TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

ok thanks, @skinnerss

Texas A&M University - Fall 2020
Application Status: Under Review Level : Undergraduate Major: BIOL Program: BS-BIOL Location: College Station

^^^I read that an engineering student got something similar & was IN? Is this the same or something different?

@cookmom mine says that too but I am almost 100% sure it has been like that since I submitted my app in September. Still under review. Rank- 26% ACT- 30 (26 Math, 33 Reading, 31 Science, 30 Writing) Barely missed the cutoff for both rank and math subscore :neutral:

similar stats to you @tamuletmein hope i get inā€¦ 1380 SAT for me. Says BS for me as well. Im a review admit for engineering @glitzypink

My stats arenā€™t too great.
I applied regular decision
SAT: 1260 (660 math)
Rank 5% of class
13 AP classes
6 AP classes senior year
National Honor Society
Robotics team engineer (we went to state)

I happen to be a pretty great writer. I feel like my essays pushed me in.
but yeah, I got into Architectural Engineering at UT Austin and may pursue that, still undecided.
Good luck!! :))

My stats arenā€™t too great.
I applied regular decision
SAT: 1260 (660 math)
Rank 5% of class
13 AP classes
6 AP classes senior year
National Honor Society
Robotics team engineer (we went to state)
UIL Academics team

I happen to be a pretty great writer. I feel like my essays pushed me in. I also got into Cockrell with my first choice major of Architectural Engineering.

Only engineering has the change wording on howdy once they get into Tamu engineering.

All others should show their first choice major. The 6 tabs are your clue to acceptance. Nothing else we have seen in years past indicates anything else like this for other majors.


My stats arenā€™t too great.
I applied regular decision
SAT: 1260 (660 math)
Rank 5% of class
13 AP classes
6 AP classes senior year
National Honor Society
Robotics team engineer (we went to state)
UIL Academics team

I happen to be a pretty great writer. I feel like my essays pushed me in. I also got into Cockrell with my first choice major of Architectural Engineering.


Cockrell is really good for engineering, too! Iā€™m still anxiously waiting for my decision. Congrats once again! I really do hope you figure out where you want to go because there are people (me included) who would love to have the opportunity to attend either of those schools.

Question for @AggieMomhelp or anyone whose child has gone with an alternative pathway. If your child is offered Blinn Team is it crucial to accept right away or do they have time to decide? As in, TAMU offers more Blinn Team acceptances than there are spots knowing that some will decline that offer? Just curious if DD should have that decision ready IF it is offered.

Ok, thank you. I read at least 3 other non-engineering students posts who indicated the same & showed 6 tabs the following morning: Psych, Intl. Studies and one other that I canā€™t recall. However, we still have 3 tabs after 7:30 this morningā€¦the class search option is there, though. Not sure if it always was or not.

My daughter is still waiting. She has been in review since early October. She turned in her application September 28. 1st choice major Micro biology/cellular biology, 2nd choice major Biomedical sciences.

Rank: non-ranking high school, but 1st quarter by A&M
GPA: 3.88
Currently taking AP Biology and AP A/B Calculus
ACT: 28, met reading and math subscores
Many clubs, leadership positions, student govmt, NHS, Future Doctors
Multiple missions trips internationally
Church choir
Job working as nanny two summers

A&M is her first choice, but she does have a very good scholarship at Baylor. Good luck to everyone. This waiting game is hard!

My daughter got into Architectural Engineering at UT (also her first choice), also. I think sheā€™s leaning TAMU, but weā€™ll see what ends up happening.

UTā€™s Architecture School is 2nd in the nation, so even though you wouldnā€™t be in that department, I am guessing that you would get a LOT of influence.

My Daughter just got her acceptance to Baylor, but A&M is her first choice. Too bad about legacy admits, My great great grandfather was class of 1881, and weā€™ve been at A&M ever since.

The waiting is driving us both nuts.


No one knows what this yearā€™s number of Blinn-TEAM offers will be, but I have heard that there are limited spots. I havenā€™t actually heard that anyone waited to late and then found that the offer was closed, but that could possibly happen. Check with the Blinn-TEAM office if possible. They should be able to give you an idea as to how long a student has to accept an offer.

Please have your family research all of the alternate offers so that you are ready to make a decision.

My daughter is currently a TAMU Junior after finishing 2 years on Blinn-TEAM. She was HS class of 2017, received her Blinn-TEAM offer on Feb. 14, 2017 and accepted the offer within a week. In 2017, there were 2400 Blinn-TEAM offers and 1050 students accepted that offer. But I have heard that the percentage of acceptance has risen, it is a great program. I would consider it an A- offer, not a Plan B offer as Blinn-TEAM allows the students to start living the Aggie life in Aggieland as first Semester Freshmen.

Fall 2017 was the last group that took classes only at Blinn Bryan, so I am not familiar with the Rellis facility or any current rules, etc.

Check out my thread on CC which covers our experience on Blinn-TEAM, there is a lot of info on there. Some of which is dated now, but at least you can get an idea of how this has worked out for our daughter. It has been a great program for her!

Good luck and keep us posted!

@Shellie14 Itā€™s always good to have the discussion and decision ready if needed. Research, discuss, visit etc. Team is an amazing program and noone knows or cares if your full admit or team. My son is a s sophomore and will be taking 2 classes at blinn this semester due to timing of schedule and work. So itā€™s really a mixture of students.

When did you apply: 9/12/19
Class Rank: 35% (2nd Quarter)
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1410 (740 for English) (670 for Math)
ACT (with Sub Scores)
When did you receive your admission decision: No decision yet
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: 1. Business
2. Forensic Science

Essay: Had very difficult personal matters including death of a close family figure and how I dealt with being through multiple divorces

What are my chances of getting in? Also if I get in to my second choice major, what is the best major to be able to transfer in to Mays Sophomore Year

Will someone be kind and link the alternative pathways to TAMU? Since my child has not heard yet on admissions, I would like to go ahead and read up on the pathways and see if it would be better.
She has already been accepted into two different schools for her major and we just wanted to compare the different pathways to the other schools to see which would be a better fit for her in terms of school life and academics.

If she makes it into the Blinn team or the other pathways where she takes some classes at TAMU and some at the CC ā€“ would she be able to take part in dancing / cheerleading teams?

My son is still in review.

Application date: 8/5/19
Class Rank: 21% (1st Quarter) - 6A school
Weighted GPA: 4.0
ACT (with Sub Scores): 27 Composite (English 27, Math 24, Reading 30, Science 26)
Major/College of Choice: 1. Biology 2. Political Science

Extracurricular activities include 4 years of football, Varsity Theatre, One Act and community organizations. Volunteer hours with various organizations and two summers of mission work abroad. Essay was on mission trip to Africa. Worked part-time during summer months. Also in National Honor Society and has received several academic and volunteer awards.

Currently enrolled in 4 APs and 2 dual credits and has a total of 8 AP classes and 4 dual credit classes.

He has a good scholarship offer from Baylor, but he has his heart set on A&M as many of his friends are attending A&M. I know he will accept Blinn Team if offered and good possibility he will go the Blinn route if he does not get full offer or Blinn Team.

Good luck to everyone! Iā€™m ready to get housing done and all of our ducks in a row, so the waiting is difficult for this planner! : )

My son was was accepted into engineering. He was an auto admit and applied July 1.
If you arenā€™t checking Howdy or miss the ā€œsecret changesā€, you do receive an email of the acceptance from tamu.

Hey just wanted to let yā€™all know, my friend got PSA after 6 tabs showed up in her howdy portalā€¦ I was under the impression that 6 tabs meant full acceptance or blinn team, not PSA??