TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Correct me if I’m wrong but I think the old auto admit was about 1360 so that was a goal to shoot for and yet I think I saw quite a few in the low 1300’s who were not top 10% auto, who received full admissions.

I’m not sure I would agree with this assessment of the caliber of students TAMU accepts…all the students we know currently at TAMU are stellar, kind, helpful students and would help others out. I would include my daughter in that category as well.


It looks as if TAMU Galveston’s application deadline is May 1. Could you apply there and then request a change of major after one year? Supposedly the students there get together and go to games in cstat. Just another route to Aggieland.

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One day A&M might move to Top 6%. But regardless, the ultimate plan is to expand, expand, expand the brand.

Personally I believe what you see in Engineering and Business will eventually spread to all departments. By doing so, the brand can continue to bust at the seems on every campus globally (100,000 students), but set a standard within individual departments in order to maintain published rankings and such.

A&M needs to feed the beast. Holistic reviews of non-Top 10% (or Top 6%, or whatever) is where the mass numbers come from to maintain cashflow. Also, graduates turn into donors. The more graduates gives you more donors. It honestly would not surprise me to see an expansion of all these pathways. Increases in niche majors. Increases in campuses. Increases in everything possible.

I will probably be dead, but one day their will be a new A&M University President with the slogan of 150 by 50. They will establish a global goal of 150,000 students by 2050.

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Absolutely!!! That is a great route. Just make sure you are following and completing the required change of major courses.

This link will get you to a page where you can select by college then major. It’s great!!!


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Yes, 1360 was the old academic admit but who knows this cycle what minimum score was considered helpful - although it seems that Tamu_admissions on TexAgs may have answered that question, since they mentioned 1250 back in September? Yes, there were some reviews admitted with low 1300s

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@MackAg i tend to agree with you. I am so not a fan of the ‘25 in 25’ Engineering plan. I’m a firm believer ‘Bigger is NOT always better’.
But yes, (happy) alums are the cash cow…

To suggest that UT and A&M are not admitting well rounded students is just plain false. In fact, it might be the complete opposite of what is happening. The requirements to be accepted to UT and A&M are skyrocketing in comparison to past generations. These kids today must be heavily involved AND highly ranked AND have high test scores. I think your statement is an injustice to all of the kids being accepted to UT and A&M. Simply being involved in activities with a few B’s should not be the definition of well-rounded. Personally, I feel this is the definition of average in today’s environment. Students are expected to have A’s, expected to participate in sports, expected to be community leaders, and much more in order to be labeled as average in comparison to their peers. Average is not a negative word.

And this definition of average is precisely why Texas Tech is able to grow academically like never before. As UT and A&M increase their demands for acceptance, it is schools such at TT that benefit from the average students not being accepted into UT and A&M. Again, average is not a negative word. Eventually, you will see TT bloom into a university with standards almost equal to UT and A&M…and then somebody will come around and say TT is only admitting students like UT and A&M, not well rounded students.


@MackAg agree :100: %!


I think what is being lost in this post…or in general is that Texas a BIG state. There are over 3000 high schools in Texas, and some of those schools are HUGE. At the same time, our universities can’t keep up with the demand. With the top ten percent rule came into play, it really changed the demographics of the kids who thought that they may be able to excel at college.

Does anyone know why Blinn Team, Engineering Academies, Gateway and PSA exist? Or why CAP exists at tu ? Because these schools know that what equates top 10 percent at one high school cannot not possibly equal to another high school. So they know, based on statistics, who will eventually leave A&M, thus making room for that person who was on the CUSP of getting in…that person who really wants to be at A&M…that kid who really wants to be at Texas. Texas can’t grow, but TAMU can. What we need is Tech to grow…and Texas State to grow…with good quality kids so that our Texas kids aren’t tempted to leave the state. If schools are bound by law to autoadmit top 5/10 percent of kids and you only have 2 premier schools in the state, some kids are going to get left out, which is why the auxiliary programs exist.


This is such an emotional process! Expectations, hopes, disappointments - it’s impossible to undergo it without feeling some mixture of doubt, frustration, and parental guilt. Last year, when my D20 got capped at UT (her first choice), I felt angry and wronged because we waited FOREVER, and several students who I felt were less-qualified got accepted. We had to watch her let go of a dream and it was painful. A year later, she is happy and involved at the school she chose. Looking back, I understand the emotions I felt at the time, but I don’t feel the same way today. Thankfully, my S21 got accepted to A&M back in October, but we’ve still had our share of emotions, second-guesses, and frustrations. Hang in there, everyone!


My son was accepted to Galveston 2/25 and was accepted to Blinn-Brenham just now for engineering. Those that applied to Brenham check your portals.


Howdy! I submitted my application about 6 months ago (October 13th) and am very nervous on what will happen… if y’all could give me on some insight on my stats it would be much appreciated:)

Major- environmental design (architecture)
Rank- first quartile
Very personal essay, and follows prompt very well, also has mentions of family alumni and achievements
GPA- 3.73 unweighted, 4.64 weighted
4 AP classes and 7 Pre-AP
Lots of volunteering
Two steady jobs
Varsity soccer (all 4 years)
Academic All District Award
Character Trait Award
District 9-5A Honorable Mention for Team All District Award
Club soccer (6 years, also has been Captain)
2 years of Architecture classes
Potential Internship set up with Toll Brothers out of college
Rec letters from lots of Tamu alumni’s (masters program graduates)

I haven’t heard anything from Tamu or gotten any other offers like TEAM or waitlist… I am getting extremely nervous as I really want to go. I checked this morning after hearing about the change in major button going away and mine is still there on Howdy and AIS… I’m not really sure in what to think at this point, please let me know what y’all think my chances are! Thank you!

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Did your son apply to Blinn-Brenham after he was offered Galveston or before?

Check portals those who had missing change major tab, just got PSA…


Wow, your stats are great and shows you’re serious about your major. The only thing I can think of is your major is limited in size. Do you know if there is a psa pathway for it?

Honestly not sure why else you wouldn’t have heard back yet or asked to change majors or pick options. Keep us posted tho.

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@reddenj29 good stats. A&M doesn’t consider legacy anymore, so hopefully your essay didn’t focus on that too much. Letters of rec don’t bear a huge amount of weight, and A&M only reads 2; hopefully teachers or employers that you know you personally wrote, not just Aggies that majored in Architecture.
Like @AggieMomhelp said, that is a small college/major, that could easily be filled with Auto Admits, depending on how many applied.
Definitely check PSA & Blinn TEAM, to see if there are any avenues to get you to College Station, if you are offered either route.
Hopefully you are next in line for admission, and they’re waiting for someone to decline their offer🤞🏼

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It’s official…AIS has updated to say “You’ve been offered PSA”.

Best of luck to everyone…time for us to commit elsewhere!


My D will be a freshman engineering student at TTU in the fall. She is top 1%, 36 ACT, 1590 SAT , with tons of rigor taking AP physics C: E/M now and Mech last semeste. 5 on Calc BC, 4 on Chem, with tons of engineering/math ECs. Tech gave her the merit money to cover tuition/fees/room/board and most if not all books (she was NOT NMF) We needed the merit money and I am thrilled Tech is getting a great student.


I am very sorry TAMU did not realize what a GEM your son is!!! Their loss for sure!!! Tech would love to have him! And Yes, he will fly where ever he lands!