Tell me about Purdue

I love how Purdue looks on paper and on the websites. It is currently my first choice college. But in the opinion of current Purdue students, how is Purdue University? Please note that I plan be in the College of Engineering there. Also, please mention Athletics (Tennis, Intramural soccer). Also, please suggest on campus activities and off campus activities (Concerts, festivals, etc.).

Thank You

Which engineering discipline?

Intramural soccer is decently big here, I used to ref the games.

There are a ton of clubs on campus (Archery, outdooring, bouldering, sky-diving, knitting, martial arts, and probably 100 more).


Purdue is pretty top notch, but don’t expect things to be handed to you on a silver platter. Search things out for yourself, it’s part of being a college student.

@Seirsly‌ I am thinking about Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering. Also, how competitive is the Varsity Tennis team there.

I know the ME college is very well connected with industry. Tons of huge internship and co-op opportunities. Obviously top notch education, though difficult (of course).

Don’t know about tennis.

@Seirsly‌ are you a Purdue Engr?

Yes, I’m a civil engineering student.

How hard is it to get the classes you want? I’m planning on majoring in biomedical engineering. How competitive is it?