TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

Hi, I have a question please. My D applied to TAMU, (she is holistic review), with her first choice of major as Biology and second choice Kinesiology. I know that I heard that the major has no impact on acceptance, but I can’t help but think it does. Some colleges are harder to get into than others. This brings me to my question…what is your advice on switching her majors to first choice Kinesiology and second choice Biology? Would this help her chances of getting accepted? Also, does anyone know about these 2 majors…are they hard to get into? Finally, my D is interested in a few majors in the one College of Education & Human Development. Will admissions look at ONLY Kinesiology in this college, or will they look at others too like Technology Mgmt. and Applied Health within that same college? Thanks for everyone that is so kind and helpful on this forum, especially for the regulars! You guys are great!

Choice of major should not effect outcome. Only for transfer students. If you want to increase chances, have your daughter take residual act at Tamu if possible. Or go meet with academic advisor face to face. Or send in resume with updated senior stats. Those are things that will show her commitment to tamu. Both of the majors you mentioned are not impacted like eng/Mays/architecture etc. but I don’t know much else about them.

@TAMUkbr I’d probably say that your D has a fighting chance at full admit, and a very good chance of Blinn Team. She has a good EC list- athlete, leadership, volunteer, awards, solidly in top 25%, 1260/ 27 does sometimes make the full admit cut. She has no hardship/challenge listed so Gateway is out. Regarding majors - keep biology, it will most likely be open. Kinesiology is a very popular major with athletes wanting to either be coaches or athletic trainers or physical therapists as their end goal. So that may or may not be open should she be admitted. My guess is she doesn’t have much down time between HS season & club season - put our time in on that circuit ourselves, a shockingly time consuming sport! Hang in there, good luck!

Any thoughts on my chances? Been hoping to hear by now but still nothing, and with some of the engineering students hearing by now it’s got my anxiety through the roof

Sat: 1340 (700 reading; 640 math)
Rank: 117/911 (12.8%)
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Applied: September 29
Leadership: Vice President of an engineering club at my school, NHS member, I also have held a job for over a year
Essays: all three

@bluefordaggie if you submitted your application with supporting documents by the early decision deadline of Oct 15, you should receive your decision by mid December. If your application file was complete after Oct 15, then you will receive your decision in January.

Decisions are just now beginning to come. They are just getting started.

Has anyone else looked at these two graphs of TAMU acceptances/ rejections plotted against SAT/ACT scores and GPA? Some of the rejections on the second graph in the upper right quadrant cause me to scratch my head.


@Jweed1 The source website (Cappex) says that the data are “based on historical self-reported student data”. So some pranksters can feed in anything they want and the data on which the scatter diagrams are based are not reliable nor comprehensive.

SHE HAS 6 TABS, SHE HAS 6 TABS. AIS Hasn’t changed but SHE HAS 6 TABS!

@PleaseGod2022 that’s awesome. Congrats!

Also @PleaseGod2022 can you repost stats for your daughter? That would be helpful to those still waiting! Thank you!!! And so happy for you guys!

Still waiting on AIS to to change but SO VERY HOPEFUL that the 6 tabs are good news. Here are her stats.
I’ll let you know when/if her AIS Updates.

Application Date: 8/6/2017
GPA and Class Rank: 4.2 wt GPA - non ranking school but TAMU forced ranked into Top Quarter
ACT Composite: 28 - (Eng-28, Math-22, Read-31, Sci-30)
College applied for: Agriculture & Life Sciences
Major in that College: Animal Science
APs/DC: Will graduate with 12 DC Hours
ECs: 4 year varsity Softball, 4 yr varsity XC, 8 years 4H, Secretary of Student Life, Founder and President of Student Service organization, NHS, National Spanish HS, National Art HS, 2 Theater Productions, All District recognition in Softball 2 years, Academic All State, Selected to participate in TAMU Vet Enrichment Camp.
Did you do all 3 essays: Absolutely
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? Family survived armed home invasion and daughter used that in essays to demonstrate perseverance, working in stressful situations, personal awareness, mental/emotional survival and resiliency.
Other: She has done a lot at TAMU over the years. Vet School open house 8 years, Vet Camp, Whoopin’ Weekend, Aggieland Info Day, Games and events, visited with the Prospective Student Center in our city and made a point to talk to/reintroduce herself to the Regional representative at college days at our school, etc.
In state/Out of State: In
Current Status on AIS: Complete and in review - HOWDY Changed to 6 Tabs on 11/21.

