TCU vs. Clemson vs. University of Georgia

My daughter was accepted by these three fine universities - all pre-business or business major. How do you rank each business program of these three schools? What about job outlook after graduation? Any insights are appreciated!

We live in Atlanta and my son has finalized his top two as TCU and Clemson. He plans to major in business as well. He never really considered UGA as it is too big. He has been accepted to both Clemson and TCU for the fall of 2015 with pretty significant scholarship offers to both.

With that, we are a big legacy Clemson family with several family members attending Clemson from the '50s onward. We have no ties to TCU and we have spent time at both schools extensively to really get a feel for each school, type of kids, and quality of the programs, specifically the business schools. We connected with TCU as they recruit heavily from some of the Atlanta schools one which my son attends. Very impressive presentation of the school.

At this time, he is leaning heavily towards TCU and the Neeley School of Business for the following reasons…

  • TCU Neeley undergrad business school ranked 27 by Bloomberg and others. Clemson business school is not ranked in top 100.
  • TCU average business school graduate starting salary is 55K with 9K sign on bonus. Clemson is 44K.
  • 94% of TCU business school graduates are employed or in grad school in 90 days. Clemson is 48%.
  • TCU has the DFW market in which to draw upon for internships, lectures, offsite business visits, etc. Clemson leverages Greenville with Atlanta down the road distance wise.
  • TCU's endowment is 1.4 billion. Clemson is 600 million.
  • Clemson leans its academic focus more towards engineering and agriculture. The business school in SC is stronger at USC in Columbia (international business program number one in country)
  • more options at TCU if he decides to switch out of business.
  • TCUs business programs individually are highly ranked with Accountng being the lowest at number 48 in the country. All other programs are much higher nationally.

With all of this coupled with the entire campus program, again, he is leaning towards TCU. Clemson being out of state for us is extremely expensive for a lesser business school program that is not as highly regarded. We love Clemson, my son wears Clemson stuff all the time and enjoys the games in Death Valley. Trade off is the distance out to Texas. But as it comes down to the decisions of best education, job opportunities after college, etc. TCU seems now to be the better program.

Thanks for the insights. It is reassuring to hear similar thoughts that we had in mind. It does look like Clemson is ranked higher as a university than TCU, but when you do more research on the business major, TCU seems to be more logical choice. We live in Austin TX and my daughter just came back from visiting her friend at TCU. She was very impressed and excited. She is accepted to USC business as well, but she is not as passionate as Clemson, TCU and UGA.

I have a junior daughter in the Neeley school and we couldn’t be happier with the school and the program. She has had some great opportunities and wonderful mentors. She is working in NY this summer along with other classmates and had to turn down interview and job offers. TCU has it going the right way.