Technology Management Minor

<p>Has anyone applied for this minor (and got it)? Is it useful for later on after graduation?</p>

<p>This might not be of much help, but I'm a CS major, and I took a look at the Tech Management minor. To me, it seems pretty useless-- if you're a good engineer, you're not going to be a manager, you're going to be an engineer. I took a look at the curriculum, and some of it is in marketing, some in "managing technology", whatever the hell that means.</p>

<p>Personally, it's stuff you can pick up on your own. If you want to start your own software company, you don't need classes to teach you how to do it, just look up the necessary paperwork and do it.</p>

<p>That being said, I'm coupling my major with the Quantitative Biology/Bioinformatics minor, which actually applies my knowledge to a field-- something you can't just pick up easily.</p>


<p>i’ve heard from many industry people that a solid engineering background with an understanding of the business world (finance, etc.) is a stellar combination. UCSC’s ISM major (which is purely CS and biz econ courses) prepares students for the same “management of technology” and is highly sought after by Sun and all the big Silicon Valley players. ISM majors fetch very high starting salaries, and many of the UC’s are jumping on the technology management bandwagon (Berkeley, Davis, UCSB, UCSC, Irvine). I don’t think this phenomenon would exist if it weren’t somehow useful…</p>

<p>Look’s pretty sweet to me. I’d transfer in a heartbeat.</p>

<p>“ISM majors fetch very high starting salaries”</p>

<p>I wouldn’t believe that they would fetch higher starting salaries than a good computer scientist/engineer.</p>

<p>“is highly sought after by Sun and all the big Silicon Valley players”</p>

<p>Google, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, HP will all hire you as an engineer even if you don’t have a ISM minor. And they will all pay very well. Perhaps if you majored in ISM, but minoring usually is pretty irrelevant to employers.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses! I’m actually majoring in genetics, so I guess this minor would probably be useless for me.</p>