TAMU Transfers - Fall 2023

Yes that will still have to be done once the final acceptance is received.

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Oh, OK. Thank you! But it sounds like you’re able to do NSC with the info you submitted in AIS.


Updated transfer audit showed up tonight!


Yup. Got my new transfer audit as well my gpa went up 0.14 so I think that’s good news :).


also got my updated transfer audit!

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Got a new transfer audit as well. Does this mean we’ll get a decision relatively soon?


New Transfer Audit received here too!

It can still be a couple of weeks but hopefully sooner than later. Watch for those extra tabs!!!


Thanks the magic question!!

Hi Christie!

My student was offered PTA. Will be attending Blinn in the Fall. Wants to take a summer class and then will take 15 hrs in the Fall.

She already has 12 dual credit hours and one class for AP credit from high school….so 15 hrs total right now. Great GPA.

Do you think trying for straight transfer would be better than accepting PTA?

We are a little confused by the PTA paperwork that says 30 consecutive hrs have to be completed post high school. (Since she’s already gotten 15 hrs through dual credit/AP, does this change this requirement?)

Thanks so much!

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I would do straight transfer if good GPA. Apply in spring for summer/fall. You may get deferred for spring grades tho.

AP will not count for transfer credit. You’ll accept that after you’re at Tamu once you speak with advisor. You have til senior year.

Dual credit gpa will count. And no PTA requirements are 30 credits post high school. They don’t change and they don’t care lol but gpa still counts.

Does that help?

Anyone can do PtA. It’s not offered. pSA is offered tho but it’s taken at a Tamu system school.


The form we have that includes information on how to qualify for automatic admission through PTA states a student must: “Complete 30 consecutive hours after high school graduation in residency at any Texas community college or a combination of Texas community colleges.”

Correct. I’m saying that because she already has 12 dual credit plus what she takes this summer plus Fall, she has enough to apply for straight transfer in the spring for the following summer or fall. She may be deferred for spring grades but because she has 24 graded hours and on complete semester behind her at the time of application then she could be admitted without the spring grades. She’ll need to complete all required courses for straight transfer this summer and fall so plan accordingly. Otherwise she’ll for sure get. deferred.

Or go the PTA route and do 30 hours for a guaranteed admission in the fall. Still must complete the required courses for her mayor with qualifying grades as stated in PTA.

Does this make sense? You asked me about straight transfer originally then replied with the PTA info so I maybe misunderstood what you were asking me in the first post. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I guess I was just trying to see if applying for straight transfer admission would be more difficult to get accepted even if she has all of the required courses when she applies for the transfer admission, versus the automatic admission through PTA. And also inquiring about the 30 hour requirement POST high school through that program, since she would need to take the full 30 hrs because of her dual credit. Hope that makes sense!

wouldn’t need to*

She MUST take 30 hours post grad to qualify for PTA guaranteed admissions.

IF she does straight transfer, she only needs 24 graded credits and they can be taken as dual credit or post grad.

It’s a personal choice which way you go. What is her Dual credit GPA. That will give me a better chance at advising you.

Hi @ChristiR93

I was comparing my deferral letter with two other applicants, and mine looks different than there’s. Mine states that the college of engineering has determined my app

Hi Christi. I applied for Technology Management with a 3.42 GPA in January and got deferred for my spring grades. After submitting my spring grades, my GPA went up to a 3.57. What do you think my chances are for being admitted? Thanks!

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Please disregard the first half of this about the deferral letters.

Hi. I think your chances are solid!!! Great job!