TCU Fall of 2015 Acceptance Letters

<p>Did your portal ever say decision sent?</p>

<p>Yippie! My son’s portal has also changed to
“CONGRATULATIONS”! I suppose packet will arrive today. Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>Thanks for the tip! My D’s portal changed as well and she was accepted!! No package yet in the mail.</p>

<p>Cokeyum123- Hopefully you will find something out today, otherwise I would call your admissions counselor.

<p>Mine changed to congratulations too!! No mail yet! Good luck everyone! </p>

<p>I haven’t recieved my actuall letter. But to answer your question yes it did say sent and just changed this morning. Congratulations to everyone! </p>

<p>I live I Louisiana. My friend’s portal changed yesterday(Wednesday) to “decision sent” and this morning she checked and it changed to “congratulations”. I love about 30 minutes away from her and my portal still says “in review” and I have not gotten a letter yet.</p>

<p>Thanks… I’m just really anxious </p>

<p>Has anyone recived a rejection… </p>

<p>ACCEPTED! My portal changed as of 9:20 this morning. I am from Louisiana. Mail has not come yet.</p>

<p>I thought I would share my stats because I have more average stats, and this may help people with similar stats calm down a little bit. I was actually nervous too, but anyway, here are my stats:</p>

<p>3.43 GPA
29 ACT
1 AP
5 Honors Classes
Varsity and club soccer (go the entire year)
Tutor at my school, “Mentor” at my school for underclassmen
Spanish Honor Society
A lot of community service</p>

<p>As I was typing this, my packet arrived! </p>

<p>My daughter’s portal said Decision Sent as of yesterday. Today it reads: Congratulations! No letter yet.</p>

<p>Her stats:
GPA 4.23
SAT 1860
ACT 29
Out of state: California</p>

<p>6 Honors
2 AP
Athlete all 4 years
National Honor Society
Peer Tutor
Lots of Community Service
Employed 2 years</p>

<p>As with CalMck15, my son’s portal read Decision Letter sent yesterday and changed to Congatulations today ;:wink: We have not received the mail today in California but are anxiously awaiting the official acceptance letter!!</p>

<p>His stats (fairly average):</p>

<p>GPA 3.56
ACT 26</p>

<p>2 AP
Football (1 year) and Baseball all four years (3 at Varsity)
Cach of physically disabled baseball team (Challenger Series)
Baseball rep on Student Leadership Council
Peer Counselor
Volunteer hours all four years
Employed 2 summers

<p>Got Accepted, Only had</p>

<p>28 ACT
3.6 UW GPA, 4.0 Weighted.
Just football and Lacrosse and a few clubs as Extracurriculars</p>

<p>Does scholarship come with the letter?</p>

<p>@15aflynn‌ No. People from past years have said that the scholarship letters come in January-February.</p>

<p>Thank you! </p>

<p>I was defered… That’s like waiting list correct? </p>

<p>That means they will keep reviewing your application until the next admission decision time(I think in May) and then send you an acceptance. Waiting list is when there’s too many students enrolled and they’ve reached the admit limit and they are waiting for someone not to come to admit you. Hope that helps. Did you get a letter or was it on your portal?</p>

<p>I emailed them today, mine still says in review, I am in the Houston area. They told me "your decision was mailed Tuesday or Wednesday.</p>

<p>was it on your portal or in the mail?</p>