TAMU Summer/Fall 2016 Transfer page

Did they get your transcript? @acceptmeplease5

Yes they did, but it hasn’t been processed, it’s still showing the yellow sign @Adam666

Hi guys, I have sent my college transcript and in my tracking number, it says that it has been delivered on March 1st. However, till now it still shows “X” sign on my AIS. Anyone also has the same problem? Thanks!

@quin97 Mine did the same thing when I sent it in in February. Give it like a week or so and it should pop up as a check mark. Their admissions takes forever to process documents.

Howdy, y’all. I applied for Summer 2016 with Aerospace as my first choice and Industrial Distribution as my second choice (just to make sure I got in).
GPA: 3.3
Hours: 61
Coursework: All required coursework and most additional coursework completed from transfer sheets.

I am a reservist in the Marine Corps and felt pretty strong about my essays. I have had all documents in since mid January and still haven’t heard anything. I got my transfer audit on 2/22. Anyone have a rough estimate on when I should get a decision? I know I could very well be on the fence of admissions for Aerospace but I am fairly confident I would get into Industrial Distribution if I didn’t make it into Aerospace. That being said, I would much rather be accepted into Aerospace. This forum has been a huge help so far!

Talking to some of the advisors on campus, they said some engineering majors will wait til after the entry to major deadline to admit transfer engineering majors which is at the end of April

@gio123 Wow that isn’t what I wanted to hear. I am in school now and I need to start making living arrangements for next year, whether that be in College Station or at my current school. Frustrating X(

Anyone heard anything this week?

I applied to the computer engineering as my first choice major and computer science as my second choice major.

gpa 3.1
all the required courses completed with As and Bs expect for cal 2 i received a C.
I have 72 credits completed. Do you guys think i have a chance? i am scared to be denied.

@OL2012 I’ve heard that they take it pretty serious if you don’t have A’s and B’s in the required coursework. I have only really looked at the Aerospace transfer page but if Cal 2 is a required course for admission, they might be skeptical. That being said, I’m sure its nothing you can’t overcome if you had some good essays and a good resume with your application. Wishing you the best of luck!

@charlestmoore15 thanks for responding! I know my GPA isn’t good at all. I had a very rough first year in college Due to health problems. I know my application isn’t that competitive so I tried my best to write great essays and I think I did. Also, I made As in all my sciences including university physics and chem. I spoke to a counselor and he said that one class isn’t going to automatically disqualify me but that I would have to perform good in the rest of my classes. That being said, he told
Me that I might get put into the spring review category.

@OL2012 I am just getting so anxious! My application has been under review for well over a month now and I just want to know already lol! Did you counselor you talked to let you know when we should be hearing back? Idk if you saw but I am applying to the engineering college as well (Aerospace) so we are in the same boat.

@charlestmoore15 I’m also applying to Aero, I sent my transcript two weeks ago. I think we’re going to wait until April

@charlestmoore15 as far as I know, they will release their decision in the beginning of April. Trust me, I’m quite impatient too lol I submitted my app Jan 2nd and still haven’t heard back from them!

@OL2012 @Adam666 When did you get y’all get audit report back/have you got it back yet? I saw a few people get a decision 15-19 days after they got theirs. I’m not sure if they are engineering though. Its good to know that there are still lots of people waiting! It makes me less anxious lol.

@charlestmoore15 I think I got mine on Jan 22nd.

@OL2012 Oh wow. I didn’t get mine until February 22nd. I’m sure you’ll get a decision soon if your audit report has been in for that long! From what I have heard, once your audit report is posted, that means they are actually looking at your application.

Hi, I applied for fall transfer admission as a chem major. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on how competitive it is to transfer in. I have a 3.75 gpa and good EC’s but no LOR. Also I’m a first year blinn team student if that matters. (I have 27 transferable hours; got some from dual credit in HS). Thanks for your replys


Pretty sure u’ll get in.