TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@Senioritis2001, A&M is going to take your highest score from a single sitting. Period. You know very well that a 1400-anything is a high score. A 700+ math subscore is above TAMUs 75th percentile. Both scores are good. A&M is going to consider the score most advantageous to you, as the applicant. A 10 point differential is immaterial. It will not impact your app one way on another. If you don’t get engineering, your major of choice, it will NOT be because of your math subscore.

Thought I would update with more info
Weighted GPA: 4.44
All honors and AP classes when available
Eagle Scout, Mu Alpha Theta treasurer, Math club, international math modeling competitions, NHS, club soccer for 10 years, school soccer jr high and high school, lacrosse in jr high and high school, AP Scholar (3 tests so far)

@AlmostEmptyNest4 Welcome to the empty nester club! It’s a great club to be in! Your student will get into Mays, no doubt. It shouldn’t fill up before academics hear back. And that ACT score… wow!!!
@errnmom… about sending in scores… TAMU has no clue what or how many tests you’ve taken. My son is now a sophomore at TAMU. We sent in what we wanted when we wanted or if we wanted. In fact you didn’t have to send anything in at time of taking the test, you could go back after scores were available and pay a fee to send out at that time. Has something changed?

@AggieMomhelp Thanks. DS is our second. DD is a junior at the burnt orange school in Plan II, Business and pre-med. Think TAMU might be better environment for DS. He is excited. Class is very small so top 10% is approx 11 students and he’s probably #13 (school doesn’t rank so wont tell you). Didn’t occur to us that they would hold Academic Auto admits especially if they apply this early. Hmmmm. That is interesting news. He’s already been admitted to BAMA with big scholarship and Ole Miss also. Hope TAMU doesn’t hold it too long. DD was auto admit since her school’s class was larger and she was accepted to Mays Business Honors fairly soon after she applied though she applied later than he did. Well, fingers crossed.

nomatter, thank you so much for the answer.

Not sure this is the right place for my questions …

For students in University Honors program but not in Engineering Honors program:

  1. Can they take engineering honors courses?
  2. Are they still qualified for early registration for all (honors or regular) engineering courses?


Physics Major
3.3 weighted GPA
1270 Sat score
680 Math and 590 Verbal
About 116 hours of volunteering at a summer camp
An Academic excellence award in Spanish
Started Physics Club at High school, member at Artificial intelligence club and NAHS member where i am gonna get 40 more hours of volunteering.
Do i have any chance of getting into TAMU

@Sai9999, you got great feedback in this thread, on the same topic:


Did you apply to TAMU already? Where did they rank you?

Several people explained, in the other thread, that TAMU ‘Chance Me’ isn’t a viable pasttime for review admits. Admissions is very tight for review admits. We saw a lot of kids with much higher stats get PSA last cycle. That doesn’t mean you have no chance, but given that your weighted GPA is 3.2 or 3.3, and your SAT EBRW score is below A&M’s 50th percentile, I think you have to consider A&M to be a reach. And, as indicated in the previous thread, have some safeties that you will love to attend.

When did you apply: 8/8, official transcript received & all green checks 9/3
Class Rank: non-ranking school, 1st Quarter - per A&M after official transcript rec’d
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1370 (740 reading) (630 math)
When did you receive your admission decision: Pending
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit:
Major/College of Choice: Business or Agricultural Business

Updating my prior post for class rank. A&M ranked him as 1st Qtr, so based on their criteria, should be auto admit?

Will they mail out letters for early applicants who are Auto Admit in September or do they hold on those until January? And are all Auto Admits accepted to College Station?

Also, anyone know how competitive it is to get into Mays if you are auto admit?

@KelliJo , if your student was ranked in the 1st quarter, then he’s an Academic Admit. Congrats to him!!!

*Auto Admit = Top 10%

*Academic Admit = Top 25% Plus qualifying SAT/ACT (with subscore requirements met)

*Review Admit = Holistic review for every other prospective freshman applicant that doesn’t fall into “Auto” or “Academic” admit category.

As long as he applied to TAMU College Station (and he’s not applying for engineering), then College Station he’ll get.

Admissions is rolling. TAMU is projecting to release its first wave of admissions this month (September). Last year, it happened around mid-September, IIRC. It’s most auto admits, and some academic admits. I think I recall another wave, very shortly after, that had a larger representation (anecdotally, based on responses here in this forum) of academic admits than the first wave in September.

