TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I just saw a message on AIS that all engineering applicants who haven’t heard back have been deferred to January decision. I applied August 1st with a 1290 SAT, 5.1 weighted gpa, straight A’s except for usually an 89 in my hardest AP class (only non AP classes I took were sports and some electives), track 4 years with 2 years of cross country, NHS, and I’m 10.58% of my class out of a little over 600 students. How many students get admitted in January? I’d assume most the spots are filled already and I know my SAT score is low so I’m pretty worried. I worked pretty hard to improve my grades and jump from being ranked 120 to 62 in 2 years just for 40 students to drop out last year with covid and kick me just out of auto admit so I’m really hoping I can get in. The school district disregarded our grades for the third quarter, even though we were at school up until the end of that quarter. I was getting all A+‘s and working the hardest I ever have so that was pretty heartbreaking as well.
I forgot to mention I did take regular physics since the AP physics teacher at our school doesn’t really teach and leaves the students out to dry on tests and assignments. I got a 100 in that class but I assume that won’t change the hole that I put myself in.

I think a lot of engineering students will hear back in January. Your rank is great. Your sat shouldn’t hurt you since test optional.

With your ranking you will get an offer of some sort. It could be full but even if not, it’ll be academy or Galveston. Both solid offers. Best of luck and keep us posted.

When did you apply: Nov. 26
Class Rank: 70/597 top 12%
SAT (with Sub Scores)- no sat (test optional)
ACT (with Sub Scores)- no act
When did you receive your admission decision: TBD
Are you an Auto-admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Education and Human Development
High school courses were all Pre-AP or AP.
Weighted GPA- 4.0
Extracurricular- Choir (4 years) (officer) Mu alpha theta (2 years) (officer) Science National Honor Society (2 years) (officer) ( however, my officer position for SNHS was not listed in my application because the officer election were conducted after) YA mission bend council( 2 years) (officer) NHS, and a musical.
5 honors were listed
First generation student
Do I have a chance of being admitted into A&M with these stats? I am not an auto admit and I am very scared. I would really love to go to A&M. My GPA has also increased since the time I did my application.

By the way, I think my personal essay and diversity essay were pretty well. However, the leadership scholarship essay was not my best. Will that count against me?

It does say “deferred”. Do y’all know if that means delayed for consideration or something more technical?

@gigi2003 I think you stand a great chance. Your essay won’t hurt you, typically it only helps you. Same with letter of recs. Having them may help (depending on who they are from) but it doesn’t hurt if you don’t have them.

Your class rank and ECs with officer positions should bode well for you. Best of luck and hang in there. You won’t hear til January at the earliest. But please keep us posted.

@silverdad1 delayed for consideration. There are probably a lot of bubble candidates and they are sorting through what offers to give them (full, galveston, academy). This is just my opinion based on prior years.

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Will they specifically designate someone as deferred this early? Early as in before review admits are decided?

Thx. My son is an auto-admit to school based on class rank. Does anyone know how that fits in with engineering?

DD just got accepted into her major. Strangest email from A&M at 9:41 am saying they received our FAFSA and to check our financial status. They also sent an email at 9:29 am to lock in housing. I did not think twice about it but decided to check the portal 30 minutes ago. We do not qualify for financial aid but was curious. Sure enough it said she was accepted into her major but wanted to know if we had any outside scholarships. Just an fyi to those who are patiently waiting to hear an answer. We are in state.

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@FriscoParent the student isn’t deferred, the all is. I know it’s semantics but I just think they are swamped and didn’t get all the decisions out that they wanted just yet. Least year, same thing happened. engineering is wanting to grow to huge numbers by 2025. They make these decisions with that in mind as well as finding places for those that can end up at cstat main campus after year one.

If he doesn’t get into engineering as an auto admit then they will give him the option to change majors or take academy/Galveston route.

Same thing happened to a friends son who was top 2%. Took the academy route back in 2018 and has been crushing it ever since.

Thx happy holidays to all!

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A Top 2% rank in texas didn’t get into engineering? That’s nuts.

Does anyone know what’s the average ACT/SAT for TAMU engineering?

I know, crazy. But he tanked his Sat because he didn’t think it would matter. He was blown away. But took his lumps and took care of business.

@Gigi2003 Your stat is very good. It was just you applied late on Nov 26. It becomes January decision because A&M office is closed second half of December.

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It about 1400 for SAT

Do you think applying late November decrease my chance of getting in?

It won’t decrease your chance, it is just pushing the decision to January cause A&M only have 2 weeks to work on December. I was also told they are busy with Honors programs review in December in January. You won’t believe how many people applying Honors and the selection process can be more difficult than admission.

If you scroll all the way up, people applied way back in August. I applied in September.


It’s been so quiet. Hope everyone had a great and Merry Christmas and most Covid free! Happy New Year. 2021 is the year your kiddos become Aggies! :grin: