
<p>I was wondering what TASP is about? I know its a prestigious summer program at Cornell at others Univ. but what exactly do you do there? Does it help with admissions. The site says that most alumns got accepted to HYP.</p>

<p>[Telluride Association Summer Program](<a href=“Telluride Association Summer Seminar (TASS) - Telluride Association”>About Us - Telluride Association). There are a
gaggle of TASPers at Harvard. TASP is a very selective summer program
that is highly regarded. </p>

<p>(A humanities-writing equivalent for RSI). Just to clarify, you get into HYP
because your writing skill must have been awesome to get into TASP (not
because you attended TASP).</p>

<p>Ok thank you that made a lot of sense. So tasp is for writing humaniites so I’m looking towards a med future and I am Hispanic so would MITES and RSI benefit me more?</p>

<p>Irrespective of whether you are Hispanic, green, yellow, orange or white entering the
Siemens and Intel STS competitions would be useful (especially if you move on to
semis or beyond). Participating in your local science fair and placing at the local,
regional, state or ISEF level would be wonderful as well.</p>

<p>RSI is excellent to have on your resume. You will have to balance whether
attending RSI is long term useful or a place to go through the motions
eventually showcasing what you already prepped. </p>

<p>Try to avoid programs that select within a race/socioeconomic status.
You will be doing yourself a disservice in my opinion.</p>

<p>Ok thanks synth I was interested actually in the MITES program. Why do yon think I would be dong myself a disservice?</p>



<p>Such programmes might not be as highly regarded as race-neutral ones, but I don’t understand how he’d be doing himself a disservice by enrolling in MITES, for example. If it won’t help him get into MIT, it will at least make him more attractive to other good engineering schools, especially if he can befriend a professor who will write him a LoR.</p>

<p>Again thanks mustafah. Like tasp is for humanities is mites only for those aspiring to be engineers? I would like to become a physician but I feel mites may open many doors for me.</p>

<p>GAC1107 - Go to MIT’s website to see what MITES is. Basically it is designed to interest promising minority students to study engineering via a summer program your junior year. You can also access RSI through MIT’s site. That is probably harder to get into. I do not believe they look at race, ethnicity, or geography. MIT also has a summer women’s program, which will probably be linked wherever you find MITES. RSI has been free in the past (except air fare). I’m not sure about MITES. The women’s program has generous financial aid.</p>