Teetering on wanting to become a nurse...

Hi, little quick back story of myself. I am 29 y.o. second-degree college student. I have a degree in business administration and criminal justice. I have worked 4 years within the EMS field, 1 year in Anesthesiology, 2 months in Sterile Processing, and 4 to 5 years in Psych. I am currently taking the prerequisites to apply to nursing school. Over the years working with nurses and seeing the work interested me. However, after helping my Fiancée study (Fiancée in nursing school finishes at the end of the year) my interest wans. I am considering the PTA field instead. Only issue that concerns me with PTA I am worried I’ll be stuck. However, doing research found a few weekend PT programs and 2 PTA to DPT bridge programs. There is hope wouldn’t be stuck as a PTA. I can also look into running my own business as another possibility or expand into nutrition work dual as a nutritionist/PTA. Feel there are a lot of possibilities can do within the physical therapy field.
I realize PTAs make less money than nurses, but I rather do something I feel I enjoy for a long time.
I will still apply for nursing school because it’s the same prerequisites for PTA school and enrollment dates are 6 months apart (February – Nursing Program/September – PTA Program).

Just seeking some feedback anyone choose PTA over nursing or vice a versa?

I know several PTs who run their own PT business so you should not have a problem doing that. Nurses don’t usually run their own business, unless it is staffing for home care or hospitals so if running your own business is a top desire, then become a PT.