TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

My D also got 6 tabs this morning!! Now keeping a close eye on AIS and hoping for confirmation of admission.

Application Date: 9/7/2017
Class Rank: 31%
SAT: 1390
Auto-Admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Review Admit
College applied for: Education & Human Development
Major in that College: Kinesiology
ECs: 4 year varsity soccer (3 years as captain), NHS, Student Council (Senior class officer), PALS, lots of volunteer hrs
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? Essay elaborated on significant injury suffered during freshman year in varsity soccer and the long road back to full health and even greater confidence on and off the field (confirmed by being named all-district defensive MVP in sophomore year). This personal experience not only taught the importance of hard work in overcoming life’s obstacles but unexpectedly led to discovery of passion for a career in Sports Physical Therapy.
In state/Out of State: In
Current Status on AIS: Complete and In Review (6 tabs on Howdy as of 11/21)

Getting accepted would be such a relief for my D who has Texas A&M as her clear #1 choice. Fingers crossed!!!

Glass half empty person that I am immediately wondered if anyone ever gets 6 tabs and than gets denied? If you are declined do you just never get 6 tabs? Maybe it just happens when they pull up your file to review it? Honestly I can worse case scenario anything!

I hope AIS updates before Thanksgiving, than I would have far too many blessings to count!

My son still has 3 tabs :-SS . Congrats to everyone that got 6 tabs this morning!!

I don’t remember anyone getting 6 tabs and then being denied. Not this early in the cycle. If memory servers, the 6 tabs means admittance and AIS updates later. I never recorded the time frame from tabs moving to 6 and AIS updating, so keep us posted. Within 2-3 days sounds familiar.

In February last year, there was tab movement of 6 then going back to 3 and some had majors disappearing.

Sadly, we too are still at 3 tabs. Was hoping for a joyous Thanksgiving, but maybe Christmas??!! Still super blessed and trying to stay hopeful.

I am skeptical, this would be unusually early for holistic review non-COE applicants to be hearing about a full admission offer…

@labegg I’m cautiously optimistic as well but I do know of a couple of people that found out this week last year that were non -COE and read in another thread that a candidate last year got their acceptance the day before Thanksgiving. Gotta go…I’m obsessively checking Howdy and AIS…

@labegg gosh, I hope it’s not a mistake, maybe because they opened apps a month early? we can hope!

@PleaseGod2022 me too! obsessively!!

@Thelma2 thanks for the info. That would be almost cruel to see the tabs go back to 3… I’m so nervous!

My fingers and toes are crossed!

Looks like the quickest AIS update I’ve seen reported is 5 hours, most are within 24-48 and there are some in the 1 week plus range. I did see on the TexasAg website academic forum, an actual admission person say (virtually, without actually saying) the 6 tabs was as indication of admission and congratulate 2 posters when the posters said they had 6 tabs.

Like I said…I can worst case scenario anything!

We have not even looked at the housing options at TAMU because we didn’t want to get our hopes up. I know nothing about that process or options.

I will keep positive vibes going for everyone waiting to here anything from TAMU!

My daughter has 6 tabs today! I hope this will be an acceptance for her? Gosh, her friends have been accepted through top 10%, and the wait is so hard for her! ugh!

@PleaseGod2022 and @FingersCrossedAgMom, congratulations! So very awesome and happy for you!

Just checked Howdy portal and mine updated to 6 tabs!!!

If you haven’t already, please repost stats! Thanks and congrats to all!

Application Date: 7/31- (test scores not uploaded until 9/30)
GPA and Class Rank: 4.56w/4.0uw; rank 1/95
ACT: 27
College applied for: Agriculture & Life Science
Major in that College: BS Forensics and Investigative Sciences
ECs: not super amazing but: Class Officer (4 years), Scholar Athlete (Track and Field), Tutoring, Part time job, NHS, CSF lifetime member, multiple AP classes
Did you do all 3 essays: absolutely!
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? my essays; I’ve had a pretty rough childhood so I talked about how that has motivated me to try hard and make a better life for myself
In state/Out of State: Out of State (California)
Current Status on AIS: Complete and in review- Howdy shows 6 tabs!

Congrats to all who have 6 tabs!!!

@helimom3 maybe you and I can form a support group! lol

No kidding! This is so very tough. Does Howdy ever update during the day? I am pretty sure my employer is going to wonder why I have checked Howdy so often during the work day LOL

Here are my daughters stats! 6 tabs in Howdy as of 11/21. Hopeful to see acceptance in AIS soon! Congrats to everyone too!

When did you apply: July 1
When did you get your UIN: July 6
When did you receive your admission decision: Not yet, but fingers crossed!
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: First choice: College of Science, Biology, Second choice: College of Education and Human Development, Kinesiology
Did you get in: Not yet
Class Rank: 16/119, Top 13%
GPA: 103.7 or 3.83 on 4.0 scale
ACT: Composite 27, Eng. 31, Math 26, Reading 26, Science 25
SAT: Section scores: Reading & Writing 650, Math 610 & Test scores: Reading 33, Writing 32, Math 30.5

Other info & EC activities:
NHS Officer, Treasurer
Member of Youth Leadership Program with her high school, volunteer work
UIL, Computer Apps., district
Calculus, Biology, Computer Science AP courses, English & Social Science dual credit courses
High school volleyball team member 4 yrs., named All-District & Academic All-District, First Team last year
National club volleyball team member 4 yrs.
High school track team member, school record holder 4x200 meter relay, sophomore year & progressed to regional finals in track, freshman & sophomore years
Ran in the Texas Relays, Austin, freshman & sophomore
Fellowship of Christian Athletes member 4 yrs.
Youth Ministry member 3 yrs
Salvation Army volunteer
Church vacation bible school volunteer
Church mission trip, Street Reach, Memphis, TN

** Just found out today! She made All-District, First Team for volleyball for this year! Whoop!

@TAMUkbr Congrats! What a great day for you guys all the way around!

@helimom3 Sadly I don’t think it updates throughout the day. I believe it’s kind of an overnight thing. Don’t hold me to that, but that is what I remember seeing in the past. Definitely promising to the see the same stats my son has being admitted already though. Now if only we can get our 6 tabs!!! Cheers!

What do you all mean by 6 tabs?