TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

So trying not to obsess about this. I did just reread the last few pages of comments, and it looks like some exciting things are starting to happen. I haven’t seen any review acceptances for Liberal Arts is that correct? His first choice major is Economics, and it seems like they are still waiting. Anyone heard or seen otherwise. Once again the Galveston admission gave us six tabs, so I’m watching this site looking for some good news and hopefully some very happy posts as we won’t be seeing any signs in Howdy.

Just got my 6 tabs this morning. I was a review applicant for Psychology (BA). Here’s my stats:

SAT: 1250
ACT: 28
Rank: 1st Quarter
Applied: 11/23
Review Admit

Lots of extracurricular activities, leadership positions, competitions, and some volunteer hours.

Now just anxiously awaiting an update in AIS!!! Does anyone know how long it takes?

I am A biology major and i was Wondering if any review applicants have heard back for biology or another science major?

Looked more closely at my AIS and the only Major showing is Sociology, my second choice major (psychology was my first)

Unless I missed something in the last 50 or so replies - it looks like mainly a wave of engineering acceptances - both auto/academic admits to the university getting engineering and some high performing review engineering admits.

Also a couple non-engineering top 25% review applicants that were just slightly off from academic admit test scores.

So I don’t think we have seen what in years past would be considered a “wave” of review applicants. Though last year’s February “wave” before Blinn TEAM/Academy/Gateway and other alternative decisions felt very small.

I’m a little worried I won’t get anything since I have a 1130 with 650 math and 480 reading ( I have dyslexia and adhd, but I try really hard) my best reading was 520. I have a decent amount of volunteering hours in NHS, played golf for 2 years, I also participated in the visual scholastic art competition and revived a four, recieved 3 certifications in office, and have a 3.8 gpa ranked in the top quarter. I also have taken Multiple dual credit classes for us history, English comp, government , and macroeconomics. I’ve taken AP Art history and AP enivrionmental science this year. I have a bunch of other Pre-AP classes as well as a brother currently attending A&M as a freshmen. I want to get into blinn team or psa if possible. I’ve already got into Texas tech business and Unt business. Do I have a shot atleast? I want to get in for either sociology or communications.

Auto-admit waiting for engineering decisions. I met the regular decision deadline. However, I’m really anxious about this whole situation, especially after seeing how many people are getting responses back. Does anybody know if they’re just releasing the early kiddos decisions or just all of engineering applicants?

I got nervous when I saw my son’s major choices (Comp Sci and Comp Engineering) switch priorities yesterday, so I sent off a polite email. Got a nice reply this morning saying that since he met the early action deadline (he applied late July and is one ACT point off academic admit), we should have a decision by the end of the month. She also said the majpr change in AIS means nothing and is part of the admission process as they review applications.

Hope this info is helpful to anyone else it applies to… makes me feel much better knowing we don’t have to wait until March. We have to let the marching bands at Tech and OSU know what we are doing!

patrick24. My son has dyslexia too, and he wrote about the challenges of dyslexia and how hard it is to overcome and the challenges of keeping up an AP course load with dyslexia. He had the same issues on the SAT math was solid, but the reading was such a challenge. He took the SAT three time, and while his math improved the improvement in reading was minimal. I’m not sure if the school takes dyslexia into consideration when they review the application. Congratulations on what you’ve done in high school. Watching my son I know how much extra work it takes with dyslexia. He is hoping for Blinn team as I am not sure if he has a realistic shot at full admission. He also scored 1130 on his SAT and has a similar GPA is in NHS, Eagle Scout and so forth. Best of luck to you, please keep us posted if you hear anything.

What major is he trying to get in with? I’m actually purposely putting a easier major since it may be less competitive so then I can actually switch to my desired major if possible. I have a lot of friends with dsylexia and they’ve all scored below me except my brother who has dyslexia too. My brother was number 7 in his class of 500 so he was really smart but only got a 1210, he didn’t have a calculator And got a 670 so for me and your son we’re probably gonna hear sometime in February for blinn team or psa. They admitted a decent bit of applicants to those programs so fingers crossed. Also if he likes Texas tech that could be a great option. My best was a 1170 superscore and I was automatic at tech and could get a 4000 dollar scholarship at Unt.

I just called the prospective student center to ask about the status of my son’s application. Apparently no decision has been made - his application was complete on 10/15/2019. Not sure if that’s what they have to say if the decision is a ‘no’ or if there really hasn’t been a decision made. He would be just as thrilled for the BLINN Team as he would full admit. Does anyone know if AIS/HOWDY updates with a denied decision?

