Teach For America- 2018 Corps

One last thing- @cookie2018

This may seem self-explanatory (or not), but actually teach your lesson plan like you’d be teaching your lesson plan to your students. What I mean by that is to not say things like “here I will do this” or “here I will…” Just teach your lesson plan. That being said, be engaging. Don’t just lecture or talk to the students for 5 minutes. TFA wants to see that you will be engaging in a classroom setting.

sorry for the late reply! We haven’t been able to schedule yet but I’m shooting for the 16th of january. I am from New Orleans, LA but currently live in Minnesota and I am desperate to get back to the south lol Plus I feel like that is where I am more needed anyway. @Ranza123

hey, has anyone applied for transitional funding? if so, do you know when we would get the money and maybe a guess of how much it would be? I saw online that it could be about 7,000. @CatsAndMoreCats @tfaeder @Ranza123 @tfa2o18 or anyone that sees this lol

@cookie2018 I applied for transitional funding and received it, although I’m not sure if I’ll take it or not. They take into consideration how much you’ve paid for school, how much you have in loans, how much money you have in your checking and savings accounts, and on and on. I only received a $500 non-interest loan, but that’s probably because Arkansas is a relatively cheap place to live, and I have a decent amount saved up in the bank.

You’ll actually have the money in your hand (via grant, loan, or both), by the first or second week of your training at Institute. I can’t recall when you’ll see how much you receive in transitional funding.

ohh okay that’s great! Anything will help honestly, I’m just trying map things out. I’m preparing for my interview and stuff so I’m just a little nervous about getting in. I really want this opportunity! Do you have to take the Praxis or a state specific test? @CatsAndMoreCats

I got in on the first deadline and I had to take the Praxis. If your SAT or ACT was high enough, you won’t have to take the core exams. You’ll just take the ones based on what you’ll be teaching. @cookie2018

Hey everyone! I applied to DL3, I just selected my interview date and time today! I’m so excited yet so nervous. My interview is in Chicago, (if offered) i would really like to be placed in LA, or anywhere in California pretty much. Does anyone know how popular Los Angeles is? In these chats, I’ve teally only seen people talk about the Bay Area, never Southern California.

I interview in Minneapolis next week! I’m super geeked. I was nervous at first because I couldn’t decide what I wanted to teach my lesson on but now that I have it all figured out, I’m ready! just gotta find something to wear, I know we have to dress professional does anyone have any suggestions? I’m thinking a dress or dress pants!

@cookie2018 I wore a navy blue blazer with matching navy blue dress pants. I also had a nice top with some color, but was still considered professional. I also wore flats.

Honestly, be cautious with what you wear. Most people in my interview group wore suits/blazers/professional-looking dresses. Their first impression of you is how you look, but you’ll want to be comfortable. (Hence why I wore flats instead of heels or something of the like.)

@cookie2018 Like was previously said, you won’t receive the money until summer institute (not sure if this varies by region or not), but if you apply for transitional funding ahead of the application deadline, you’ll know how much they’re offering you before you need to accept your offer, which is nice if the transitional funding amount might be prohibitive to your acceptance. You can also apply for funding after you accept your offer, though, if you don’t have all the necessary documents by the deadline (just be sure to check the final funding deadline for your application cohort).

As for professional dress, I think any kind of traditional interview attire is fine! I think wearing a blazer with either a dress or a blouse and dress pants is fine.

@TFADream2018 Good luck! If I recall correctly, LA and San Diego were both popular locations (i.e. corps member preference outweighed teacher demand), and the Bay Area was a neutral location (i.e. teacher demand slightly outweighed corps member preference). If you get in, you’ll get a map and charts that show all this information for all the different regions!

@Ranza123 @CatsAndMoreCats Thanks!! I’m going to go ahead and submit my transitional funding now before I interview because I would like to know ahead of time if I get in.

Hi there-Los Angeles is a high preferred region. I’m hoping to get placed there if I get accepted because I could share rent with an aunt, but the cost of living there is on the higher side. Bay area as well. I had my interview yesterday, so really hoping these weeks fly by!

I’ve been stalking this page for so long but finally posting to say that I just had my final interview today! Now just waiting to hear back :slight_smile: it’s going to be a loooong wait haha

I also interviewed this morning! I was pretty nervous but think my one on one interview and group activity went well! It’s going to be a long week and a half while we wait!

I had my interview today as well! I was kinda nervous at first but I think it ended up going really well. This wait is going to be grueling!

Congrats to everyone who had their interview! Reading this forum kept me sane during the waiting process. I’m still lurking around here, so let me know if you have any questions about anything/feel free to DM me!

I just can’t stop replaying the interview in my head, trying to think of what I did well/poorly on. I’m trying to not get my hopes up, but I think I have some stuff going for me (hispanic, lots of leadership experience, my 5 minute lesson went well). Then of course I start to think of TFA’s acceptance rate. I can’t stop googling stuff like “why do people get accepted or rejected from TFA”.

I had my final interview Tuesday, everyone(my group and interviewers) said they loved my lesson, I taught English haha. My personal interview went well, as did the group interview portion. Still, my anxiety is so high! 10 days!!

My family recently relocated to Carson California(i didn’t because of school) and I would like to be back with them. So i put that on my special circumstances thingy. How likely are they to honor those? If admitted of course

Well I wish everyone good luck and I look forward to hearing how everyone does!

I have been following this thread for a bit now, so I finally made an account! I had my interview on the 17th and I am so excited to find out the results! I also noticed that my timeline disappeared yesterday. Has this happened to anyone else?