TAMU Transfers - Fall 2023

Thank you!

Hello christi, someone on reddit got denied after being deferred for spring grades for Economics with a 3.89 GPA. This person was out of state and also had English 104(required course) in progress, could this be the reason for his rejection? His rejection was a bit demoralizing for me since we are applying to the same major and I have a lower GPA.


I saw that. Wow. Here’s a pic of the transfer audit he posted on Reddit.

Update: The person just said in Reddit that his application is being reviewed, and he/she was told that it looks like they made a mistake.

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I’ve also seen on Reddit that a straight transfer app was accepted yesterday. So it is beginning!


where on reddit did you see this I like to keep updated on reddit too

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Bear with me, this is a longer post, but it is an update on where I’m at.

I’m a first-gen, non-trad student that applied as a transfer on February 23, 2023. I applied to the College of Arts and Sciences as an English major. I received my degree audit on 4/20/23. My audit said that my GPA is 3.84 (I had an incomplete course that I redid–so, my GPA from my community college is 4.0, but since TAMU considers each course separately, it came out to 3.84), with 74 transferable credits.

I was accepted on 5/2/23 and attended the NSC 6/24-25/23.

Here is where things get a little dicey. I do not live in College Station (I’m about 2 hours away), and I have no intention of moving there. I should have done more research before applying, but I assumed (I know, I know), that I would be able to take online classes. I found out during the NSC that no, that is not an option. None of my needed classes are offered online. Yes, there are some that I can take, but in reality, I will need to take the majority of my classes face-to-face. Did I mention that I work a full-time job, a part-time job, and I have no mode of transportation? No? Yeah, there’s that too.

What in the world were you thinking? That’s probably the nicest form of what a majority of you are probably thinking (don’t worry, me too), but I was operating under a false assumption, and it has really thrown a wrench in things. When I explained all of this to my advisor–during NSC class registration–she was very nice, but direct. She explained that TAMU is not very non-trad student friendly and that perhaps TAMU is not the school for me. I understand…I really do. It didn’t make it any less hard to hear, but I appreciated her honesty.

After a few panic attacks and talking to some people, I went ahead and signed up for my fall classes. I am doing all the ones that I CAN do online this fall, and I have to figure out a way to make it to campus for my classes during the spring (right now, I am operating under “that is future me’s problem” to get through it), and financial aid has put me in a position that taking 12 credit hours per semester is a must, so going part-time isn’t really an option. I asked if I could switch majors, because some other majors offered more online classes (specifically Mays), but I have too many credits already accrued for that. As someone that suffers from extreme anxiety, this has all been quite the nightmare.

Anyways, I tell you all this, because while my journey looks a lot different than a lot of people’s on here, I’ve still been in the same boat of waiting nervously for replies, sitting on hold for long periods of time waiting to ask ‘if this or that was received’ and/or ‘what exactly does this mean?’, and pulling out some of my hair. I fear my nail-beds will never recover from all the nervous picking that has occurred over the last few months.

Also, this forum has been a great source for me to ask questions and learn some things, so I really appreciate that and everyone sharing their advice and knowledge. Congratulations and good luck to all of you that will be starting with me in the fall, and to those that haven’t heard yet, my fingers are crossed for you. Finally, if you (or in some cases your child) did not get accepted, then I say this, “Don’t give up! Your journey to where you want to go and what you want to do might not go exactly as you have planned, but there is always more than one way to get somewhere. Start fueling up for one of those other routes. You WILL get there.”

A-A-A-Whoop! Gig 'em!


Here you go. Reddit - Dive into anything

Yeah that didn’t make sense since that was not an updated transcript to show spring grades which was the whole point of being deferred for spring grades. They will be admitted. English 104 is now done so there should be no reason not to be admitted based on what is on this thread.

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@Buckyayyo congrats on acceptance! But have you thought about finding a college in the town where you live, or a full online college?

As for Mays-definitely out of the picture due to hours-I have a recent Mays grad. Not sure where you heard online classes are offered, but for undergrad there’s maybe 1-2. In fact, very few majors offer a ton of online classes, especially for upper level. After Covid, students and parents want IN PERSON classes.

A 2 hour one way commute won’t be fun, cheap or easy. I’d strongly suggest finding another school.


Thank you!

Before applying to TAMU, I did look at the other colleges around me, but TAMU’s catalogue was more attractive to me and my career goals. Also, I live in a smaller town, so there is no ONE university that is conveniently close to me.

As I said, it was my fault and assumptions that put me where I am. I didn’t ‘hear’ anything…I just assumed. All my classes at my Jr. college were offered online, so I thought that was a universal college thing. I would LOVE to be able to attend face-to-face classes, but I have bills that say otherwise. I take the blame for my assumptions, but as a first gen, non-trad student…I’m learning all this as I go–big ole stupid mistakes and all.

Also, thank you for your opinion on finding another school. I’ve thought about it and then thought some more about it. I’ve also discussed it at length with my boss and peers. The consensus at this point is that I’m an Aggie. I was accepted, and while not ideal, I do have options. If it was easy, I probably wouldn’t do it (non-trad student joke). At this point, I think I would rather try and not succeed, than not try at all.


It’s rumored that lots of decisions will be posted tomorrow so hopefully some of us will hear back!


Fingers crossed!

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Yay! Woke up to extra tabs this morning!


Same here!!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Congratulations! Wonder when we might see the approval in AIS.

Another update: The person got 7 tabs today! Looks like the appeal was successful!


For those who get rejected, does their first choice major almost always disappear? I’m hoping it’s a good sign that mine still shows both of my majors.


Precious cycles if your first major rejected you then your 2nd choice moved to first. However with AO doing the majority of acceptances, I don’t know how it will progress.

Question for out of state transfers! I am from Texas and last year my college choices were Texas, tamu, and Oklahoma and I decided to go out of state my freshman year but realized tamu would be a better fit. I applied in fall and got spring defer due to not having enough hours. I feel hopeful for admittance, but if denied are there options for me to get in another way such as PTA or blinn?
Applied as a communication/journalism major with 4.0 and 15 hours last semester, then 28 hours and 3.89 at Oklahoma this semester. I ended up taking 22 hours this semester to make up for needed credits and a miscommunication and got an A, B, and (unfortunate f in calc) for the online classes. Overall moving my gpa to 3.51 with 37 hours. Thoughts?

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