<p>Hi, For teacher recs on college applications, is it better to have a teacher who knows you very well but isn't very experienced (taught for 2 years or so and might not have written a rec before) write you a rec or a teacher who is really experienced but doesn't know you as well write it?</p>
<p>definetly one that knows you well.</p>
<p>Get one that knows you well, and maybe one that has written a lot of recs before. Or ask someone that they've written a rec for in the past. </p>
<p>For instance, a friend of mine showed me his rec from his english teacher and it was god awful. Very generic and made it sound like my friend didn't even know how to write before taking her english class, and now he has shown "some improvement". Needless to say, I'd never get that teacher to write me a rec, and I told a few of my friends not to get her either.</p>
<p>i would say the teacher who has known you well, but make sure to help him/her along the way if the teacher hasn't had much experience writing recs. For example you might want to highlight what activities and/or qualities you want your teacher to mention, specify the approximate length etc. The rest (hopefully) will come naturally to your teacher and he/she should be able to write a better recommendation than the senior teacher.</p>