TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

Guess I’m not going to agsat.

My high school admission’s counselor spoke to TAMU admissions on Monday. She was told that there would be a wave every Monday until March. Now we did have that wave on Wednesday so I was a little confused.
I remain prayerful.

posting my daughters stats: We are still waiting. I assume a large portion of the Blinn Team offers have been released because we have seen several noted on this site. I don’t think it’s looking good. We’ll remain positive and if it doesn’t work out she will just have a great time at another university. It’s very difficult to get in if a student is not auto admit and we understand the odds aren’t good. Will let you all know if we get a decision. Good luck everyone!

.Application Date: Nov 10
GPA and Class Rank: 3.6 uw, 4.77 weighted Top 25% ( many AP classes)
ACT Composite: did not take
SAT: 1210
College applied for:

Major in that College: Psychology
ECs: numerous
Did you do all 3 essays: yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? Essays
In state/Out of State: IS
Current Status on AIS: In review

I just hate that my future is in the hands of slow admissions personnel. Their decision is going to define where my future takes me and it is so frustrating to be at a road block.

The admissions officers don’t really define where your future takes you. YOU define that. The admissions officers had no control over what you put on your application or what you scored on your SAT, nonetheless the decisions you made these past few years and they won’t have control over the majority of the ones you will make in the years to come… It is ultimately in your hands!

@TXagghopeful1 Hang in there. I know that the wait is painful and that waiting creates doubts and fears and frustrations - some warranted, some not. The admissions counselor told my daughter "Think about your long term goal. If you want to get your diploma from Texas A&M there are lots of paths to get there - from Blinn Team, PSA, PTA, and even transferring from another school. If you aren’t admitted this first go that is not a permanent No from Texas A&M, it’s just a Not Now. You can decide what your long term goal is and try another path. In the end your A&M diploma just says A&M - its doesn’t tell your story of how you got there (the good and the bad) and your Aggie ring is an Aggie ring. Don’t lose hope and think big picture/long term goals!

@PleaseGod2022 this is FANTASTIC! And you left us this nugget earlier

This advice is all spot on! Sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees! Thank you!

Totally agree!!! Growing up in CS and surrounded by Aggies it doesn’t matter how you get there or how long it takes… just don’t give up. The admissions person I spoke to said honestly they use Blinn team as an overflow campus mainly. Student life is part of Bryan/College Station. I have a friend that went back to school and just graduated A&M at 42 just before she send her oldest off to college. The “not now” is a perfect way to look at it. The admissions person I spoke to also said if we get a decision and want to know why and the best path to get you there from this point that you can meet with them and they will help you. I worked in property management for years and can’t tell you how many students had set backs even after being admitted. But if you stay focused on the end result you will get there! There is nothing like a town full of maroon come game day! People come from everywhere like one big family of all ages! If this is your dream do not let this one decision change it!

It is hard to see beyond this decision for sure. I know almost all of my daughter’s friends know where they are going. For me the top 10% rule gets me as 16% at one school might be 10% at another school. It also creates a disappointment in achieving 16% or top quarter and almost makes it seem like a failure when it really should be celebrated. There are so many great (State) universities in TX, but you would think there were only 2! So be proud of your accomplishments, everybody has a different story and path!

As long as yo qualify the auto admission of system schools, I guess you will get PSA. Over there, just work hard, and come back to College Station one year later.

What are the auto admit SAT and ACT scores I saw someone mention yesterday on this thread?

Sarah says:
“Since we do rolling admissions there is no set day that we send out everryone’s decisions, it just depends on the particular applicant and the major that they are applying to. It takes a different amount of time for everyone, and oftentimes a period of months, so there is no need to stress”

Also Howdy can update anytime throughout the day not just in the morning

Sadly, I am losing all respect for my Alma mater thru this process. My legacy kid applied for early action in mid July and is still waiting. Even though they claim to holistically review applicants they don’t seem to consider gpa or challenge of school so stack rank can make a kid look not competitive. If we are still waiting with a top 2% SAT score and 3.3 unweighted and a fabulous extracurricular…disappointed is an understatement. Bad bull!

no change here. Not expecting it due to the event tomorrow.

Did anyone in this thread apply to Ag Communications & Journalism? If so, what are your stats? Have you been admitted?
My Stats:
Applied: Dec 1
Ag Communications & Journalism
Under review
2nd Qtr in a hyper-competitive high school (Valedictorian last year had a 108+ GPA)
ACT 24 (Reading 31; English 25)
GPA: Weighted 3.7 of 4.0 (Unweighted 3.6)
4 years PreAP/AP Spanish (3 on AP Exam)
4 years AP English (4 on AP Exam)
AP Govnt/Econ (This year)
2 Essays
HEAVY FFA Leadership/Involvement all 4 years
Varsity sport
Various other clubs and volunteer activities
Both parents, aunt, uncle, and cousin are grads
Two of the other officers on my FFA team received admissions offers today (2/9) for Blinn Team, but they are Animal Science and Ag Ed.

Any info is appreciated.

Good to see some offers going out today!

I just want to say that my DD, who was admitted back in November, is waiting on a decision from UF today and wow y’all are so much nicer than those Florida folks! That is another big checkmark on the reasons to pick A&M column!

And if we thought things get heated between UT vs A&M, that ain’t nothing compared to the UF vs FSU thing it seems!

My older son is a Senior at TAMU Galveston and I now have one who is a review candidate for Liberal Arts (history) at CStat. He applied in August and still nothing. I can honestly say that I have not been impressed with the state of the university administration in general, having experienced it firsthand for the last four years. It seems they have become “too big to fail.” After all, you don’t have to give good service if you have customers beating down the door to get in. If UT can get its admissions decisions out by now, TAMU should be able to as well. Also, I have come to the conclusion that the following don’t matter at all with regard to non-auto admissions: what day or time it is, what date your Howdy says it updates, whether you’re first or second quarter, your EC’s or rec letters. It’s all about that SAT/ACT score and whether you fit into their numbers. It seems to me as well that they are trying to increase their Corps numbers so students have a better shot at admission if they want to be in the Corps. Just my observations…

I agree that the wait is very difficult. I also agree that they clearly post the admission standards for auto and academic admit to TAMU. What’s done is done, but it is not fair to blame admission faculty for having control of your future when most of you have had the past 4 years to take that power out of someone else’s hands COMPLETELY. Back when my son started high school he knew the admission standards for TAMU engineering and he worked toward that goal, then they changed them and made all engineering admissions holistic review. He spent the last two and a half years working harder to build his resume to stand out and continuously improving his class rank because this has been his dream school and field since he was very young.

I see lot’s of posts that indicate just how competitive their school is, at the end of the day it’s about how much work you did and how hard you were willing to work to beat out the competition. That’s life from here on out. I hope all of you get your shot at A&M but quit pointing fingers and saying you give up. Wait for the response and if it’s not the one you hoped for figure out another path to achieve your goals whatever those may be.

To all that have bruised egos on getting Blinn Team: I am class of 92 and took plenty of hours at Blinn. My Aggie ring says Texas A&M. My diploma says Texas A&M. My resume says Graduate Texas A&M. I read a lot of post from applicants that express frustration at not being a “full admit”. My advice to all of you is to sleep on it. Once you get over the bruised pride hopefully you will realize that you are very fortunate to receive an offer. There are thousands upon thousands of people around this globe that would crawl all the way to CS for the opportunity you have been afforded. My son is still waiting and has been going to Aggie games since he was 5 and would trade places with any of you in a heart beat.