TAMU ETAM statistics

Yes, agree with others that the automatic-entry percentages being less than 100% is strange-looking, and may have to do with the not-visible footnote for the “number eligible”.

@ucbalumnus @Eggscapgoats Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, I was at A&M today at my oldest son’s graduation. I am guessing here, but I think this refers to the total of students that selected that particular major for one of their 3 choices. When my son did ETAM even though you were going to be auto admit you still had to select 3 majors. So in your example I am guessing that 24 students selected AREN for one of their 3 choices but only 15 of them had it as their first choice.

Oh, that is so exciting! Congratulations to your son and your whole family! You have obviously played a huge role in his success by helping him (and many of us over the years) to figure out the ins and outs of Tamu.

Fascinating take on the footnote - does make it hard to truly calculate statistics. Like @ucbalumnus and @MackAg , I want to see auto 1st choice placement be 100%.

Graduation is always a fun time!! Congratulations.

Do you have a link to the ETAM Data you posted? Nothing comes up in a search, so I’m curious as to where this is displayed.

@Eggscapgoats Thank you! There were many Mom’s on this forum that helped us out when my oldest was just starting out so I like to pay it forward and post the information I get along the way. I won’t be going anywhere too soon though because my oldest will be graduating again next May with his Masters and my youngest son starts this Fall.

I do believe everyone that has auto admit does get into the major. If you look at the data for Spring 2020 there is evidence of that. In Spring 2020 they gave the kids the opportunity to Pass/Fail up to two of their ETAM required classes which greatly inflated the grades for that semester and ETAM. If you look, two majors completely filled up after auto admit kids and couldn’t even take one kid during the Holistic review first round. It also affected their Fall 2020 ETAM in that they had far fewer spots then normal because their department had well more kids then they had teachers to support.

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You will not find the ETAM data that I posted on any TAMU site because they stopped publishing that data on their websites in 2017. An engineering student did a Texas Public Information Act, the equivalent of a FOIA in Texas, and got the information and then posted it on the Aggie Reddit.

Spring 2021 ETAM statistics while the process was still in progress

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Great info! So 12% of engineering applications were not eligible. Any idea what the leading causes of ineligibility are?

Number Eligible refers to the number of people who submitted an ETAM application that actually met the requirements to ETAM that particular semester. So for example, the requirement states you have to have two math classes at A&M but if you only took one, you would not be eligible.

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Thanks for the info!