TAMU Spring 2019 Transfer


@kass12 I emailed asking how much longer it would take and they said, “We don’t have a specific timeline for when transfers will hear back since those decisions are made by the department, not the Office of Admissions. We have been told that all transfers should have decisions released by mid-November, but that would be the latest. They go out on a rolling basis, so it could be sooner, but we cannot guarantee when you will hear.”

I just got my official acceptance today! >:D<

@hopefulaggie12 congratulations ?

Nice to hear that some in our ranks have gotten their acceptances!
Still anxiously waiting & frankly not sure if they will even accept my DS to start this Spring in the Viz program. Anyone have insite or an anicdotal story?

Hey everyone, super happy because i checked Howdy this morning and saw that I RECEIVED TABS!!! I applied for a BS in Economics with a 3.56 GPA 39 Hours and 2 LOR. I was in review as of 9/3, Audit received 9/14, and tabs 9/27.

@jesstx2021 Congrats!

Hi guys! I’ve been lurking on this thread and finally decided to post my stats.
I’m applying for Viz in the School of Architecture.
GPA: 3.61
Hours: 73
I have all the core for Viz done except for Calc II, which I am currently taking.
I applied on August 24th and received my audit about a week later. I haven’t received tabs and have been in review ever since I’ve applied. I also sent in a portfolio with my application.


Hey guys I just got accepted!!!
Applied: 9/13 to LA telecommunications
GPA: 3.8 w/ 45 hours
Audit: 9/21
Tabs: 9/27
Accepted: 9/27


@proyov What is your back up major? Not trying to scare you. Your stats look good, but I do know it’s very competitive
Please keep us posted!

Major: Technology Management (School of education)
GPA: 3.5
Applied: 9/6
Review: 9/19
Accepted: 9/27

Good luck to you all

@AggieMomhelp I put Global Arts, Planning, Design, and Construction as my second choice major, as suggested by the program coordinator. I’ll keep y’all updated!

I’m new to this post, I am also applying to Construction Science.
Applied on 9/13/18
Received audit on 9/25/18.
I am very anxious.

@proyov My DS has applied to Viz as well but his SAT takes him out of academic admit range. So, I fear he won’t be accepted for the Spring semester. At least he has found something he’s passionate about.
Your gpa looks great. Where did you take the other core classes for Viz?
Was the program coordinator that advised you from TAMU viz department or your transferring college? We may need to try again for fall & would appreciate any input!
Good luck to you! You look like a great candidate for the TAMU programm.

Still waiting with abated breath for my DD’s status to update. She applied 9/7 to Biochemistry/Biology. Wonder how long they take compared to others? Sigh.

@futuaggie Finally, a CoSc buddy! I’m assuming after the deadline, is when we should expect to hear something. Lets keep each other informed.

@cpacestx I didn’t know admissions considered your SAT score when transferring? Unless I’m thinking of the wrong thing? I had dual credit from high school and prior to this year, I was actually at UT, and had most of my core completed except Physics and Calc I before transferring, which explains why I have a larger amount of hours than a “regular” transfer student. I honestly don’t know if I’m going to get accepted either bc Viz is so competitive, but I’m hope me and your S get in! Viz is awesome!
And I spoke to the Viz program coordinator about the nuances of applying to Viz. Did your S turn in a portfolio with his application? Although a portfolio is optional, the program coordinator strongly suggested all transfer students turn one in due to the nature of our circumstances.

@proyov Currently, my DS is still considered a freshman admit as he only has dual credits and graduates soon. He applied for Spring 2019. He’s looking at his options if he doesn’t get accepted which looking at the stats from previous years is probable. So, he will take ACT and consider whether he should apply for fall at TAMU or even other schools. Why TAMU for you with the experience/classes in this field that you’ve taken?
You look like a great candidate for the program. My son is hoping to become one?

@cpacestx Oh ok, that makes more sense. Honestly, I haven’t taken many classes concerning the Viz field. I know many people go into it thinking it is heavily art-based but is actually quite technical. I am more interested in the art side of it, but I think Viz will help me strike a balance between the art and the technical as I venture into new media. I was at UT for something not really art-related at all, and didn’t decide until recently that I wanted to pursue this field. Actually, I took an art class at my college for the first time this past spring semester, and as for the programming stuff I haven’t really dabbled in, but that’s what Viz is for! So, all of this is new to me! Prior to applying to TAMU, I wanted to go to an art school out-of-state but decided it wasn’t worth the financial burden.

@proyov My son has dabbled in art some but he’s definitely much more technical. Your journey is encouraging & your stats look great! I really hope you get in! Please keep us posted on your progress. It’s exciting seeing others get their tabs!