TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@Mommmm430 - I am so sorry - that doesn’t make any sense - but this all I’ve done for a lot of the day today. How do we see if something changed with their majors??? AIS lists two majors at the bottom…

I am in the same boat we are holistic too. We were in college station yesterday and drove all the way to Corpus to check out the campus in case we are PSA. I spoke with an advisor about PSA vs PTA for us and that is what sent me all the way to Corpus.
Remember 6 tabs is a for sure you are admitted!
Updates usually around 7:30 am.
There was a big wave of BLINN team around Valentine’s Day.

What do you see when you go to Howdy–>Applicant tab–>Manage My application (This is in the middle Box with “Manage My Application” in blue hyperlink)

Just wondering if everyone’s Howdy has 1 major instead of the 2 major listed in AIS

@Mommmm430 That’s a long but pretty drive (boring if you don’t like that kind of scenery LOL)! If (big IF I hope for you) y’all do get PSA, feel free to send me a PM about it. My son is currently at TAMUCC (via PSA) and is doing very well.

My daughter is only interested in full admit to Texas AM – she said she can accept Galveston if that is what is offered also.

Wishing for the best for her and hope she gets in. She really liked College Station campus. Good Luck everyone, the waiting game is so hard, always thought we can hear back one way or another fast.

I guess I am one of those that needs to know so I can plan for Dorms and such and what to buy.

@Colhopeful728 - we just have the one in HOWDY: POLS which is his first choice. His second choice is History. Both are under the Liberal Arts Department, but are completely different majors. We are able to see class schedules through the HOWDY main page - I do know that that tab was a new addition - it had been Academic Success,Study Hub, University Writing, and Library. Now we have the Class Search that we can actually go through, albeit there are no Fall courses available seeing as the Spring semester hasn’t even started yet.

When I go in it is exactly the same as it always has been. First major listed.

I knew a lot about PSA vs PTA and we were considering full BLINN via PTA until they told us we needed 30 hours and I do not see my child doing 30 hours her freshman year. Also if you make a B on the bolded classes you are one and done and can no longer be considered PTA and would have to be transfer only and that is competitive. PSA is only 24 hours and you only are looked at with grade point average. We want success to get into A&M. She was not super happy about Corpus but we pushed through.

Ooh—I see class search too! This is promising???

We have that new tab of Class Search too. Does that mean anything?

We have had that the whole time, and still do. We are STILL under review, I know we have not been accepted. Nothing is for sure until you see the 6 tabs.

I believe they are working on engineering admits right now, that has to be their top priority since they were deferred.

I was thinking anything new we see on the Howdy page would just be a software update. I can see “Class Search!” Are there people that can’t? My son did the Early Application for Engineering and checked all the location options. Still waiting…

I may be leaning on you for questions. I see the good in it and the fact it is one year and you are in, she does not. But this gives her time to accept it and we are not disappointed. She really wanted to do Blinn PTA but we can not take a chance. She wants TAMU so badly. I was ready to sign a lease at an apartment yesterday that was our goal and then we looked at Aspire and pointed the car straight for Corpus.

@Colhopeful728 - who knows. I really really hope so. My son wants to do the Corps of Cadets so bad - he’ll take BLINN if necessary but I know an outright denial would crush him.

hey, i am an oos review admit for engineering. Is it true they admit more OOS because less will enroll because of the price? SAT is 1380 , 710 math and 670 english, 2nd quarter ranking with all AP/honors

when I checked application status in Manage My Application it says as below

Application Status: WHOOP! You have been ADMITTED Level : Undergraduate Major: ENGE Program: BAC-ENGE-CS Location: College Station

Does it mean, he has been admitted to Engineering Program ?

But AIS still say as below
You have been admitted to Engineering Review (UNEN). Your NSC Registration will be delayed until the College of Engineering review has been completed. Files completed by October 15th will be reviewed and a decision notification posted here by mid-December. Decisions will post in mid to late January for files completing after October 15. You may apply for on-campus housing immediately"

To all: I have the screen captures of when my son was accepted as auto-admit, in engineering review and when he is admitted into engineering.

To clarify: there are 2 distinct places to check status:

  1. Under AIS, when people mentions the 3 or 6 tabs. They are talking about here.
  2. Under Manage Applications

When he was in engineering review, we saw this:

  1. Under AIS:

Major: Engineering Review College: EN Degree: BAC Location: College Station

  1. Under Manage Applications:

Application Status: WHOOP ! You have been ADMITTED Level: Undergraduate Major: UNEN Program: BAC-UNEN Location: College Station

There are only 2 buttons to: Change Major, or Decline Admission.

After he was admitted into engineering, we saw this:

  1. Under AIS:

Major: General Engineering College: EN Degree: BAC Location: College Station

In addition, you should have a button to Register for NSC.

  1. Under Manage Applications:

Application Status: WHOOP ! You have been ADMITTED Level: Undergraduate Major: ENGE Program: BAC-ENGE-CS Location: College Station

Now there are 3 buttons to: Accept Admission, Change Major, or Decline Admission.

Hope this helps … wishing good news to all …

did that just update now?

Update: to be sure, you should wait for AIS to be update with the button to “Register for NSC” and see that there is a letter under “My Communications → My Letters”

You have waited this long, not going to matter to wait another 24 hours …


did you have 6 tabs prior to that?