefer the straight community college route. And yes DC counts for gpa and the 24 credits. AP does not. It’s a personal preference.

Transfers are easier than freshman holistic review depending on major since the actual department does the admiring vs admissions office.

I’m not that knowledgeable about engineering @AggieDreamin but statistically last year the more than 70 percent of the people who applied were offered some sort of full admit. That high percentage includes all the full admit academy decisions. Engineering is the school with the highest admit percentage.

Being from OOS does not appear to place students at a disadvantage in terms of admission.

Being placed in the second quarter instead of 1st is disappointing. Is the 1380 superscored? Also applying early helps and in this case it was at the very end of the early decision deadline.

But with everything considered - I think that there will be engineering academy decision if not College Station full admit.

Non-superscored highest attempt 1380.

@AggieDreamin my daughter has public health and then biology as her majors and was planning on going into nursing. She has since changed her mind and wants to follow through with a degree in science, not sure what but most likely environmental sciences and wants to get a teaching certificate with it.

It’s always been between nursing and teaching for her, but she’s pretty set on teaching now and has been for a while, just didn’t want to change her major with TAMU in case it would affect anything.

So to answer your questions, she’s not going directly into teaching, but will be getting an environmental geoscience or Bioenvironmental degree with a teaching certificate.

@AggieDreamin also, my daughter has a lot of dual credits, more than 24 hours, would that affect transfer admissions?

I will list the courses she has completed in case it helps any:

  • English 1301 & 1302 - 6 hours
  • U.S History 1301 & 1302 - 6 hours
  • Bio intro to Anat. & Physiology 2404 - 4 hours
  • Bio 1406 & 1407 - 8 hours
  • Environmental Science 1401 - 4 hours
  • English 2322 - 3 hours & she will be completing the second semester of Environmental 1402- 4 hours and English 2323 - 3 hours

Her cumulative gpa from the ‘credit career’ total is a 3.06. - will hopefully go up a little after these last semester courses.

This adds up to 38 hours, which is quite a bit, Will it affect transfer admission? She will need to take Chemistry and a mathematics to meet the recommend course requirements for sure and might want to do U.S government to get it done with. She already has the biology credit for the majors she’s interested in. Those are the only recommendations for Bioenvironmental, but would also need introduction to geosciences if she went the environmental geoscience route.