TCU Fall of 2015 Acceptance Letters

<p>Is there anyone who has gotten in and their portal still hasn’t changed? </p>

<p>I got my letter today! In San Antonio - portal changed this morning. Go Frogs!</p>

<p>Congratulations!^^^ I wonder why some people in SA got them and others didn’t?</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten in and there portal has not changed? I am from MA and my portal has not changed nor have I recieved anything in the mail. </p>

<p>Acceptance letter came today. Post marked 12-15-2014 and mailed USPS. Took two days to get to Houston.</p>

<p>What part of Louisiana do you live in? I live in Slidell and my portal still says in review. My two friends that live in New Orleans changed to decision sent this morning.</p>

<p>I’m wondering if it is the admissions representative who needs to change the status for their specific areas of responsibility.</p>

<p>@mmg721 I live in New Orleans.</p>

<p>For those of you that have got accepted - can you please share some of your stats? </p>

<p>@yesl797‌ I got a 2150 SAT (CR + M 1370). GPA 3.8/4.0 (Unweighted)</p>

<p>My sons changed today to letter sent. We live in PA and he applied EA. we got the financial aid info today but I think that is sent to everyone that is in their database as being interested in the school. </p>

<p>Accepted! Got my acceptance yesterday in Dallas. Happy to live so close</p>

<p>My D applied EA and her portal changed to letter sent, but she never received a financial package. Has anyone been deferred or denied yet? We live in IL. Has anyone been accepted without the financial package?</p>

<p>@MOMILtcu‌ I got accepted without financial aid package also. I don’t know when it will arive.</p>

<p>My daughter got her letter today-wed for EA
We live in Little Rock </p>

<p>Got my letter yesterday, I was accepted. I Heard that financial aid and scholarships will take a while. Also I believe this was the first round of acceptances of the ones who weren’t ED so I doubt there will be rejected people as of this round… just my thoughts!</p>

<p>My portal changed to accepted but I have not received it in the mail yet. Stats-
SAT- 2120
GPA (unweighted)- 3.98/4
10 AP classes, 2 season athlete, NHS, leadership training in the summer and community service. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>My portal changed to congratulations! Everyone check!!! </p>

<p>Ok so I’ve been watching this thread for a week now. I’ve recived nothing in the mail and my portal stil hasn’t change I live in fort worth! 2 miles away!! Is this a bad sign </p>

<p>Had you received letter in mail already before portal changed to congrats?</p>