<p>My son, 15, is headed to Tanglewood this summer for 3 weeks. We are flying from LA to Boston, staying overnight and then driving to Lenox. Then I'm flying home, and then returning 3 weeks later to pick him up and attend his final concert. I don't know anyone who has gone before, so I was wondering if anyone had any helpful hints for us, such as the essential items they don't tell you to bring or the important tips they don't tell you in the student life book.</p>
<p>A number of tips and helpful info in this one:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/music-major/354396-need-help-tanglewood-alum.html?highlight=tanglewood[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/music-major/354396-need-help-tanglewood-alum.html?highlight=tanglewood</a></p>
<p>The biggest tip I would offer…if you plan to stay in a hotel near Lenox, book it NOW. Summer is a very busy travel time in the Berkshires and hotels fill quickly and are pretty pricey too. </p>
<p>Also, it’s too late for this OP…but I do believe that Bradley International Airport (between Hartford and Springfield MA) is a LOT closer than Boston which is on the other side of the state.</p>
<p>Thanks for the link; it was very helpful. We will have to buy most things at the local Walmart and then leave them there (like the fan) since we can’t haul them back to LA.</p>
<p>I have already taken care of the hotel so that’s good. What about getting tickets for myself to see a concert at Tanglewood? What’s the best way to go about that?</p>
<p>It was a little disappointing to read how bad the food was, to say the least. My 6’1" son enjoys his meals!</p>
<p>Your son will have a roomate - who may live in driving distance. Don’t assume you will have to purchase bulky awkward things that can’t be flown back home, such as a fan.</p>
<p>Bradley, or the airport in Albany, are both much closer than Logan. Sounds like you will be doing a lot of travelling! I hope your son has a great time at Tanglewood. What is his instrument?</p>
<p>You can order your tickets to Tanglewood events online. If your child is attending BUTI, you can also give their office a call. They are very helpful. Some of the events for BUTI students are free.</p>
<p>He plays piano and is attending the second session.</p>
<p>I originally was going to fly into Albany but it’s quite a haul from LA . . you have to change planes in Chicago and there are only 2 flights a day, arriving in Albany at 11:30 pm if you are on time and lucky. I finally decided to fly into Boston because it’s easy and inexpensive, stay overnight and take my son to Legal Seafoods for dinner, then drive to Lenox the next day. I’ll have to make the drive myself on Monday but that’s the only hard part. </p>
<p>Yes, lots and lots of traveling arrangements!!!</p>
<p>Our son attended BUTI last year. I believe they took the students to a local walmart the first or second night they were there to purchase anything they may have forgotten. We had to run out to buy an extension cord too. Also, he will definitely need something to keep the mosquitos away when he is attending the concerts at night.</p>
<p>The food at Tanglewood is not very good. However, Lenox is within easy walking distance, and there are some excellent little relatively inexpensive places to eat (Bagels, ice cream, sandwiches) that can provide some relief from the monotony. Also might consider buying him some snacks/drinks (that don’t have to be refrigerated) to have available in his room.</p>
<p>My son attended BUTI for two summers. Personally, I would buy some snack foods that do not need to be refrigerated. There was always a salad bar when he was there…and fruit. My kid says that except for an OCCASIONAL trip for ice cream or pizza, the kids should NOT get into the habit of eating in Lenox. It’s just too expensive.</p>
<p>My daughter attended BUTI several years ago. Insect repellent and a fan are essential. It gets pretty humid there. The kids do walk into Lenox all the time but they usually locate the more inexpensive places and the supermarket fairly quickly. They are kept very busy with their own schedules and recitals and seeing other student’s recitals and going to Tanglewood itself. We had great times up there seeing performances.</p>
<p>It sounds like I need to stock up on Balance Bars! I’m sure he will do just fine with the food situation. He’ll probably be so engrossed in the music that he won’t even be thinking about meals. </p>
<p>Fan and insect repellent are definitely on the list.</p>
<p>In town, my son loved the Lenox library CD collection! All sorts of great stuff and the BUTI students had access to them.</p>
<p>The access to the Tanglewood concerts was another incredible bennie.</p>
<p>The kids also get to be around kids that are as interested in classical music as they are. That is pretty wonderful.</p>
<p>All of this makes up for the not-so-great food!</p>
