<p>Hi, I'm currently a grade 11 student, and I'm thinking of asking my math teacher to write a letter of recommendation for me in the fall. However, he might be retiring so he might not return next year.. Can I ask him **now **to write a reference for me as one of the letters, even if he does retire next year? Am I allowed to use that? </p>
<p>It's just that he would be the best person to write a letter for me.. </p>
<p>I would ask him. It’s up to him. I don’t think colleges would really care if he retired this year (although don’t quote me on it) as long as you already had him.</p>
<p>^ thanks. So it wouldn’t be disallowed? and so in the fall when I’m applying, he won’t have to be like a current teacher at the school?</p>
<p>Anyone else know?</p>
<p>Ask him if he would be willing to write a letter next year. He may tell you if he is retiring and he may be even give you a way to contact him later. Some colleges prefer teachers fill out their form and submit electronically instead of the “to whom it may concern” letter.
Talk to him about it.</p>
<p>Right, because the new Common Application comes out July 1st… so I can just ask him now and reach him some other way next year I guess? (and I have to have it on paper because my school does not send the application electronically…
) </p>
<p>Ask him now (I asked for all my recommendations junior year and the teachers really preferred it), if he’s willing to do it, I’m sure he’ll give you instructions about how to contact him over the summer/next year.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone a lot!</p>