TAMU Spring 2019 Transfer

Hello everyone,

Congrats on everyone who got accepted and good luck to everyone else!!
Is anyone else debating on whether to choose a variable or locked tuiton rate code? It is pretty confusing. Does anyone have any recommendations for transfer students?
Thank you and Gig ‘Em ??

@tamuagscs If you look at the previous years rates, you can get a general idea of where things might go. Hard to predict the future though! If you are eligible for a previous years rate code, then locked may very well be a good option. Either way, I ran calculations with different scenarios and rarely ended up with more than a couple hundred dollars difference over three years based on assuming that rates will go up $200 or so each year (per semester).

@kdblev Congratulations to your daughter. So excited your girl is going to be an AGGIE! I hope you will come to the admissions page in the Spring and share her inspirational story to others.

Hi! I just applied today to liberal arts for psychology…I know its much later that most but do I still have a chance? What I thought was that as long as you submit before the deadline it was okay. I have 32 hours (26 from Blinn and 6 from AP) and I’m taking 15 hrs this semester. I’ve received all A’s at Blinn and I’ve taken the required coursework. I have little extracurriculars and volunteer work. I think my essay is pretty strong. Does anyone know if applying this late is bad or when the second round of admissions are? Thank youuu

@niiiicole I don’t know if applying late is bad for transferring. They review as they come in. I know we have a strong psychology department, but don’t know if they limit transfers in the spring. A 4.0 from Blinn is great. TAMU knows that is not an easy juco. I think you have a really strong chance! Good luck and let us know the outcome.

@niiiicole check your messages. I sent you some info.

@AdamBarket For sure, I will keep updating as I receive any new information.Just here waiting, but I know I just have to be patient.

@Thelma2 Thank you! She didn’t win her appeal as a freshman admit (test scores just weren’t strong enough). PSA would have put her entering with so many hours that she wouldn’t have had a good experience in the Corps of Cadets. So she doubled down, took the required courses she was missing over the summer (while working 70 hour weeks as a lifeguard!) and applied for transfer for Spring. I’m proud of her work and excited for her. We both appreciate all the things we learned from you and all the other members along the way!

@kdblev with her work ethic, she will do well!
My son is/was homeschooled and is in a similar situation to your daughter. He applied for Spring semester as a freshman with 15 hours dual credit and a 3.8 gpa and mid range SAT scores. I’m afraid he too will not get Freshman admission & should retake the SAT or take the ACT and RE-apply.
But time is running out for test dates and he is taking 10 credit hours of dual credit including physics and working as a lifeguard. Did your daughter RE-apply as a transfer or take more dual credit and apply as a freshman? Was PSA still available to her if she did reapply? Please let us know how she is doing. She sounds like an amazing individual!
BTW, I went back to school at age 24 as a single mom waiting tables. Desire & hard work pay off if dedication is present.
I got into medical school first attempt with good grades etc.
If she wants something & she continues to work hard, she WILL achieve it!

Question - how long do they take to let you know if you are denied admission for transfer? My DD has been under audit for 2.5 weeks now, and we are starting to get nervous seeing all of the acceptances around us. We realize it could be the department that she’s applying to, but we can’t help being super nervous about this.

@JaceyK If it helps, I have been waiting 1.5 months since receiving my audit (applied in July)… The estimated time on hearing back depends upon when you apply, and which department you apply to. All applicants will reciveve notice by November.

@AdamBarket Yes, I figured she would know by November but dang that’s a long time to wait - I wish all departments responded equally!! It’s hard watching all of the acceptances pass you by - hope we get good news sooner than later! :slight_smile: Do you know if we can call the department and ask when they make/release their decisions? Is that how you found out about your department?

@JaceyK Ya I’m sure everything will work out! And ya it would be much better if they treated everything equally. In my opinion, the departments that take longer probably dont get as many applicants (which is why they wait till the last minute) therefore, better chances of admissions if that eases your anxiety! But ya you can definitely call your department and ask any questions that you may have. My information is based off of past forums and asking the admissions through AIS. I wish you the best!

So I have a question for transferring into TAMU, which is credit hours now I know that you need 24 hours and AP scores are counted however my question is that can I send my AP scores separate in any way because at my current university they didn’t let me use almost any of my credit and some ap classes they don’t even give credit however TAMU does and if they do take that into account I will have 16 extra credit hours putting me well over the 24 hour requirement. Additionally what’s a competitive gpa to get into sociology?

Advice please?
My son applied to TAMU for Spring 2019. From what I’ve learned here and on TAMU site, he is a review admit & will either get PSA, Blinn team, or not accepted.
He is a H.S. senior graduating Dec 2018 . His gpa is from community college classes ( Lone Star, 15 credits) 3.8.
His SAT is mid range & he was homeschooled prior to this.
His extra curriculars are great, Eagle Scout…
He wants Viz which is competitive & PSA/ Blinn team won’t help.

  1. So, if what we predict happens and he gets Blinn or PSA, would it be best to not accept and just take ACT for a high score ( at least above 30)? He’s taking it for 1st time Oct 27th but if not high enough, he was planning on continuing the prep & retaking.
    2)Thoughts on the strategy of taking more CC credits. Even with good grades in CC, this doesn’t seem wise as the SAT or ACT score seems to count more especially for competitive programs like VIZ.
    I know each admit cycle brings diff applicants and so no guarantee he’d get a chance at PSA or Blinn team for Fall 2019or Spring 2020.
    3)Also, any penalty for reapplying more than once?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Hey I applied like in august for the nuclear engineering program and since then my application is still under review I have 72 hours completed and accepted all the requirements completed as well and my gpa is 3.87

@cpacestx , I have a daughter interested in Visu transferring in the future. Just wanted to let you know that PSA is an option. At least, it is on the TAMU list of PSA majors currently. It could still be a path for your son. I don"t know when they send out offers to PSA students, though.

@93plan Thank you! This certainly opens Viz up to more students?
Is your daughter in college currently?
My son is taking the ACT this month hopefully, this will help with Fall admissions if Spring falls through.
I appreciate your help!

Stupid question: is AIS supposed to say “incomplete” if the transcripts are all received but not processed? Want to be sure I’m not missing something

@imaginarysonic Yes, that is normal.