TCU 2021 Decision Thread


Received the holiday card from admissions and the email to check portal tonight - but system is down. Is there any correlation between the Holiday Card and/or the email to check on acceptance? The wording on the card - I don’t know what to think. Good luck to everyone!

if you are a nursing major and would like to be in a groupme, message me! :smiley: would love to get to know you guys!!!

As for acceptances, i received the same Christmas card but i was accepted weeks ago. Those cards do not indicate rejection nor acceptance.

Should we get an official TCU group me started

That’s what I’m trying to do haha

we are in laguna beach! She is so disappointed but at least she can stop refreshing the portal. Hers never changed but I definitely got an email

if you got accepted what did it say on the portal?

@college221 if you are accepted then it says Congratulations and the picture changes as well

portal is still not up…

I still can’t get on


I just want an answer at this point.

I live in upstate New York. Got accepted this morning at 7 est

i got on for just a second until it went back to not working

it seems like theyre working on it bc i try to get on and it loads for like two seconds then goes back to the same thing

I got deferred, not rejected so thats good and I’ve made straight A’s my first half of senior year so hopefully that will get me in!

Just got on. D Nursing applicant was deferred. She is so disappointed.

I got deferred. Does anybody know what I should do from here on out? Should I send a letter of continued interest even after I accept the deferral and should I call admissions?

my son was deferred as well. We will see where this leads… still hopeful.