TAMU Transfers - Fall 2023

Check AIS. A couple of people just got the acceptance.

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Got it! Thank you to everyone that contributed on this board for all the help!


Great! Congratulations!

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@ChristiR93 Just wanted to thank you for all your help and input.


Awe you’re so welcome. Appreciate you.

No, he hasn’t declined. He was just letting it expire, but the date pushed from 71 to 7/15 today.

I can ask him to proactively decline, if you think it will help you?

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Denials do not help others. They have an algorithm for how many offers yield admissions/enrollment. You are not holding a spot up. But why not decline if not going to attend? If you’re still not sure then take your time.

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@ChristiR93 would a 3.2 gpa be competitive for Industrial Distribution?

The GPA is low for engineering but if they have all the requirements done and done well, then there’s a chance. What’s 2nd choice major?

ESET as 2nd choice major

What’s a competitive gpa for IDIS? @ChristiR93

Does untransferable credit affect transfer gpa?

Thanks Christi. We are glad we aren’t holding someone else back. We are sure he will decline (in fact he offically did this am), once we saw the transfer credits and compared to the major map + no transfer scholarship offered - it is quite unaffordable for an out of state kid.


@Elijahu02 your transfer gpa is ALL classes taken, including any Dual Credit taken during high school.
Even if a course doesn’t transfer, that grade stays on your transcript & is part of your gpa.
Once at A&M, your gpa is calculated by hours taken AT A&M. Prior classes count towards total number of hours, but won’t count in your Aggie gpa.
Does that make sense?

If a class doesn’t transfer at all (not just that there isn’t an equivalent) I don’t believe it factors into the transfer audit gpa at all and shouldn’t be on the aggie transcript. Unless this has changed.


I had two 1-credit classes that were Corpus-specific that didn’t have an equivalency to TAMU, but showed up on my transfer audit and were factored into my GPA. That was a nice surprise as I got As in both classes.

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Have you tried Landscape Architecture, or Urban planning majors? What was your second major choice?

Construction science average transfer GPA is 3.45+, non Blinn/TAMU colleges may require even higher GPA.

Landscape or Urban planning is about 3.0 GPA. If you apply again, focus on your essay to prove that you are prepared for the classes. On the surface, transfer admission is based on GPA, but overall they look for students who are most capable of graduating on time. (for the sake of college metrics and public funds/taxpayers accountability)

As for job prospect, all three majors are about the same unless students get advance degrees. We have seen students from each major working on others’ field so graduating on which exact major is not really that important.


Do you happen to know what the GPA for Mays is? My son will have a 3.75. I’ve read various admittances as low as a 3.5 and as high as 4.0. He will be transferring as a Junior with all required classes completed and 60 credits. Member of Phi Theta Kappa. Thank you.

A true transfer is typically closer to 4:0. Really going to depend on the competition. On the required courses, what’s his GPA if those are As then that helps of course. Also, the essay will become important.

Good luck. If y’all want help with essay, happy to look over it and give feedback.

Thank you