TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

My howdy just changed to “BAC-ENGE-GV”

This is great! All this waiting and finally something! AIS still hasn’t updated and I still have 3 tabs on howdy. Probably will be updated in the morning!

Is GV Galveston?

@bluefordaggie I hope not but its looking that way…

My pull down menu only lists 2018 fall-freshman-BIMS-CS with a checkmark next to it. is this good news? please respond!

on ais^^^^^

I don’t think the pull down tab on AIS means anything about admissions. I had only 1 tab when I submitted my CS application and the only thing it showed was FRESHMAN-PHYSICS-CS. It wasn’t until I submitted my Galveston application that I got another tab which showed the same thing except with my Galveston major. The only purpose it serves on my AIS is to switch between my Galveston and CS app

My Howdy changed to “Program: BAC-ENGE-GV.” I am so done if I have to do engineering at Galveston.

@Zeronote ^

Hi Everyone! I’ve been following this feed for months now!

my status is the same exact as @trinley

in howdy:
application status: under review, level: undergraduate, Major: CVEN, Program: BS-CVEN-GCE
the pulldown menu at the top says: “2018 Fall Freshman-CVEN-CS” only showing my first major in the pulldown with a check mark
the term is 2018, fall major: Civil Engineering , college: EN , degree: BS, location: college station

and i have 3 tabs on Howdy still!

Do yall really think we got admitted into A&M for civil engineering? I think GCE has been there since last thursday though

thelma2…my pull down on AIS only shows my son’s major and not a 2nd choice but no checkmark. What do you think?

@shayne8 and @Zeronote I feel you guys, I’m not a fan of this either

@Shayne8 @bluefordaggie I googled “BAC-ENGE-GV A&M.” It really means the Galveston campus. I guess it’s over. Good luck to everyone else.


Seeing the trend of changing programs here, I looked on my Howdy and alongside “Under Review,” my Program reads: “BS-AERO.” Does this mean I have a great chance of making CS? If so, I’ll be thrilled!

@LeStaphSergeant same! do you still have 3 tabs or 6 tabs

@soccer19310 I still have the 3 tabs, hopefully it expands to 6 sometime soon.

Threads like these give me more hope than I’ll ever get from waiting.

same, feeling hopeful today @LeStaphSergeant

@Thelma2 My son’s Howdy Manage Application says BAC-ENGE-GV. That’s Galveston right? No Blinn option? Sad, sad day…

So when they release the admission decision to you, do they email you about it first?

Do we think the check marks mean anything on the drop down? Or have they always been there?