@JustWondring Historically, even PSA offers are updated in AIS/Howdy. From what @AggieMomhelp has said, denials are mostly incomplete applications and that denials are very rarely issued UNLESS applications are incomplete. True denials/rejections are given in form of PSA aka “soft” rejection. My son received his offer via AIS and a letter was attached under the Documents Received. HTH.

Check your son’s howdy portal and click on the side bar with three lines if there’s 6 tabs he’s in the college I believe and if there’s 3 tabs still like me a decision hasn’t been made. I check my ais a lot too but the howdy portal tip people are saying comes first before they have an actual decision saying they were admitted. Good luck we’re all rooting for your son!
I actually submitted my app around November 20th and have t heard anything yet, most top ten percent have heard back quick

I can no longer change my major and I have six tabs available, but I have also been accepted into TAMUG so it shows up in howdy as well.

Okay - it’s “timeline” time. The “holistic” review decisions are upon us and people keep asking “when.”

You can go back through last year’s thread if you want to see how things went down. It’s a good guide but nothing is set in stone.


The link is to the the thread on 1/15/19 - and you can continue to read further - like in real time.

But - here is my quick recap from this time last year forward:
1/15 full admit decisions for engineering - both already admitted auto/academic and review candidates
1/23 full admit decisions for engineering - both already admitted auto/academic and review candidates
1/28 - Engineering academy offers
1/30 - Wave of review candidates to majors other than engineering
2/8 -Review candidates (would NOT call a wave) to majors other than engineering/College Station and academy engineering offers
2/14 Blinn TEAM
2/20 Blinn Team/Engineering Academies
2/26 - PSA
2/28 - Gateway
3/2 - PSA
and the PSAs continued through mid-March.

And remember it is a holistic review process. Past years, the conversation has digressed into “but my/my kid’s scores and rank etc are so much better than applicant X.”

TAMU says rigor, rank, test scores, extra curricular activities, talent and ability are all very important.

Essay, first gen, geographical residence, state, volunteer work and work experience are all important.

Level of interest - camps, tours, and recommendations are a lesser consideration than the majority of items considered for admission.

I could hear my son playing his guitar last night/this morning, so I don’t think he slept last night - I think I made the mistake of telling him yesterday that folks were staring to hear from A&M. I know he’s checking AIS/HOWDY more obsessively than I am. He was an auto-admit to UTSA and UofH - so we have other options - I keep reminding him of that. Uof H has the 3+3 J.D. program, he wants to be a JAG in the Marine Corps - that would shave a year or two off his education timeline. Our family lives in San Antonio which probably means UTSA is not an option - lol. I know the notifications come out in “waves” but it really feels like small drips. Do Blinn Team notifications come out with full admit notifications or do you just assume thatif you haven’t “heard by now” that you’re either Blinn or PSA? My apologies for the vent - I’m not sure who this is harder on, Mom or Son.

LOL - Well, he’s not engineering so I guess we’re likely to wait until late January. He’ll be at a state mock trial competition during that time - I was hoping an admin decision wouldn’t still be looming over his head during state. But - if that’s what it is, then that’s what it is.

Patrick24 he’s an engineering admit at TAMUG but an economics applicant with engineering second at main campus. Either way there’s a potential major change in the picture. He’s going NROTC and into the Navy (hopefully) so going to a school with a NROTC program was a major requirement for him. Thanks BlueBayouAZ. I know we probably have a couple week wait ahead of us, but we’re all anxious. The continued reminders are helpful.

I just wanted to give a little glimmer of hope for some people.
My friend is 2% in his class and had a weighted GPA of 4.55, his SAT scores are not at all what the school of Engineering was looking for. He had an SAT of 1180 and an ACT of 25. His math scores weren’t that great either. He also will graduate from high school with 60 credit hours which we have now learned was a downfall. I had him chanced in this group in November and I was told that he would most likely get Galveston or Engineering Academies and so our hopes at a full admit were basically gone. Today his AIS updated to say that he has been accepted into the school of engineering and we were very pleasantly surprised. I guess what I’m trying to get at is to always expect the worst to happen so you don’t feel defeated if you get a decision that you weren’t hoping for, but also to feel overjoyed if you get the desired decision. Someone was definitely looking out for my friend during the application process because he beat the odds.

Good Luck to everyone!

Looking back through last years thread. There were a few review candidates in late October, right after the engineering early decision application deadline. Then a wave of review admits on 1/30. Every other non-engineering review decisions did feel like a trickle.

In 2018 and early - it felt more like a couple of full admit review waves.

But in 2019 there were so many fewer review full admits
2350 vs 4,115 - that is a 43% decrease. So it is understandable why there was only one noticeable “wave.”