TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

Is it true that selecting Corps of Cadets on the application helps with admission chances? I was told this by a cadet on an overnight visit. I received a 4 year Army ROTC scholarship and this is the only school I have not been accepted to that is on my list (out of sate btw). This is ridiculous that it is taking so long.

@Thelma2 Thanks Thelma for all your information and insight. It helps…A LOT! At this point we are praying for good news in the coming weeks. On the bright side, he’s been accepted everywhere he has applied. If he does not get in (TAMU being his first choice) he has options.

@labegg Wow! I thought the gpa requirement was lower. I wonder what it is for Engineering.

@AlmostCollegeKid055 Which schools accepted your 4 year? Have you called TAMU’s ROTC office and told them you received a 4 year?

Just called admissions…again, I was told all decisions will be done by next week. Rollouts every couple of days. Hope this is accurate because I get different answers depending on who picks up phone but this was today’s answer.

That’s the answer I got as well. I heard most of them will try and go out this week.

Okay I’m SUPER confused about the whole Blinn-Team Mays thing. In 2015 the required GPA was 3.3, then in 2016 3.5, now last year 3.8… that just seems incredibly high to me. Why has it raised so much in three years? I get that it’s selective, but that just seems like a ridiculous amount difference to me. For 2018 will it just be a 4.0? A 3.8 is already like having an A in every class… How hard is it to get into Mays being in Blinn Team while not meeting the minimum requirements for automatic transition?

@kaydeeloo Purdue University and Norwich University. No, but I did send an email, I may place a call if they do not get back soon.

Corps of Cadets membership is no longer an admission criteria, it use to be many years ago along with legacies. They stopped quite some time ago but the rumors continue… You should however contact admissions about your ROTC scholarship as well as notifying the Corps, that is different. I’d call today, waiting is not your best choice.

@likeclockwork48 . Here’s the link for other Mays transfers http://mays.tamu.edu/undergraduate-enrollment-plan-2016-2017/

@likeclockwork48 Getting into Mays is extremely difficult. They only accept 100 transfers and 100 change of majors per semester and I’m not clear if they accept these every semester or only in the Fall. As for Blinn Team automatics into Mays… I have not seen nor heard of anyone doing that on here or with my friends kiddos living here. There are other ways though. I personally love the University Studies Mays Degree plan where you get a general business degree from MAYS but you also choose 2 minors to accompany it! So if you have specific plans, this type of degree is so beneficial. You can think outside the box. I also love the business minor degree for Econ or Sports Management. Such a great compliment.

Unless you’re going into finance or accounting… it’s really doable in other ways!!!

@AGmomx2 Thank-you, I called and the ROTC officer is seeing if they can expedite my admissions process. Have to wait and see what will happen now.

Best of luck @AlmostCollegeKid055 ! Glad to help , congrats on your scholarship! TAMU is an excellent choice with as much camaraderie within the military as a service academy. We are an AF family, so we have seen it first hand :slight_smile:

Has anyone heard today?

The forums are very quiet, so I’m guessing decisions didn’t go out today.

National Honor Society?
My son was notified he is being considered for the National Honor Society by his high school. I understand this looks good on college applications but he has already been accepted to TAMU Engineering. Are there any other worth while benefits to joining this? He would need to do additional community service and tutoring if he were to apply.

@AggieMomhelp - the automatic into Mays from Blinn is new this year; hence, why none of us have heard about it before.

We are still sending out decisions this week so expect updates in your AIS later today and we’ll continue sending out more decisions during the week and in the next couple of weeks
If your Howdy Portal has not changed in the morning just wait until the next morning to check because it updates overnight

My hope is rejuvenated! @shayne8

I do agree that a 3.8 GPA requirement is high. However, some kids receiving Blinn Team are very capable students who either scored low on SAT/ACT, or did not apply themselves to the extent of their capabilities in high school and were just out of the top 25%. For these kids, if they want Mays bad enough, it is just a matter of applying themselves, of working hard for something that means a lot to them. And the opportunity to focus on only competing against themselves, vs. competing for only 100 slots with the rest of the students at TAMU seems like a good deal IMHO.

Was this info from an email or phone call?