<p>We are leaving tomorrow for Tanglewood…only a four hour drive for us! Can anyone tell me if they do anything for birthday’s??? I am so sad that my d has her “golden” birthday while she is there…18 on the 18th! Any suggestions would be great! I have a box ready to be sent for her to get on her birthday, but wondered if there was a way to get her a cake…</p>
<p>D is there (Tanglewood) now for the workshop. Her only complaints are the food and lack of social interactions. I am sure the social issue is because this is just the two week workshop. And as far as food…she said she can find things to eat, but they just are not that good! Please keep in mind…she is a very picky eater. She has had lots of time to practice. I guess she noted that because other summer programs kept her so busy she had to squeeze practice time in.<br>
Lenox is a charming town with Pittsfield close by. Downtown Lenox is within a short walk from the campus. As noted before, very pricey places to eat, but we did notice a little ice cream shop and sandwich shop in town. We were told the grocery store had good sandwiches.<br>
As far as Walmart…we did notice a sign up sheet for a Walmart trip.</p>
<p>As my son recalls, they go about every 2 weeks to Walmart, which was about 45 minutes away. There is a Super Stop-N-Shop about 20 minutes from Tanglewood on the road to Pittsfield where you can find lots of miscellaneous items. We bought extension cords and a lamp there-if I recall they had a seasonal section which had all sorts of things for setting up a place for the summer, perhaps they even have a fan. Some things are fairly cheap and it is much closer.</p>
<p>This is our family’s 4th year there. I can tell you that each dorm has different issues, but in general, the room lighting is quite poor, particularly at night; there is a lack of drawer and closet space, no hangars for clothes or hooks for bath towels, wet ponchos, etc. and the kids are always looking for quarters to do laundry. At twilight, the insects come out in force. </p>
<p>The most unpredictable is the weather. Some years it has been so humid that my child’s bed was covered in water each evening. My daughter would complain that she could never get her clothes 100% dry the entire summer. Other years - miserably hot. They always had a fan, and used it more often than did not. Rain gear is essential, and it will be muddy. If the rest of this summer is anything like the beginning, it will be wet. I don’t think Lenox has had 2 consecutive days of sunshine for over a month.</p>
<p>As was said before, food is really bad. Kids walk to town and get snacks at the local store to have in the room, although they would also bring foods with them to take to meals: Instant hot chocolate, instant soup, etc. If you are shopping that first weekend, pick up a case of water too. The kids go in town for expensive ice cream, other food and the library. Mine both got Lenox library cards to check out music and books while there.</p>
<p>S1 packs this week, so if anything else comes to mind, I’ll post it.</p>
<p>Good luck everyone with packing,</p>
<p>I think I read somewhere (maybe on the BU website??) that there is new used furniture in at least some of the housing at BUTI. Heaven knows it needs it!! Apparently BU has renovated some of its dorms and the old “stuff” has been sent to BUTI. Believe me, anything would be an improvement!! I’ll be interested to hear if this is in fact true!!</p>
<p>One thing I would have to add…get a THICK mattress pad. The mattresses at BUTI are covered in plastic and especially in the summer this is brutal if it’s hot. The first year we just used the chintzy one we had from here. The second year, we got one that was a bit thicker…and DS was much more comfortable.</p>
<p>It has been very wet and cool this past week. D is glad she has hoodies, but wished she had warmer shoes. They have ordered pizza and chinese for dinner, and have gone into town some also. The kids do go into town to the library for internet. D can get it on her phone and has not had any issues with service. Keep in mind the town is pretty quiet on Sundays! Not too much is open.<br>
Her dorm room funiture did not look too bad…I thought it was typical dorm room furniture. She does have a nice mattress pad. Lighting is poor. I sent her a book light and we did pack a desk lamp. The food is not good…other than eating out or ordering, she is living on salads and sandwiches. She also has breakfast/snack foods to eat in her room.<br>
We will be driving up on Saturday to bring her home. She opted to stay for only the two week workshop due to family trips and college trips. She has been away for three summers, glad she will be home for this one before college.<br>
I hope the weather dries up for those of you coming on Sunday!! It has rained everyday!!</p>
<p>Question - do you know how parking works for concert attendees?</p>
<p>(PS Apparently TMC food is much better.)</p>
<p>It’s general admission parking in the field, no charge.</p>