I'm planning to attend cc starting from fall 09 and i'm thinking of transferring to ucla or other uc's. I was wondering if I should take Honors program or not..to be eligible for TAP.
Actually do uc's/usc even look at whether we took honors class?
I obviously don't want to screw up my GPA by taking honors......=/
I read that even though TAP gives priority considration for UCLA..most people get in if they are TAP ceritified? Will higher GPA be better than taking honors program/TAP?</p>
<p>P.S. Please don't say get A in Honors class and have high GPA....i already know that^^;
I know I'm asking some stupid questions...but I was really curious. Thank you:D</p>
<p>Honestly speaking, being in honors classes isn’t any more difficult than regular classes. They say there is more writing involved, but from personal experience, it seems to be just another regular class. On your transcript, it will appear that whichever class was an honors course. And yeah, TAP does give priority consideration to UCLA - and by priority I mean you’ll most likely get in.</p>
<p>And for the record, you need a fairly high GPA to maintain in the TAP program. Of course GPA is more important. Everyone in TAP usually exceeds the minimum because, well, they are honors students.</p>
<p>ohhh icic thank u 
but then do universities care whether we took honors classes or not?
not UCLA but like UC Irvine or UCSD…</p>
<p>no, only the schools that offer tap like ucla and uci</p>
<p>hey everyone! i’m currently attending another as a first year anthropology major. I am planning on transferring to the UC that is closer to my home in la. Because it is a very competitive school, I am wondering about the actual admission process. My main question is if you are competing against others in the SCHOOL (say, the college of letters and science) OR competing against ONLY those who are also applying for your major? I currently have a 3.6 gpa. I will be doing archaeology field work this summer in Belize. any other advice on what to do to increase my chances? any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Also,for the personal statement, every how many years do they change it? the reason i ask is because the essay i wrote my freshman answers EXACTLY what this years transfer Q was asking. ( i believe i wrote a really good essay, but my course load didn’t make me competitive enough) Will they look at my school grades and previous personal statement? (I would obviously fix it up)
thank you everyone. :)</p>
<p>If you keep up the GPA in anthro, you should have a great shot. Anthropology is not one of the more competitive majors at UCLA. I believe that you compete against other anthro majors…though I’m not 100% sure on that because anthro isn’t impacted. Check with someone else to verify this. </p>
<p>The personal statement hardly ever changes for what I’ve heard. If you have an essay that you think you can use that fits the prompt well, then go for it! I would say that they don’t care about your old grades from high school at all, and yeah they may take a look at your old PS’s, but I doubt it. 3.6 GPA with archaeology in Belize and solid personal statements gives u a great shot at being admitted. Also, if you’re TAP certified, then you have a super great shot lol.</p>
<p>Take honors classes in classes you’re interested in. It’s not like high school where you pretty much have to do AP-honors everything if you want to be competitive, taking stuff like AP physics & AP Calculus BC if you’re an English major lol. But if your school offers honors, then take advantage of it. I’d say that if your school has an honors program but to complete TAP you’d have to take something rediculous or stay an extra semester or have a weird night/Saturday class, if you still had a high GPA and 4 honors classes you’d probably have the same chances as if you had completed TAP. So if the honors classes look like something that would compromise your GPA (like my old CCC, where most of them were math-engineering-science based and I’m into humanities), don’t do them just to do TAP. It would probably look better if you had a bunch of major prep or awesome ECs. </p>
<p>I don’t know what your major is, but either way you should consider at least 1 honors english/humanities/social science class. As said before, those require more writing, and they have much higher standards. Since writing is a skill everyone needs to really excell, taking a class like that would be very beneficial.</p>
<p>Also, from personal experience, the students in the honors classes are (gasp) much more motivated than the regular classes. So if there’s a class that you’re interested in, you’ll do much better surrounded by equally engaged students. It’s also a lot easier to make study groups where everyone benefits (as opposed to someone just teaching someone else), and go over papers, etc.</p>