TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

My understanding is that because TAMU has “rolling admissions” it does help to apply early. As the amount of available spots decreases, they become more selective in filling them.
In contrast, UC San Diego’s application window is from Nov. 1st - Nov. 30th. No early or late applications are accepted. After Nov. 30th they begin reviewing every applicant who are all competing for a certain number of available spots.

And with all the engineering freshman admit options 74% were admitted last year.

@BlueBayouAZ how many engineering applicants got full acceptance that were also review admits to college station??

I don’t have any idea. But it seemed like the majority of review candidates got an academy decision.

Around when do they send out review applicant decisions? Is it normally early January or late January?

Mid to late January.

@Jodievillllllll Unfortunately, I would not expect an answer until Mid-March especially for BIMS. If it comes earlier great but as far as we could tell all BIMS review candidates last year heard sometime around March 8th.

@Jodievillllllll :
Both of my TAMU reivew admit daughters received their offers in mid February of their HS Senior years, 2012 and 2017. Neither were BIMS/Engineering or Mays.

I have family friends who are multigenerational Aggies and one of them received an offer in MAY many many years ago. I can’t imagine how difficult that was!

No news is actually good news as that means someone is still looking closely at your application. Hopefully, at least one of the reviewers will see something special in your application.

Please familiarize yourself with all of the options that might be aplicable to your desired major (I can’t remember what you listed as a Major): Full Admit to CStat, Galveston, Blinn-TEAM, the Engineering Academies, PSA and PTA, etc. List all of your own pros and cons for each decison, look carefully at all of the possibilities. That way you are ready to decide what will work for you if you receive anything less than a Full Admit.

Texas is a huge state with many more qualified applicants than there are seats in the Freshman classes of TAMU and tu. That is just a fact. But don’t let anything/anyone keep you from your goal of being an Aggie. It isn’t where you start out that matters, it is where you finish.

I am not from Texas, did not go to college in Texas and had no idea of the whole “Aggie life in Aggieland” until my oldest daughter was about to graduate from HS. College Station is the nicest place I have ever experienced. There are 2 flagship Universities in the state where I went to college, but they are much more alike than TAMU and tu are! The Aggie network is a real thing, the gold Aggie Ring will get you into a lot of job interviews and many other opportunities. If you really want to be an Aggie, there is always a way.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Once the Blinn TEAM/Engineering academy decisions begin in February - most other decisions are PSA.

@YankeeTexan33 changing majors within Tamu isn’t very difficult. It’s a process but not difficult. Just have to make sure you have requirements done as stated. Same holds true for transferring into Tamu from another institution. Much easier and major specific. Obviously engineering would be one of the toughest because there are so many students in the engineering program across the state in academies, Galveston, or cstat main.

My son (Tamu class of 2022) was admitted into Econ as a freshman holistic review applicant. He found out in December. Mays was full which is why he got Econ. He did his 30 plus hours at Tamu. Positioned himself well in regards to required courses for both mays and Econ. His Tamu gpa is 3.65 with 43 hours. His overall credits are 55 with a college gpa of 3.73. He took 5 of the required courses and made all As and a B in math 142. He applied to change major yesterday and found out today he’s been accepted. Mays accepts 100 internal transfers per year. It is all about the timing. My point being transfers (my daughter was transfer from ok state because she was psa offer from tamu) and internal change of majors, is much easier than holistic review full admit.

Dang I’m long winded lol.

Congrats to your son! What great news.

@AggieMomhelp Congratulations to your son!!

@AggieMomhelp :smile:

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR SON! Earning one of the 100 Mays internal transfer slots is FANTASTIC!! Kudos to him for all of his hard work, and kudos to your entire family, I am sure that your support and encouragment were vital in his accomplishment. :slight_smile:

Not sure when TAMU stopped waitlisting - but they were still doing it in 2009 - I believe May type notification ended with the waitlisting.

Also - I wish I could agree that “no news is good news” but the data does not support that after January. Since TAMU does not do rolling PSA and denials, they just do them at the very end, the longer you wait the more likely you are to receive PSA.

First person to go to college in family.




The general definition a student who did not have parents or grandparents that completed 4 year college.

You seem focused on the definition- you should call the student success center at TAMU and see if they will give you their precise definition.

So is it true since I applied for BIMS I probably won’t hear back until March? I’m confused. I keep reading different things, that only PSA offers are in March, anything past February isn’t good news, I won’t hear back until March since I’m applying for BIMS? I’m really hoping for blinn team or gateway. I’ve read that PSA doesn’t offer that degree. Also I’m .8 out of top ten percent so I would be So angry with myself if I didn’t receive some sort of college station admittance.

@Jodievillllllll Please don’t be angry with yourself. MY son was also very disgusted with his performance his Freshman year of HS which cost him the top 10% cut. He applied for BIMS as first choice and Public Health as second choice. He was top 12.4% with 29.25 ACT (avg of all 4 sections was 29.25 - if he got 29.5, he would have been academic admit) - so he was super close on both requirements. He got PSA in March of last year. He is currently going to TAMU CC as a biochemistry major which he believes he will stick to. He did very well his first semester (4.0) and is looking forward to moving to College Station this summer (I told him only if he has a job to pay the rent lol). This one year will be blur in his rearview mirror.

With all of that said, I am sure that you have worked very hard in school and on ECs, but sometimes, things have a way of working out. Try not to look right in front of you - but rather keep your eyes on the prize whether it’s medical school or a decent job out of college. Heads up - everything will work out!!

Last year BIMS was in the last wave of PSA in mid-March. My daughter’s Viz PSA came a week or so before. With both PSA waves - I do not recall any acceptances. Both waves occurred after Blinn Team and Gateway.

Do not be angry with yourself - but do come up with back up plans.

Last year one of the BIMS candidates got PSA with a 12.5 rank (very similar to yours) and a 29.25 ACT (like a 1340sat) with appropriate subscores. Much closer score wise to an academic admit.

You are a quality candidate. But there are more quality candidates than spaces.

@JaceyK -you answered far more eloquently than I did. Thank you!