<p>How many teacher recommendations do Vassar require? One or two? </p>
<p>Answers are much appreciated. Thanks!</p>
<p>How many teacher recommendations do Vassar require? One or two? </p>
<p>Answers are much appreciated. Thanks!</p>
<p>Only one. :)</p>
<p>For real? (Looks like I sent an extra without knowing it!)</p>
<p>(Z) - I would imagine that happens a lot…it happened to us. My son gave his rec requests, envelopes, etc., to his teachers very early upon identifying a list of schools. It was only after that we saw on Vasser’s website that they only required one. There was still plenty of time to ask for one of the teachers not to do a rec for Vassar, but we felt that the teacher may then be insulted, as he would know that we preferred the other teacher’s rec to be the one received by Vassar. So we just let both be sent and assumed that it happens frequently. Hopefully they will both be good!</p>
<p>Actually, they told our group in the info session that it was one rec from the guidance counselor, one rec from a teacher, and one rec from a mentor. Unfortunately our H.S. also sent 2 teacher recs plus the mentor rec so they received 3. Hope they are not too annoyed!</p>
<p>Mentor? What do they mean by mentor?</p>
<p>Does it specify this teacher rec situation anywhere on their website?</p>
<p>They said it on a campus info tour. 1 teacher and 1 from a coach, or rabbi etc ie mentor who knows the student well. Unfortunately they are getting 3 from us-cause the H.S. messed up.Oh well. Hope it doesnt hurt us.</p>
<p>Interesting. I wonder if this is a new admissions policy the school has, because I don’t remember anything about being required to send in a letter from a mentor… when I applied a few years ago I had two of my high school teachers and my college counselor send in letters. Anyway, I wouldn’t worry too much if you sent in two recommendations from teachers: I would imagine there are a lot of students out there who do that because that’s what most other schools require.</p>
<p>My son just informed me that his 1st quarter grades for vassar are</p>
<p>Psych AP A
Calc AB AP B
Physics honors B
English lit AP B</p>
<p>Latin V 4 honors A</p>
<p>I am worried he has ruined his chances for Vassar ED1 any thoughts?</p>
<p>I emailed the Vassar admissions office to clear this up. Their response:</p>
<p>We require 1 Teacher rec and 1 Counselor rec. Give them the appropriate forms from the Common App website to add to their letters and give them the address below to send them to. You can submit additional teacher recs if you would like. Best wishes from Vassar!</p>
<p>Thanks z for straightening that out. We sent two -similar to your situation,and now they have 3, because my son’s voice coach sent a really beautiful one. Hope less is better is not the way it goes here!</p>
<p>I imagine the info is correct.</p>
<p>I know others who sent 2 teacher recommendations.</p>
<p>I’m a dope but I can’t find the 1 teacher recommendation notation ANYWHERE on the Vassar web site. Where can I find this on the Vassar site? Can anyone point me in the right direction? I don’t see “college details under college APP.” I’m holding onto the second teacher evaluation and won’t send it if it isn’t needed</p>
<p>Oh that’s what you were wondering about, nycny. Well, those post above ours are pretty old. Since Vassar is exclusively Common App now, I think they need two recommendations from teachers and one from your counselor, those are the Teacher Evaluations 1 and 2, and the Secondary School Report on the Common App form.</p>