TCU 2022 Decision Thread

@TexasStudent2018 Thanks! And yes, S’s scholarship letter arrived today in the mail! He received the Dean’s scholarship ($21,000/yr). He is waiting on scholarship info from one other school then we will have much to discuss. Thankful that he has so many great options!

Has anyone been invited to interview for the Chancellor’s Scholarship?

@Beachc I received my invite in the mail yesterday! So exciting

@Beachc I have also received my invite!

Yes, you have to pay the enrollment deposit before you can apply for housing when the housing apps open up next year.

Hello all! Can anyone who received the Chancellor’s invite respond to this question? In your portal under “admitted student events,” does your chancellor’s invite show up there? Or does anyone see anything about the scholarship offer on their TCU portal? If so, can you please tell me where? Due to a clerical error, my daughter’s scholarship information likely went to the wrong address, and offices are closed until after January 2nd. We are needing to make travel plans and flight arrangements as soon as possible for a number of audition weekends and are trying to find out the answer to our question in an alternate way. Thank you in advance for your help! @collegeb22

On the TCU portal, under “Admission Events” there would be a link to the Chancellor’s Scholars Weekend in addition to Admitted Student Events and Monday at TCU. Hope this helps. @MusTeachMom

@collegeb22 Yes, thank you!!! And congratulations to you!

DS received admissions packet today. Very nice presentation and also received the scholarship notification. The amount was a little light but not a total surprise given the guidance provided on the website. It’s going to be a tough decision. TCU is one of his top choices but he’s getting quite a bit more merit $$ from other great schools. Time to roll-up our sleeves and fortunate to have such good news this time of year. Good luck to all!

mine received acceptance letter and scholarship letter on the same day- deans scholarship( 21k per year) with a 30 ACT and 32 Superscore- strong application as far as essays and resume- a ton of service work. not top 10 percent but our school doesnt technically rank ).

Got scholarship information in the mail yesterday, very excited! Located in the midwest so got it a few days after those in Texas.

@Meant2B and @TexasStudent2018 - Yes the $65,000 is an estimated cost of attendance. The board did announce a 4.9% tuition hike in November so 2018-19 tuition rates/fees will be increasing from what is currently posted on the TCU website.

@collegeb22 and @cg2018 Do you mind posting your stats? DS does not have a Chancellor Invite link on his homepage. I’m a bit surprised because we were expecting a chance at it.

Sure @S18D20mom,
32 act (34e/28m/34r/30s)
4.0 GPA unweighted
Small Catholic school doesn’t rank
10 AP classes and AP Scholar w Distinction
Varsity soccer
600+ hours of volunteer work- much of which came from participating in church’s annual Greek Festival
VP/President of local youth group
Involved/held positions in other clubs/organizations
2 Internships at hospital

Can someone confirm…Does TCU require both the CSS and the FAFSA be filled out?

@22txfrog yes, if you are looking for financial aid from TCU then you must complete both the FAFSA and CSS Profile.

son got the dean’s scholarship in the mail yesterday. $84k

Can someone who has received a scholarship please answer a question for me? Our scholarship documents have been sent to the wrong address, and we will not be able to see them for a couple of weeks. :frowning: Just wondering if the amount of scholarship you received appears anywhere on your portal…particularly in the financial aid section? Maybe under the self-certification section? We are anxious to know the results and are just trying to figure out if there is another way to find out the information Thanks, everyone!

@MusTeachMom I looked on my son’s portal and saw no mention of his scholarship anywhere- he received the dean’s. I’m sorry you’ve had this mix up, but don’t give up hope!

@OriginalSmother Thanks so much for your response! My daughter goes to a residential boarding school, and her acceptance packet and scholarship letter was sent there instead of home. She won’t go back to school for another week so we have not been able to get any information over this holiday weekend. Hopefully, we can call them after the 1st to get the results so we can be put out of our misery of waiting! Have a wonderful New Year, and congratulations on your happy results!