TCU Fall of 2015 Acceptance Letters

<p>So, I’m thinking maybe the acceptances went out Monday and then the deferrals maybe Tuesday or Wednesday?</p>

<p>Well 3 of my friends acceptances show on their portal as of about an hour ago and they have yet to receive anything in the mail.</p>

<p>TCU in their response to me said “ALL decisions were sent out Tuesday and Wednesday”. </p>

<p>Well, there is still hope. :)</p>

<p>Just got my acceptance packet today, applied EA!</p>

<p>I was sent a letter. Portal still says in review </p>

<p>My portal changed this morning to “thank you for applying, your decision letter has been mailed” while I’ve heard other student portals have changed to “congratulations!” Does this mean I didn’t get in? I have yet to receive a letter in the mail. I also live in CA so I would assume I would’ve gotten it by now considering the fact all admission/rejection letters were sent out on the 15th.</p>

<p>@Torr1997 We are in California too, but have not received letter as of yet…but portal did change from Decision Mailed to Congratulations! as of this morning…</p>

<p>Uh oh, doesn’t look good for me then. When did your portal change to “decision mailed”? </p>

<p>My son just received his acceptance package in the mail. We are in CA. His portal has also changed to Congratulations. It changed to decision mailed yesterday sometime. Good luck!</p>

<p>@Torr1997 It changed to “Decision Mailed” on Tuesday and then “Congratulations” this am. We have not received notification by mail yet…so probably tomorrow. SMU also sent out letters and we have not received them in CA yet…Mail is screwy this time of year. Good luck to you and everyone!</p>

<p>Well seems to be a bit of a scattered process…</p>

<p>The good news is my daughter received an email today about scholarships that starts out
“Congratulations again on your admission to TCU…”, we have not received the package nor has her portal status changed. But we are taking the email for the time being as proof positive. We live in Colorado.</p>

<p>Her Stats:
26 ACT
3.9/4.7 GPA (unweighted/weighted)
8 AP
12 Honors
22/375 class ranking
2 sport - 4 year varsity letter person</p>

<p>Good luck to the rest of you</p>

<p>Got my acceptance on the third night of Hanukah</p>

<p>@cc2709 does the email state how much your daughter received for scholarships? </p>

<p>@cc2709 My Daughter’s portal had changed this morning to Congratulations!.. and this afternoon, she got the same email, so I think your daughter is in!</p>

<p>"Congratulations again on your admission to TCU. You are a member of an elite group of students who were admitted among the strongest pool of applicants TCU has ever engaged. We hope you are proud of this accomplishment!</p>

<p>In mid-January, we will begin the process of awarding scholarships. TCU’s academic scholarship awards are determined through a competitive process. Rather than having set criteria for each scholarship level, the criteria for academic scholarships keys off the quality of the applicant pool. As the scholarship committee continues to meet, they intend to mail decisions for merit-based aid on or shortly after January 12"</p>

<p>No it explains the process, below is the relevent paragraph that we all care about, the rest of the info is related to FAFSA and other institutional aid dates.</p>

<p>“In mid-January, we will begin the process of awarding scholarships. TCU’s academic scholarship awards are determined through a competitive process. Rather than having set criteria for each scholarship level, the criteria for academic scholarships keys off the quality of the applicant pool. As the scholarship committee continues to meet, they intend to mail decisions for merit-based aid on or shortly after January 12.”</p>

<p>@CaliMck15 yep same email, glad to hear that your portal reflects the same!</p>

<p>@CaliMck15 and @cc2709 thank you! If you can, can you share your stats here so we can have a general idea? Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>I have yet to receive my physical acceptance letter, but my portal changed to “Congratulations on your admission…” this morning. Starting last weekend I began looking at this page in order to get more information on when the decision letters would be sent when I noticed posts with such high stats that I truly felt like there was no hope I was going to get in. So I would just like to let everyone know to not be so nervous that their gpa or test scores may not be good enough to get into TCU because it is one of the only schools that I know of where the Dean of Admissions signs off on every decision letter. It is clear that the scores aren’t everything to the admissions office because my stats are not anything spectacular compared to a lot of the stats that I’ve seen. The admissions office really looks thoroughly at your application in order to not only learn everything they can about you, but to send a decision based on what they think is best for you individually. Good luck everyone!</p>

GPA: 3.02
ACT: 24
0 AP’s
EC’s: Band, 3 Season Athlete - Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse, Community Service </p>


<p>Her Stats:
26 ACT
3.9/4.7 GPA (unweighted/weighted)
8 AP
12 Honors
22/375 class ranking
2 sport - 4 year varsity letter person</p>