Tech vet program?

<p>I'm a junior in high school and I'm considering becoming a veterinarian based on my love for animals and the fact that I'm pretty good in science (bio,chemistry). My sister and her husband went to Virginia Tech and I feel the need to go there as well and I have heard they have an awesome vet program. So, what does it take to study to become a vet? Is tech the right place? what classes should I take in high school? What has yalls experience been like at Tech? I have visited and found it pretty cool, but that isn't the only school I wan to consider. Thanks to all!
P.S. my dad thinks I couldn't handle seeing hurt animals and thinks I should become a Pharmacist. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>I have a daughter who is currently pre-vet at VT.</p>

<p>Any university with an veterinary school is a good place to be pre-vet. Most of the students coming into the Animal and Poultry Science program at VT are pre-vet. Many change their minds over time, but it’s the most popular major for pre-vet students. Veterinary colleges don’t require any particular major, so you could actually major in English and still be pre-vet.</p>

<p>Taking all the science and math you possibly can in high school is a good start. Veterinary schools require college physics, so it’s a good idea to take that in high school as well as biology and chemistry.</p>

<p>If you don’t know if you can handle being around hurt animals, you should probably try to find out. Could you volunteer at the local SPCA or work with a local vet?</p>

<p>My D was pre-vet when she started in college almost 4 years ago. She didn’t go to Tech because she wanted a smaller school, and has since changed her mind, mostly because she didn’t think she could handle all the hurt (and for a few other minor reasons also). The one great thing about going undergraduate to a school with a vet school is the possibility of volunteering and otherwise getting yourself known at the vet school…as you know, there is a lot of competition for relatively few slots. But that’s just one consideration to keep in the back of your mind, and need not be a determining factor.</p>