TAMU Transfer Fall 2018

Hello all. I was accepted last week into College of Liberal Arts as a Communications Major. Congrats to all fellow ags.

My questions is: I received my audit report with 36 transferable hours on a 3.33 GPA. Though many are transferable, a few are under “TRNS XXX” which apparently means it is " Transferable by title but has no equivalent course at TAMU".

Does that mean I will not receive hours for those courses and will be considered a sophomore possibly when I get to campus, or will I still receive those hours?

Thanks and Gig Em.

So I applied to the college of liberal arts major of B.S in sociology with a 3.66 gpa and less than 70 hours.
I turned in my application the day before March 1st(deadline) and i barely got my college strancript received and application is complete and under review. No 6 tabs yet but my question is if anyone else has been accepted into sociology yet? And how long does it take to get your audit after your under review?

Did anyone else who applied to Chem Eng hear back?

@guestaggie135 I applied back in January around the 15th and received my audit two weeks after and was admitted Feb 8th! Sociology is pretty easy to get in if your essay was compelling enough and you have about a 3.25 then I would say you’re 97% in haha. Good luck :slight_smile:

@jahughey I think that means you don’t receive any credit if you choose a&m since a&m does not accept those courses

Has anyone heard anything from Computer Science? I still haven’t heard anything

@rowennguyen omg congratulations!!
Do y’all know how long after audit will I get an answer? I just got it last night lol

@guestaggie135 thanks! Liberal arts makes their decision pretty fast so you’ll probably receive an answer soon. What was your second major?

@Tursko— Not yet !! Waiting…

My transfer report posted – 52 credits @ 3.56 GPA International student… Not sure if it is enough for Computer science

@Aparna98 our grades / hours are pretty much the same, but I am from Texas.

Anyone heard from Construction Science?

hi! so I applied to Texas a&m for freshman admissions. unfortunately they didn’t allow freshman admission so i plan on applying to another university and want to transfer over after my freshman year. To transfer it is required that I make at-least a B in Biology I & II and also Chemistry I & II and at-least a C in Calculus I & II and Engineering math I & II. College i heard is hard but is it really that hard to make those grades in those classes? And it is also said that transferring to Texas a&m’s biology program is competitive but how competitive is it actually? would it be that difficult to meet those requirements and be accepted into Texas a&m as a transfer student? I would appreciate any feedback and thoughts!

@vicky_1607 That’s quite a load of requirements. First off, I’ll start by saying that the university you go to for your freshman year makes a lot of the answers different. If you’re going somewhere just to transfer, it is my personal advice that you stay home and go to community college. It’s so so so cheap, closer to home, and gives you a better opportunity to focus on classes without that whole awkward transition period of leaving home and going to college for the first time. No, it won’t be as fun as going off to university, and yes you may be annoyed that you’re still living at home. But if A&M is where you want to be, then I think it’s worth it. I went to community college for two years, and now next year I’m going to A&M and I can say it was well worth it and I’m much better off financially and academically then most of my friends. Yes, Texas A&M biology is competitive. TAMU as a university overall is competitive to get into, and they’re good at biology, so yes it will be difficult. My best advice is to stay at home, try your best, and aim high. If the requirements ask for a B in one class and a C in another, make A’s in both and show them how badly you want your spot as an Aggie.
Good luck, and Gig Em.

@vicky_1607 Hello Vicky! First of all, don’t get worried. Yes, it’s competitive, but not as much as engineering majors. Second, why do you think that you are not going to make a better grade in your calculus classes? It’s not that hard. I don’t think that they like to see any C grade. I’m agreed with Jahughey. My major is also Biology and, I went to Lone Star college for two years, and I’m going to transfer to A&M this coming Fall.

When will our financial package come in the mail?

@rowennguyen my second major was psychology, but that is just backup I’m hoping and crossing my fingers for sociology:)
The anxiety of waiting is killer though :confused:

That was my second choice also! Good luck!! @guestaggie135

Wait is killing… Any idea when College of Engineering admits will be out? I mean the next lot of releases

@rowennguyen I’m not sure. But I asked the Scholarship office, and she told me they would come out in early April.