Her sister HS class of 2015 was Blinn Team with a 4.1 and 27 ACT. Similar ECs, Weaker Essays. Transferred to full A&M Sophomore year and is in her Jr. year LOVING TAMU. Completing her 90 hr this semester and will order her FTA Gold in January!

@PleaseGod2022 thank you. My son has similar stats aside from essay topic. Prayers he gets his 6 tabs next “round”.

6 TABS for my D too!!! Not in AIS yet either! Congratulations to your daughter @PleaseGod2022

@FingersCrossedAgMom Oh My Gosh. That’s exciting! Praying all the 6 tabs means something and AIS updates soon. Trying not to get too excited until we have something more concrete. @YourCollegeMom Thanks! Best of Luck to your son!

Whoop @FingersCrossedAgMom can you also provide stats again? Congrats!!!

@PleaseGod2022 6 tabs definitely means something!!! Celebrate for sure.

@Pleasegod2022 your post made me smile this morning! I could picture your doing the happy dance in my head, lol!

Fingers crossed that is a good sign because WE’VE GOT 6 TABS too!I

Just to confirm… the 6 tabs are HOME, APPLICANT, MY RECORD, MY FINANCES, STUDENT LIFE and MY HOWDY? Correct? (I have been looking at them so often it seems that is was just Home, Applicant, My HOWDY before and now there are new sub topics in the the tabs)

Do you get 6 tabs if you are offered an alternative path to admissions (Blinn, Gateway, PSA) too?

Application Date: 8/30
GPA and Class Rank: 4.81w/3.5uw; rank 82/575 - 14% will graduate Magna Cum Laude
ACT: 27 - E25/M24/S28/32R
SAT: n/a
College applied for:
Major in that College: 1st Choice: BS Psychology, 2nd Choice: Forensic Investigations
ECs: Solid but not outstanding ECs - Varsity Cheer Captain, Latin Club- regional award winner, Diamond Darlings, NHS and NEHS (just was inducted into SNHS, Rho Kappa, Mu Alpha Theta but it is too late to add them)
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes, of course. I really liked her C essay.
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? Honestly, nothing really. She does have 9 APs. So far received 4 (4), 1(3) and 1(1- yeah Physics 1 was a bear)
In state/Out of State: In State
Current Status on AIS: 6 tabs on 11/21 in review for BS-PSYCH

6 tabs are the ones you mentioned. You do get 6 tabs if you get blinn team or gateway but those decisions don’t come out til feb! So if you have 6 tabs now, then expect AIS to update in the next week (since holidays). Also, if you go to manage applications in Howdy, you’ll see the major they got into!

And again, for those of us that want to share in your happiness as well as provide hope for our hopefuls, please provide stats as your student gets accepted!!! Thanks and whoop!!!

Just wondering if anyone’s ever heard of someone getting tabs and then not actually getting admitted!? We are excited but don’t want to get too excited until we see it in AIS…

Here are my D’s stats copied from earlier post:

Application Date: 7/3
GPA and Class Rank: 3.945 and 47/409 (11.5%)
ACT Composite: 25
SAT: 1280, from Oct test, improved a little
College applied for: ARCH
Major in that College: Visualization
ECs: NHS, FFA & 4H Shotgun Teams, Church, Decent Service Hours, Leadership positions in 4H and FFA
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? The only thing I can think of is State Finalist in FFA Shooting Sports 3 years so far, and 4th Top Ladies Shooter in Nation in her age group on the Jr Pro Tour (PSCA- Professional Sporting Clays Association)
In state/Out of State: In-State

Thank you All! Congrats @labegg and Best of Luck to everyone!

@labegg haha. I’ve danced, laughed, cried, almost hyperventilated, all of the above all before 7:00am. The 6 tabs were not there last night about midnight. I did check under ‘Manage Applications’ and it shows her 1st degree choice of Animal Science and ehr status is 'Under Review" but I don’t know if that reflects a change as I had never looked there before. I also looked at her transcript (was just trying to think of places where it might show) and it shows her in her first degree choice as well. I hope AIS updates soon.