Teacher rec dilemma.

<p>Hey everyone, I'm applying for U of C, RD, and still haven't decided which teacher I should ask to do my rec. (late, I know). I can't decide whether to ask my English teacher and History teacher.</p>

<p>My English teacher thinks I'm "quirky, creative and have good ideas", but I've done horribly mark-wise, procrastinating a huge project to get 70, and then a 65% on a critical essay. (This is above class average at least. >.<) My teacher wrote my writing skills have worsened since before.</p>

<p>In History I'm ranked 1 or 2 mark-wise. The teacher is aloof, and marks the class to 70% average. This teacher probably thinks I'm more analytical than creative, opposite of my English teacher.</p>

<p>Since I'm from Canada and there are no recs in Canada, my English teacher is only doing one rec for some genius child, and my History teacher is doing none. All of them said they'd be glad to write one for me. I put creative writing as one of the ECs, so support from my English teacher, who knows my personality, would be nice. But then my mark makes me think my Social teacher might work better. What do you guys think?</p>

<p>how about you get both if you think they will offer descriptions of two sides of you?</p>

<p>For U of C I need one from English/Socials and one from Math/Science I thought? And I’m more of a Math/Science guy, it’s just U of C forces me to get one from Eng/Socials, so I’d probably keep one rec Math/Science.</p>

<p>right, but if you think that the english and history teachers will offer two diff. perspectives, I think it would be okay if you sent in 3 recs. One math/science, one english, and one history.</p>

<p>however, if the english and history recs prolly wont differ too much, then only send one of those.</p>

<p>Good point. I could always do that. I’ll probably end up asking them what sorts of things they’d each focus on. If they’re different enough, I’ll make one the optional rec.</p>

<p>“I’ve done horribly mark-wise, procrastinating a huge project to get 70, and then a 65% on a critical essay. (This is above class average at least. >.<) My teacher wrote my writing skills have worsened since before.”</p>

<p>I think I’d ask the history teacher.</p>

<p>If you think they’ll be drastically different, just send in both.</p>