TAMU Transfers - Fall 2023

How long does it take for documents to be reviewed? Status shows “received but not yet reviewed” for 3 weeks.

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Should be soon. You’ll get your transfer audit and then you’ll know things are moving along.

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Yes, now in review application complete! Now we wait.

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Any transfer decisions yet?

Did you ever get your degree audit? What was the gpa and hours?

Wondering if anyone has gotten their Transfer Degree Audit? How long does it usually take?

Fall2023 Transfer-hopeful applied Jan5,
Documents Required got green checks ~Jan24,
“Change major” button is gone, AIS showing both Choice 1 and Choice 2 majors.
Status has been at “My App is Complete and in Review”.

Degree audits are usually a couple of weeks after app is complete. If you don’t have one, then they can’t make a decision. Not sure why your change of major would be gone tho. Typically when major 1 denies you, then it drops and major 2 moves to the one spot.

Keep us posted.

Hello, my son has same scenario as above, still waiting in Degree Audit, applied early Jan with all green check marks. The change major button is gone and original major choices are still listed. First choice is IT Mgmt, which was recently moved to Engineering. Are we likely going to have to wait until May?

My son appears to have received his Audit Report but I don’t really know how to interpret it. His first choice is Mays and second choice is Economics. His audited GPA is a 3.89. He’s trying to transfer over from Walton at the University of Arkansas. He’s taken classes that all transfer over in satisfaction of the TAMU Mays prereqs except there’s one that’s iffy. It’s statistics. It’s a required business course at UARK, and the TAMU course equivalency shows it transfers in for credit at TAMU but doesn’t show it coded as satisfying the BUSN203. My son has provided the course syllabus with his application materials. Hopefully there is some process in admissions for them to take a second look at whether he has satisfied the business statistics requirement.

The good news is that the 63 hours we thought he had is only coming over as 53 transferrable credits, so I think he’s in good shape for Economics if he doesn’t get Mays.

Does anyone have any insight on the process for admissions to review a course and reconsider whether it satisfies TAMU course requirements?

And can anyone explain exactly what “Degree Audit” means? Should we be seeing some sort of indication that he has satisfied the Mays and/or Economics prereqs?

The whole stat equivalency thing will not have any bearing on being admitted. They’ll sort that out once you’re admitted. You can meet with mays/Econ advisor to see if they’ll accept it. If you have your 2 maths and then at least two of the other required courses done, then you’ll be fine. Gpa is solid.

You’ll get in, whether or not it’s Mays will depend on how many have already been admitted. Good luck and keep us posted!!!

Most will hear no later than March. Especially if you applied early. I haven’t heard of May decisions coming out unless you were deferred for spring grades.


Does this mean he could conceivably be admitted to Mays (assuming numbers are in his favor) without having that statistics class settled? I was assuming that Mays would reject him if any prerequisite was missing on the Audit. He does have every other prereq completed.

We’re excited about the possibility of him attending A&M (he’s also applying to UT). He was not even offered Blinn when he applied as a HS senior. That was incredibly disappointing given how long they were taking to make decisions (late April) and he had better numbers than several friends who were offered Blinn. So he’s been working hard at UARK in the meantime but really wants to come back to Texas.

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Hi, just sharing that he got his Transfer Audit back this week. Submitted all docs on Jan 5th, so it took awhile, but now that’s done. AIS still shows both majors as submitted. Fingers crossed!

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Does anyone know when we will hear if we are deferred for spring grades?


I am currently a college freshmen at Blinn College with a 3.42 GPA on my audit applying for Technology Management in the College of Engineering (minimum GPA requirement is a 2.75). I only have 19 hours, but will have all four required courses done and 35 hours after this current spring semester. The courses I am currently taking are listed as TIP on my audit. I was wondering what my chances for admissions are in the fall, and if there is a chance I will be deferred for spring grades. If I am deferred for spring grades, does that mean there is a high probability of my acceptance once I submit my spring transcript? Thank you!

If deferred for spring grades then yes, high probability. The fact you don’t have 24 hours or all the required courses done at time of application May not yield that result. Worst case, you apply in the fall for spring and should get in easily. Hang in there and let me know once you hear. We don’t have any news yet on transfer students this cycle yet so curious how strict they’re going to be on requirements.

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As soon as I hear, I will let you know. Thanks for the information!

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I signed up for PTA for comm. and did the completion form. I got my audit on 02/14 with 44 transferable hours and a 3.66 gpa. I have all my required coursework done, and will finish this semester with 56 transferable hours. I’ve seen mixed things about spring review, which I assume I’ll get, but not sure when/if I will.

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and was wondering if anyone had experience with this!

Today an Admissions Counselor at the Prospective Students Center confirmed something I’d heard from a College Academic Advisor. A change has been newly implemented regarding Transfer application decisions.

Instead of each individual college/major reviewing the Transfer applications and making the Transfer admission decisions, it is now up to the Admissions Office to determine acceptances.

Have you heard about this new change, and why do you think they would opt to do this?
I’d think that Admissions is already overwhelmed with Freshmen application decisions/notifications, so wouldn’t this delay Fall 2023 Transfer decisions even more?