Mays fills up quickly with auto admits and academic admits. Still, no matter which category of admit you are, Mays is tough. Last year, I think they were filled by September or October.

for my d
When did you apply: 08-15-19
Class Rank: HS doesn’t rank (A&M ranked me her in top 25%)
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1300- m: 660 r: 640
ACT (with Sub Scores) n/a
When did you receive your admission decision: n/a
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: review admit
Major/College of Choice: education

For academic admit - is the top 25% based on weighted or unweighted ranking?

@fishfamx4, that depends on your school (or district) policy for ranking. What rank is on your student’s high school transcript?

Also note it’s not just first quarter ranking. Your student has to meet the SAT/ACT score minimums for both composite and subscores.

@nomatter his school unofficial transcript lists both - W & UW GPA and ranking. I was just curous which one tamu was going to use. I listed his other info on the ‘chance me’ feed…but i’m really not feeling to confident for him. He is so close if he can get his ACT up a bit this weekend and his GPA this semester. Otherwise, his current info is:

(posting for son)
When did you apply: 7/22 (colorado resident)
Class Rank: 23% weighted; 26% non
GPA: 3.65
SAT 1230 - 610 english, 620 math
ACT - 1st time: 27 composite, 24 english, 27 math, 32 science, 25 reading
2nd time: 29 comp, 30 eng, 26 math, 28 science, 31 reading
retaking ACT this weekend - and studied this time to get all scores up hopefully…
When did you receive your admission decision: waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: ?
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
*took honors Calc, honors Chem as a Junior. taking A/P Calc AB, AP Chem, Physics, and engineering now as a senior.
Ex Curr: Varsity hockey 3 yrs, team captain, lots of community service including Jr. Coaching 8u hockey. Summer jobs in construction, hockey ref. National honor society. Long legacy of TAMU engineers/architect in family (grandparents, aunts, cousins, his Dad is Chem E '94.)
***Two great recommendation letters
Hoping to get accepted to TAMU as well as engineering program. Odds??

Class Rank: Assigned 2nd Quarter by university (non ranking HS)
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1580 (790 sub scores in each category)
ACT (with Sub Scores): N/A
When did you receive your admission decision: N/A
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Mays/Econ

So I just got assigned my class rank today of second quarter which is fair, but kind of disappointing lol.

I know that very few review admits get in, but having a 1580 SAT, do I have a shot? Would I be qualified enough to get in on one of the early decision rounds?

Also, on a related sidenote does anyone know if UT Austin would have a similar class rank calculator to Texas A&M (IE would I probably get the rank second quarter rank from UT Austin as I did for A&M?)

@ucquestionta HOLY COW… 1580? I’ve never seen such an amazing score. I do think you have a great shot at full admissions with that. If not, depending on what your grades look like… they could offer you Gateway to get your acclimated to college rigor and how to study.
Is there a reason you didn’t perform to the level of your testing ability? Or is the 2nd quarter kind of skewed?

Wow. That rank is not what one would expect with that kind of SAT score. But you say it is fair? You don’t mention a GPA. Did you have below average grades?

The ranking is definitely fair to a little generous to be honest… I go to an extremely competitive high school (the mean SAT is above 1450 for reference), and I have a really bad freshman year (like really bad) that skewed my gpa.

Fantastic SAT scores!! Be very proud of yourself and your hard work. :slight_smile:
Make sure that your 2Q ranking due to low grades as a Freshman is discussed in your essays and/or your Letters of Recommendation (or the extra question on the application if they still have that). Explain what you learned from the experience, how you overcame obstacles, etc. and stress how much better your grades are as an upperclassman and also touch on your growth and maturity. TAMU knows that people face obstacles, they want to see how you react to “real life”. People who have never had to overcome anything (never studied, etc) can often crumble under the pressure of college level classes rigor and pace. Showing that you have faced difficulties and overcame those speed bumps will be something that is in your favor. Many students could have just given up and never improved their gpa. Good luck, keep us posted.

Re: our son (OOS)
When did you apply: Applied 8/19, Linked SRAR 9/4
Class Rank: Top Quarter (assigned rank b/c high school doesn’t rank)
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1560 (770V, 790M)
ACT (with Sub Scores) - NA
When did you receive your admission decision: None yet
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit:
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
Grades: 4.0 (4.33 weighted currently)

It’ll be interesting to see how it all shakes out. Not sure if there is any hope for in-state tuition, but I guess we’ll see. Any guess on that?