TCU 2022 Decision Thread

My son was deferred but now they’ve changed the date to April 1:(
(3.88 GPA, 30 ACT, very involved in sports/student government/activities)

April 1 :(( it’s so hard to wait…I hope he finds out sooner! What major did he apply for? Good grades and test scores too! Wonder if they’ll notify using the portal or mail. I don’t think I want to see something like “decision mailed”
Thinking that can’t be good.

The portal just changed from February 28 to April 1 for my son too! :(( in the same boat. Merry Christmas

Chemistry major. 35 superscore 4.3. Dual athlete. Volunteer. Accepted

Sorry you’re in the same boat- it’s not going to be a fun few months. He applied to Film, Digital Media, TV. What about yours?

Has anyone received their admission packets in the mail yet??

I got mine about 30 minutes ago in the mail

It came with a separate scholarship letter

I’ve only received a scholarship letter, no acceptance letter but, i received the Deans Scholarship!!

@Steven2424 & @ChayDaw26 - Congrats to you both! Can you tell us what city you live in? We live in suburbia Houston & just got the admissions package today but no separate letter. :frowning: Still holding out hope. The USPS can be such a mess. I wish more could be done via email. Has anyone who received a scholarship had a portal change? Thank you.

@Kwimbs We are suburban Houston too and got Scholarship letter but no Admission packet. As far as I can tell, the portal did not change.

@TexasStudent2018 - your mail system sounds about as consistent as ours. Hopefully tomorrow you will get your admissions packet and we will get a scholarship letter!

From Dallas received both packet and scholarship today. Founder’s Scholarship.

DS got Dean’s scholarship letter. No admission packet yet. We are in Austin. Grateful for 21,000 year but honestly at 65,000/yr coa it is still out of our budget. Hoping for a chance at a Chancellor interview to make TCU a real possibility.


@S18D20mom Where are you getting $65,000/year? Is it from the portal? Because the website only says $58,000.

@TexasStudent2018 I think @S18D20mom is including estimated values like books, supplies, transportation costs and miscellaneous. Cost of Attendance (COA) vs. billable costs of only Tuition, Room and Board. The $58,000 figure is what you would see on TCU bills directly payable to the university, the other items are just to give families a sense of other costs that might be associated with attending for planning purposes. Hope that helps!

S received admission packet yesterday but no scholarship letter. I thought that meant no scholarship but maybe it just hasn’t arrived yet? We are in DFW.

@OriginalSmother The scholarship letter was in its own envelope and says “Scholarship” on the front. We still haven’t gotten the Admissions packet. Don’t worry that there was nothing in the Admissions packet.

Dean’s Scholarship and packet arrived today. Now to weigh everything out!!!