Teacher rec forms....

<p>Can't seem to find any "cover pages" for teacher recs. for UVa.... Does UVa have them or do they just want teachers to write a recommendation using
their own form ? Thanks. MBJ</p>

<p>There are no recommendation forms. The letter is all we need!</p>

<p>Many thanks, Dean.</p>

<p>Two follow up questions.</p>

<p>How should the teacher identify the student on the letter so it is matched with the correct file?</p>

<p>Are email'd teacher rec's preferred? Some prefer the old fashioned snail mail method.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>If you're going snail mail, I would say put your name and either your SSN, your application number (I don't remember if UVA has them), or your birthday if you want to be sure. But honestly, I would REALLY press for them to do it online. There is nothing different about sending it snail mail or electronically these days other than wasting paper. That, and it eliminates any possible confusion about who you are (since once submitted online, your rec will have a unique ID for you). If you do it online, your full name will be fine.</p>

<p>Even Better Answer: ask the admissions office. Give em a ring. They'll feel special, you'll be educated, so everyone wins!</p>