Actually, it might have just been region, grade level and subject now that I think about it
@Bfiggie I’m wondering the same thing. All my top 3 were impacted regions though
I think you have a good chance if it was marked as green! As long as there’s need for what you want to teach in that region
Sorry to keep spamming, but are any of you making a budget on how much to save for summer training and first months rent etc? I’m wondering if there’s anything else I should consider adding besides what’s listed on TFA’s page.
One thing I’m confused about is whether we will have to pay for our certification costs in the summer or during the school year. So, should I save money to pay for certifications in the summer or can I budget that out of my salary? Not sure if I’m making sense lol.
I actually asked my phone interviewer that question @Bfiggie because she called me from my #1 region preference. She said that TFA has found that the happier their Corps members are with where they’re living, the more likely they are to stay with the Corps and keep teaching. So she said it’s a very likely chance to get at least second if not first choice with location.
Congratulations @bravingthecorn !!! Ah, acceptances make me grin.
@awesomebins So, on Thursday, we do find out our regional placement, grade level & subject (though not always specific. It could say 4th-8th grade & you won’t know which grade until you interview with schools).
So, speaking of interviews, after we are accepted on Thursday, we still have to interview with schools after that point in order to actually get a job. It seems a lot of people are in the dark about that- I don’t remember how I figured it out (haha I’ve been doing too much research and it’s all a blur). Anyways, during my webinar I told you guys about, my top regional choice director explained that most corps members here (in this specific region) are placed before institute. They typically hold a job fair of sorts where the principals of the partnered schools are there.
I believe this process varies by region (some regions DO assign to a school right away), but for those regions that do not assign a school (majority), I think the process takes place during induction, possibly sooner, maybe later. I have read a few horror stories where district’s needs changed & CMs were not able to be placed. At this time, TFA gives you some options for replacement, whether that be subject and/or region. This rarely happens, but I have read accounts about it.
This process for interviews with principals can either be a job fair, phone interviews set up by your regional TFA office, in person interviews, and even a speed dating type of interview with various principals.
The rumor is, once a school offers you a position, you must take the first offer. I want to know how true this is- and again, if I have a choice in which schools I submit my resume to.
I also asked my interviewer on final interview day for some more tips during this process & she was VERY helpful. (If you guys would like me to share some of those tips, I will.)
And @shellijax223 is correct about TFA trying to place us in our highly preferred regions because that makes a difference on whether CMs complete their 2 years and even better, stay longer. Earlier in the thread, we had a current CM warn us about TFA, I think their placement played a huge role in that. As much as I want to think I can make a change anywhere I go, I had to be realistic in my approach with selecting regions. Places like Louisiana & Applachia I had to leave off. Such rural areas with ingrained racism towards people of color would have honestly been too much for me.
It’s important to keep in mind regional requirements though. That’s most important because they cannot place you where you do not qualify. They try to avoid any mistakes by having us do that long coursework form, but some still slip through the cracks. I think it was last year’s thread where someone was accepted into science in Connecticut but in order to teach that, he had to major in it via undergrad so he was switched to elementary.
It’s also important to consider popularity. Some regions have SO many people with it as it’s highly preferred.
Lastly, application deadline is a factor. I think 5DL cannot even consider placing cali as a preference because of testing deadlines.
To answer your other question @awesomebins I think the only costs we may have to pay for out of pocket before TF kicks in (& salary) are testing (Praxis/state tests), any medical work regions may require (shots, physicals, etc), travel to induction, and finally travel to institute- which TFA claims TF can be used to reimburse these fees. TFA is clear we may not get our first paycheck until the end of September, so consider those expenses as well.
Out of curiousity, who has seen a change in their TF already?
@mathnanc I know for sure myself, @awesomebins, @TFA2016LD, @Bfiggie and
@shellijax223. Can’t remember who else.
@shellijax223 I’ve been sending prayers up for your Charlotte placement by the way! We could link up should we both be accepted. <3
@mathnanc, @TFA2016AJ My page updated, too. Less than 48 hours!
Can the 3 people that did virtual interviews speak about that experience? I think 5DL will be signing up for final interviews soon and may be lurking for more info about it. I think it was @TFA2016LD @smilingsunflower & @dying2teach ?? I could be wrong.
I’ll talk about my virtual interview experience. Firstly, don’t be too worried about the virtual classroom. I promise that it is as user-friendly as TFA says it is. The interviewers were also very flexible about tech issues, but only one or two people required help. One of the issues was a person with a bad connection and the other issue was someone who didn’t know how to upload a file. The biggest tip I can give is, truly take into consideration the virtual format. Don’t plan a lesson that requires everyone to repeat a phrase at the same time. Unlike a traditional classroom, the virtual interface has a one or two second delay that proved to be awkward for lessons utilizing that method. I’m more than willing to answer questions!
There were folks who didn’t see an update until the day of notification and were accepted, right? Currently nervous …
@93Polarbear Yep! I saw plenty of people who didn’t have any updates until just an hour before they received their placement emails. I even saw one example of someone who didn’t get a TF update until after their acceptance.
Oh wow! Thank you!
Thanks so much @TFAMike I didn’t feel like going back through figuring out which one of you guys did virtual or not haha. I know there were 3-4 of you though.
@93Polarbear & yeah, mike has it right. There’s still time for change. Don’t count yourself out.
What did you do for your lesson? Is the virtual classroom essentially just webcam? Can you see every other person at the same time or just the interviewer? @TFAMike
The virtual classroom is essentially a webcam and is done in the same program as the webinars. You can see everyone doing the interview with you during the 5 minute lesson and the group interview. However, during the final one on one, you sign up for a time and it’s just you and the interviewer.
Wait so do they notify us via email on Thursday or will our online application update with the information?
My lesson was on attribution theory. I taught the difference between internal and external attributions. Like @smilingsunflower wrote, yes, you can see everyone. Audio on your end causes your camera to be the main video on the screen. (Meaning if you’re noisy on your end, your video will pop up and the interviewers will see everything you’re doing. Someone in my group was eating, and their mouth noises kept bringing their camera up. One of the interviewers did not seem pleased by this.)
@Bfiggie We will get an email telling us to check the application center, however the application center updates before they send the email… or at least that was the case when I found out I moved on to the final interview process.
I am literally giggling right now @TFAMike I don’t think I’d have the gusto to eat during such an important interview. Someone wore jeans, a white t shirt & a blazer to mine and I think my eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw her. People do the oddest things.