TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

Does anyone have any indication of another wave tomorrow?

Daughter got accrptance into Blinn-TEAM

Major: Zoology
Rank: 17%
SAT: 1200
GPA: 3.8 unweighted
3 Essays
3 letters of recommendations

Accepted Texas Tech, Tarleton State for Zoology and Galveston for Marine Biology.

College Station was first choice. Blinn and General Studies vs accepted into major of choice. Will have some tough choices to make.

@newaggiemom I am having the same problem. I have tried a couple of times now.

Have been reading this thread for past couple of weeks. I don’t have my D exact stats handy but rank is 17%, SAT 1170, lots of EC plus Dual Credit classes. Still under review, waiting to hear about Ag Life/Sci. Has had 6 tabs since last Friday. It’s a long wait! 2 other universities have accepted and offered small scholarships and in constant contact, but TAMU is 1st choice. Not sure if this site makes me more nervous or if it is helpful but I appreciate all the input.

Houston2022 - I am confused. I have heard 6 tabs means accepted and then status changes a day or so later…did not take 4+ business days. That is how it worked for my daughter. Wonder if it is worth a call…especially because u can’t do on campus housing until admitted.

@Tuppence22 I will investigate tomorrow! Thanks

I don’t understand why this wait is taking so long. I literally had everything in by August 5th

@HopefulAggie200 : Don’t take It personally. There may have been 50,000 applications submitted this year. At least it doesn’t take as long as it has in the past. I have hear of people finding out in MAY back in the 1990’s.

@GManmom123 Re one post suggesting that your son apply to TAMU Galveston…We cannot apply directly to TAMU Galveston for engineering. Those spots come only through A&M main engineering admissions.

Yes, I know this is so tough on you and on the several other people on this forum who are also waiting just outside academic admit range. But because they are saying more acceptances will come today and next week, we will just have to continue to sit tight. As @Thelma2 just pointed out, many review applicants are still waiting.

@Thelma2 I forgot the following items for my DS

Class Rank - Unranking School - A&M put in top 25%
GPA - numbers shared were on a 5.0 scale
2 Essays
Letters of Recommendation - with Honors College Application (didn’t realize we could turn in for regular decision)

Honestly losing hope. Others with higher ranks, GPAs, and scores are being offered Blinn or nothing. Daughter’s friend received an answer she “didnt want to talk about”. Dont know if it was a rejection or something else. Anyone else hear about rejections or will that be the final wave? Thank you!

@tyra2k8 My daughter was accepted into education & human development Monday. She will either go Allied Health or community health.

SAT 1170
1st quarter

Responding to someone in the thread posting about PTA (I can’t remember their user name…). Important to talk to the specific college at TAMU you plan to transferring to. We went to a session for Animal Science and learned that Animal Science does not participate in PSA. While PSA is a different program than PTA and I can’t say what their official comment would be about PTA, I imagine they are not the only college that has that stance. My memory of their comment was that they do not accept any Animal Science classes from other colleges and therefore, if you have quite a few AP/DC classes going in and then take some ‘basics’ freshman year you would likely run out of basics and, while you could take Animal Science classes, they wouldn’t transfer to TAMU. Something to consider in your decision making, whether you take credit for your AP/DC courses, etc.

@Thelma2 school doesn’t rank-a& m 2nd quarter
Act 30 he sent resume, 3 essays 2 recommendations
NHS 2 Varisty sports, scholar athlete, volunteered
1st major biology 2nd biomedical science
Not sure not cant remember what he put for Blinn we all didn’t know about what it was back then. It was in July.
At this point just praying for the best for him & you all!

CONGRATS to all the Blinn Team accepts. Great program that you have been selected for and, if in the long run you want your diploma to say Texas A&M you are on the right track.

My TAMU Class of 2019 was a Blinn Team accept her Freshman year. While her initial reaction was frustration (had waited 6 months, 6 days; 27 ACT, 4.0 GPA, A&M had placed her in 1st Quarter, Lots of ECs, Leadership, Work, Service Hours, Recommendations, All 3 essays,classmates with lower stats had been accepted …) it ended up being a WONDERFUL solution. She transferred to full A&M for the beginning of her Sophomore year. Just ordered her Aggie Ring and is on track to graduate May 2019. Don’t lose heart!

A TAMU academic adviser told my daughter “If you want to graduate from Texas A&M don’t let your short term pride get in the way of your long term goals. Don’t turn down a Blinn Team or Gateway offer because you’re offended and then be angry at TAMU for years. Take those offers, come to TAMU and make your college goals come true.” He was right!!!

Can you do BIMS on Team? Don’t want to take extra unnecessary classes at Blinn.

@Bbgigem My recollection is that you follow a ‘pathway’ to your desired degree at TAMU while Blinn Team (rather than following a specific degree plan). The Pathway ensures you are taking all of the right courses that will transfer to A&M in your projected degree plan. Your Blinn Team advisor at NSC will direct you on the classes that you should take at Blinn vs. those you should take at A&M. They are super helpful in making sure that you are maximizing your hours while ensuring you are prepared for the matriculation out of Blinn Team when it is time.

My daughter, Blinn Team her freshman year, looked at the requirements to transfer into her desired degree at TAMU and made sure that she had taken those classes by the end of her Freshman year (she brought in 18 or so DC credits) and then applied to transfer to A&M rather than finish the Blinn Team program. In retrospect, I should have encouraged her to just finish Blinn Team but she was determined, applied to transfer in February of her Freshman year and, upon completion of her Freshman classes, was accepted as a transfer student her Sophomore year.

@prayingforAggie3 thank you!! I have similar stats I got an 1190 and I’m in 1st quarter still waiting to here back , I applied Jan 1.

Has anyone from BIMS heard back yet, I applied in July and havent heard back