<p>I'm looking for info about this school for my D (HS senior). She's
interested in music (choral, theory, & piano) but doesn't plan to major in it. Undecided major - considering physics, architecture, engineering, or possibly liberal arts undergrad, going on to grad school in one of the above disciplines. She plans to participate in choral music during college and would love to find a school with decent practice pianos (i.e., in tune! <g>). Being able to take music theory classes as a non-major would be a plus.</g></p>
<p>We know nothing of Lawrence other than what's on their website and the few CC "College Visit" posts. So far, it sounds like a good fit for her. Here's a little bit about her and her stats. I'd appreciate any comments from current students or alumni regarding the fit, her chances, and how much merit aid Lawrence might be expected to give her.</p>
<p>She is quiet, low-key, modest, and politically liberal.</p>
<p>Caucasian female
Arkansas resident
National Merit Semifinalist
AR Governor's School, Summer 2006
Duke TIP Summer Studies 2005
ACT composite 32 (Oct. 2005, will take again this fall)
3.9 unweighted GPA
Very rigorous schedule (is taking 7 AP classes this year)</p>
<p>AP scores so far:
Music Theory - 5
US History - 3
World History - 3
English Comp - 3</p>
<p>EC's & Organizations
In highest-level choral group at magnet HS
All-Region Choir
Awards for highest grade in Music Theory, 10th & 11th
Self-taught pianist
Young Democrats
Quiz Bowl
Tri-M Music Honor Society
National Honor Society
Beta Club</p>
<p>Thanks for any info!</p>